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Love this episode and the two parter coming up for the finale. Everytime I watch this episode I get teary the moment Jonathan walks onto the stage... Buffy finally got to have her one perfect high school moment - wearing a pretty dress at senior prom, her friends safe and happy, she got an award and recognition and then a dance with angel at the end (even though itmust have been incredibly bitter-sweet for her). I always put Wesley’s age at around 22-24 as he is still quite fresh out of the Watxher’s Academy. I actually might look it up on the wiki and see if a definitive answer is on there!


A lot of your issues with the lighting has to do with the remaster. They brightened up a lot of the scenes and it messes up a lot of the shots that are supposed to appear darker.


I agree. I don’t think he’s that much older than her. I was fine with it


So yeah... his age is never directly given but based on English schooling (high school ends at 16, college 16-18, university 18-21/22), Wesley was likely around 22-24, as he was a fresh watcher right out of the academy. His only interaction with demons and vampires before sunnydale was in controlled circumstances. He was top of his class, head boy, and also his father was in very good standing with alot of the important Watcher’s, and likely Wesley’s family name along with his grades and so on helped land him the important position as Watcher to an active Slayer. On the fanboards and wiki this seems to be the most agreed upon age for him in this episode. So yeah... he isnt much older than the seniors, and to me, always appeared naive, like he is just experiencing the world for the first time lol - finally out of schooling and constant supervision, and in his first big/real job, y’know. :)


Also important to note that direct sunlight burns/ kills. Indirect sunlight does not. They can be in a room lit by sunlight so long as they arent standing in its direct path.


Sarah Michelle Gellar's cry face is so good. It doesn't matter if I've seen an episode a dozen times; whenever she starts to cry I lose it.

Robin Gibbons

They had announced the Angel spin off early to the middle of this season of Buffy. So those of us who were watching live knew when this episode was airing why it all happened this way.


Sarah Michelle Gellar started out on a soap opera, which explains why she does "devastated" so damn well. I was 17 when this first aired, and 20 years later I can't watch that scene between her and Willow without getting choked up. So effing good. I heard the "Wild Horses" cover by The Sundays for the first time in this episode and it's still one of my favorite songs. Plus, any opportunity to see David Boreanaz in a tux is a winning moment in my book. lol When this first aired I can't remember if "Angel" had been announced yet. Probably, but it was 20 years ago and I was too heartbroken over Bangel to pay any attention. (I was a 17 year old girl, remember. ;) ) Great reaction, as always. Really looking forward to the wrap-up of this season.


Nothing but smiles after this episode from me....nothing but smiles, people are as always allowed their opinions, but this entire episode just leaves me sad in the best way possible and happy for having witnessed it. I saw it with out the lighting issues from the remaster, so I am all good.


Excellent reaction. I gave it a 10, even though it wouldn’t be in my top ten, because I'm a blubbering mess throughout most of it, there's some great character work, so many iconic moments, and some sly setup that you only see in retrospect. My feelings about Bangel are complicated, but throughout S3, I was getting frustrated by the off/again being stretched out when we knew it would not work out, especially because Angel was leaving for his spinoff. But damn, that breakup was done well, and I loved that no one is the bad guy here (although Angel is a douche breaking up with Buffy before prom). It's all the more heartbreaking. I think this is the episode they had to shut the set down for 20 minutes because SMG couldn’t stop crying. SMG was genuinely upset because she ships Bangel. But look at how much Buffy has grown. She puts everyone else’s happiness above hers and is determined to give her classmates their perfect prom, even though she can’t have hers. The complete opposite of incel Tucker Wells. As soon as Jonathan takes the mic, I start to sob a second time. This is so much better than winning Homecoming Queen. This recognition is something that Buffy earned for being who she genuinely is: a hero. People noticed her all along and are grateful for her. Many are inspired by her. It’s so beautiful. (Of course, when it aired, I was confused by Jonathan giving the award because we hadn’t seen “Earshot.”) I don’t swoon often over DB, but this is one of those times. Their dancing to The Sundays’s cover of “Wild Horses” is perfection. And Buffy’s Pamela Denis dress is gorgeous, Steven!


Sarah Michelle Gellar is phenomenal, I cannot imagine anyone else playing this iconic role. If i had never watched this show, I probably would have never known about her acting ability and range. Anyway... This episode has a special place in my heart. It has everything you could ask for in Buffy, humor and drama. That speech Jonathan gives makes me so happy and it makes perfect sense he is the one giving it. But the character work and the story arc are so well done this season, you especially notice it on repeat viewings. Even the high school knowing what Buffy has done for them is hinted at pretty early in the season with little moments. A lot of people will say Season 3 is the best of Buffy. I disagree, I think the best is yet to come but it is still a solid season with a great villain.

Nica Marie

You've never watched through the end credits to the Mutant Enemy logo, have you? Perhaps you should for the next 2 episodes. I say this because if you don't know what a regular logo looks and sounds like you can't recognize when it's been altered for a specific episode. You already missed it's alteration at the end of S2. And since the logo is specifically referenced in dialogue in a later season episode you won't get it if you've never seen or heard it.


Great reaction. I always rate this episode very highly. One thing I feel is that the show earned the ending moments/scenes here, despite how schmaltzy it gets - possibly because the show has shied away from it. I usually dislike such overt positive sentimentality in media. Also: SMG can pull off a good cry. The Jonathan speech bit about mortality rate was also a nifty callback to the Oz bit in Earshot about the school paper and how he goes straight to the obits. Also to the bit at start of the season where Jocks are going how it'll be a great year "if we don't have quite so many mysterious deaths" It has been on the amusing side watching all your Buffy/Angel comments in the season, knowing that they are going to address the points you constantly bring up.

Allan Cornett

Great comments GOZ . You hit all the points before I got here.

Allan Cornett

There is a good YouTube video on how the remastered version is one of the worst ever. The people who did it had no respect for the show.

Allan Cornett

The remastered version is soooo bad that in order to make it wide screen it made it possible to see the camera crew in an upcoming episode.

Renee Pope-Munro

Please, for the love of all the things, stop watching those god awful remasters. They are trash.


I'm not watching the remastered version. This is the regular one on YouTube not the 1080p one of Facebook

Katherine Thoreson

You are correct about the direct sunlight thing for vampires. Indirect light will not kill them. I love this episode so much. It always hits me directly in the feels.

Alexis Cardarella

I’ll be honest, i thought this might be an episode where you would be marginally sympathetic and shrug after the really emotional moments Buffy had because of how you feel about her and Angel. But it DID get to you. ..Oh, but I do wish you felt all the vicarious butterflies and love watching Buffy and Angel like a lot of fans did throughout the series. It really wrecked you if you were invested. There’s many painful moments, but there’s also so many funny ones and amazing ones at that. Such an incredible episode!


Thanks so much. I also loved the song at the end lol, and instantly became one of my fave songs. :P


You have probably already been told but i just wanted to say.. Wesley isn't a teacher at the school.. he shouldn't even be there but they need to have a base of operations so the school library gets used.. Faith seems to have full access to the school this season too and also has no reason to have this access. We dont know Wesley's age but i think he's supposed to be quite young and Cordelia is 18 so nothing dodgy is going on. Loved that you feel the emotion in this episode, SMG knows how to do those scenes perfectly.


The "Sunday's" coverage of this Rolling Stone song "Wild Horses"...to other's may mean other movies or shows or moments......but to me it is this.....almost everyone being happy together for one moment......"The Prom" Buffy the Vampire Slayer at some of it's best..

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

The Class Protector award is the sweetest, most touching moment in Buffy history to me. I tear up every time.