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Amy Rustand

Kind of like a MOTW episode but also plays completely into what appears to be the arc of the season. I liked it for that. Plus it's always cool when there's callbacks to other episodes, even better when old actors are bright back on board to play past characters, especially when you think you aren't going to ever see them again!


i think the flashbacks are more because this was the 4th year of the show and tv audience don't have that long a memory


I really like this episode. It may be seen by some as a MOTW episode, but it's really not. I think with this show, there is a lot of benefit to be had during re-watches. I continue to "see" things I hadnt noticed before. Make connections I didn't before. etc.

DJ Doena

Especially when you're not binge-watching the show and these episodes are just from a few weeks ago.

Janet Shearer

Lazarus was brought back to life by Jesus. Lucifer = Devil. Lucifer is a fallen angel who created Demons. Meg is the same actress but with longer hair.