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DJ Doena

Wow, the taxi driver at 14:17 had an Atmos sticker under the windshield. Never noticed that before.

DJ Doena

Steven, in case you missed it: Do you remember the empty street from the Titanic's landing party and that lonely newspaper salesman? That was Donna's grandpa. Same actor, same character. That's why grandpa recognized him in the Tardis at the end.


Everyone complained about her in the "Runaway Bride". Everyone was hesitant about her coming back. You are right where you are supposed to be on this. Remember to enjoy the ride....


19:20 was when you started to care about her......right on schedule.......hahahaha


As much as we don't wish to admit that he exist. Adam was a companion and a male.......and Micki qualifies for the new series there were others in the Original Run of the Series and one of the first original companions was a male.

John Smith

The difference with Donna compared to the two previous lead companions on the show is that there is no romantic interest there. The scene between Donna and The Doctor where she confuses 'a mate' with 'to mate' highlights that. Donna will grow on you by the end of the season 100%; she brings a different type of chemistry with the Doctor and is fortunate to be written into some of the best episodes the show has seen. Keep up the reactions, looking forward to the rest of series 4 - personally my favourite season.


54:11 The thing Donna was moving was the gadget that collected the signal for when the "Super Nanny" would make the Adipose babies. It is explained at the 14:50 mark....When Donna was playing with it, she activated the signal and produced an Adipose baby by accident, because it was seen by the "Super Nanny" had to get rid of the evidence by turning "Stacey" into nothing but Adipose babies which is more of a crime then she was already doing, which is why they were looking for the person who stole the gadget which they thought was the "Journalist". There were two gadgets one that Donna had that was unassigned and turned and the other that was assigned to Stacey that was activated by the one Donna was playing with.

Ari is my Cat

The thing with the fat was triggered remotely. Donna had an unassigned thingy and somehow that triggered it.

Ari is my Cat

The first doctor had three companions, Barbra, his granddaughter Susan, and David.


I didn't quite get how the capsules worked with the fat either. But Donna didn't say she was in love with the Doctor when she was talking with her grandfather. She just said she was waiting to find him. When her grandpa implied that she was waiting for a man as in a romantic interest, she said 'I don't mean like that'. I don't think Donna is in love with the Doctor. I think she admires him and has had her eyes opened by him and wants to experience the universe and have adventures with him. I don't get an 'in love' vibe from Donna. But either way, Donna is one of my favorites and I bet she will really grow on you. The Doctor and Donna definitely have a different dynamic than what we've seen with the Doctor and companion vibe before.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Like you, I thought this overall episode was just okay. However, I love Donna and so I was really happy to see her come back into Doctor Who to become the Doctor's next Companion. Out of all of them, she's one of my favorites. I love the humor Catherine Tate brings with her character, and I love the dynamics between Donna and the Doctor. They're a lot of fun together. I can't wait for the next episode!!! It's one of my overall favorites throughout the entire series. Thank you! Until next time...


The best part was when you said at least they didn't have them bump into each other in a corny way. lmao I was like just wait XD

Dani C

It's funny, I really didn;t like Donna in Christmas Episode though she grew on me a bit by the end of that one - in this series though, she becomes my favourite companion of the RTD era

Melinda Barr

You are right about Donna's capsule working on Stacy being a plot hole. Each capsule was supposed to be bio-tuned to the individual, by touch. But, it was a small faux pas in an enjoyable episode.


It was explained by "Super Nanny" starting at the 14:50 mark....Donna's was not assigned to anyone, so when she fiddled with it, it bonded and with the one Stacie had and activated.


the capsule is explained at the 14:50 mark


I am not meaning to spam everyone but if you go back to the 14:50 moment it is explained by the Super Nanny in a blink and you could miss it moment.