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The husband was Mark Pellegrino -- besides being Jacob in Lost, he was also in an episode of Chuck you reacted to a few weeks back. He's one of those character actors who's been in a million things. I always like seeing him pop up somewhere. Also -- and apologies if someone has mentioned this previously -- Michael Emerson (Finch) is actually married IRL to Carrie Preston (Grace, Finch's date in the flashbacks). Emerson's an excellent actor but I imagine he didn't need to stretch too far to portray lovestruck in this episode!


Great comment from elevator dropdown. The Lost connections in this show are awesome. We are almost at a really good set of episodes coming up and the show is about to start turning a corner from case of the week to more serialized long arcs soon. You’ll still get the case of the week but especially later in the season they will start to tie into the main story. I honestly can’t wait to see your reaction to hiw good this show gets, especially towards the end of this season and season 3 through the end.


There was a great interview during Person of interest where he jokes about his wife playing his mom in Lost and how the only woman he has ever kissed or had love scenes with is his wife. They have awesome chemistry on scene so I can see how they are a great couple. Two fantastic actors.

Vicky N

Mark Pellegrino also played Rita’s husband on Dexter

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction! I enjoyed this episode, even though it's not among my favorites. I liked the twist that the two numbers that came up were husband and wife, and that they were both the victims and perpetrators due to them putting a hit out on each other. As for the actor, Mark Pellegrino who plays the husband... he's in pretty much anything. Other than in Lost, I'm sure you have seen him in other shows and movies too. And you will definitely be seeing again in other shows. He pops up everywhere. As for Fusco's storyline in trying to have a private life outside of the craziness... I really like seeing him dating and his girlfriend was really sweet. They were cute together. Thank you so much again! Until next time...