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Ina Durcekova

This is one of my favorite SPN episodes!

Amy Rustand

WHOA. Now that was epic. My mind is reeling. I thought the whole beginning was fake, too. This whole episode was throwing me curve balls and I'm loving it. I kept thinking I knew where it would go and was wrong over and over. Sam working with/sleeping with a demon is awful in so many ways. Not happy to see how far down the wrong track he went without Dean around. I think the flashes of Dean's eyes covered in blood we saw were him getting little memories back of what it was like in hell (agonizing and horrific). Which means I understand why he slapped that girl. He was being tortured by demons in hell for months - for a tiny bit of payback when he had the chance....Lazarus, BTW, was a friend of Jesus' that died, and Jesus resurrected him from the dead. So Dean is the Lazarus in this episode....Angels??? What??? I loved how calm cool and collected that guy was. Perfect. Angels in theology have total control over emotions (I'm Catholic, LOL) so it makes sense to me the angel played it that way. I liked it! Can't wait to see what this added dimension of creature brings to the show! Interested to find out what the story arc will be this season!! Gosh, this was just a perfect episode, IMO. Some humor, mysteries to solve (oh, Dean is gonna kill Sam when he finds out what he's been doing).

Scarlett Monrow

One of the best openings in SPN! Just fyi, Lazarus is a guy Jesus raised from the dead once. Devil and Lucifer are usually considered to be the same thing in modern folklore. So hierarchy in hell is not: Devil, Lucifer, Lazarus. It's just Devil. The rest are his servants.


Did you know that Jared Padalecki (Sam) is in real life married to the current actress that plays Ruby ( Genevieve Cortese, now Genevieve Padalecki).

Sarah Trow

In the Gag Reel that pouty face Sam makes all the time is a running joke between the guys....its the "Blue Steel" look from the movie "Zoolander". You were talking about some call backs from older episodes like the "Busty Asian Beauties"... It's one of the running Gags they have in the show. The actress that plays Ruby now... Genevieve Cortese....is Jared Padalecki's(Sam) future wife.

Amy Rustand

Did they meet on Supernatural?? If so, and after such so a long run, I can't imagine how much this show means to them both.

Sarah Trow

Also I just love Castiel...been wanting you to meet him since you startedthe show.

Daniel R

I like Season 4 a lot because of the big picture and how it changed the game by introducing Angels, but as far as rewatches go I probably rewatch this season the least probably. I always felt like they over did it with the filler MOTW episodes that still tied into the main plot but it felt like we were still lingering with the writer's strike. Second half of season 4 is great, but the first half Steven might not enjoy AS much as we would like. Not saying it's bad but there is a lot of filler in this season

Ina Durcekova

Also, it's great that you like the actress who plays Ruby, she is Jared's real life wife :D

Natalie Shepherd

Love the bloopers, Jared loves exaggerating the CW Blue Steel smoulder! I love this episode it’s one of my favourites, from Dean’s resurrection, to Sam’s use of his powers and lying to Dean, to Castiel’s introduction. For me Castiel’s intro & one other from Season 5 are the best character intro’s in Supernatural. Season 4 is a good season I think you will enjoy it.


The holy water at the beginning was actually lube.

Chaos T

Castiel came in like a boss.


Cas' entrance is still EVERYTHING

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

CAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aw, man I've missed seeing him ever since the show ended. I forgot how totally awkward he was at first.