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Howdy ladies and gentlemen, 

So I put a post up last week speaking about if I should keep watching a show if I was not enjoying the show as much as you all were. I said I would watch the show up until the end of the season to give it the chance the way the Patreon Supporter the selected it wanted. I even watched a few episodes from the next season as well. 

We are at the end of the month and before the next month hits, I wanted to let you all know my mindset. This would allow any of you who watch for this show to not renew for the next month if you wanted. 

So I'm debating if I should continue this show in hope's that it speaks more to me as the season goes along or if I should replace the show with something else. 

I am judging my decision based on how much the show makes me want to get back to it if it had many speaking points about it at the end of each Episode and also how much the show made me laugh. 

The show I am speaking about is Malcolm in The Middle.

A lot of you seem to really love the show and the show is very popular on YouTube as well but for me I find myself watching episodes and not laughing as much as just watching what's happening which I dont think makes for great reactions.

I always find myself at the end of each Episode not having much to go off of to really talk about. I feel that's the whole point of the show but when it comes to reactions I don't see me adding much to the video.

Please leave comments below with your thoughts about replacing Malcolm in the Middle.



IMO it’s no fun watching you a react to show you don’t enjoy. Drop it if you don’t enjoy it!


Never been a big fan of the show.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Personally for me... I don't watch Malcolm in the Middle. I watched a few episodes of it back when the show aired on TV and I never enjoyed it. So, I would definitely recommend you watch something else in place of it. And if you're looking for ideas for new sitcoms, I would highly recommend Frasier starring Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce, or The Nanny starring Fran Drescher and Charles Shaughnessy.

Renee Pope-Munro

I’m not a fan of the show, so I think I’m in your camp.

Shane Granger

It's always better to go with a show you feel like you are in to. I enjoy watching it, but I'd rather watch something else if you could find something you like to watch/react to more.


I don't personally watch that show or your reaction to it (tw show never piqued my interest) but I think that if you aren't enjoying a show you shouldn't watch it just for us. Doing so will make it feel like a chore and that is how you end up with burnout. Now it sounds like you might be more worried about not have an "entertaining" reaction instead of actively not enjoying the show, for me it's ok if a reaction isn't spectacular as long as it's genuine. So I would say if you are enjoying watching the show keep it going but if it's something that you are just watching because you feel obligated to do so then you should drop it.


I’m okay with you replacing it, I don’t watch your reactions to it

Scarlett Monrow

I personally don't watch that show and if you don't enjoy it, switch, definitely! Maybe do a full movie reaction once every two weeks instead?

Thomas Stark

Personally I love Malcolm in the middle. But I can watch it on my own time whenever. Enjoy what you do man. If you're not feeling it move on! Reactions are always better when your into it. We're not here for the shows we're here for your expierences with then. So do what makes YOU happy. That's more than enough.


I like the show and had been watching your reactions but that’s not what I came here for and I definitely don’t want you having to watch something you’re not enjoying. I’m fine with you dropping it.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

You definitely deserve to be able to watch shows that you love. Don't feel so obligated to always please us at the cost of your own joy in watching and reacting to shows. Sincerely, Heidi

Ari is my Cat

Since it's a 1/2 hour comedy my first thought would be Rick & Morty.


Malcolm in the Middle is the reason that I exist if you cancel that show, I will throat punch a statue of a Squirrel. You have been warned. JK, I did watch your reactions the show was not how I remembered it when I first watched it, so maybe it doesn't age well. "Big Bang Theory" if you have not seen it, you can do "Rick and Morty" but that would put you at the nexus point of all the worst fandoms at the same time and good luck with that. As always do you, I am good with your choice.

Joel Nordlander

If you don't enjoy the show you simply shouldn't feel obligated to watch it. That's just not right for you or the people who do enjoy the show. If you're looking for a half-hour comedy to replace it I would suggest The Good Place, but either way I think you should drop the show if you're not enjoying it.


I mean everybody pretty much said it but I just wanted to add that you react to A LOT of shows. I’m sure it’s draining and why do so if it’s not enjoyable. Also I agree. I grew up with Malcom in the Middle it’s not very “reactable” or even that great to begin with (no offense to anyone that loves it) so, do you Steven.


You should replace it with teen wolf

Stephanie Bedworth

If you're not feelin' it, then I say replace it.

Catherine Thurmond

If your not feeling it move on. As always I will be suggesting Shadowhunters but as comedy's go I'd suggest South Park or Will and Grace. Oh or a classic Golden Girls ( off the wall choice I know but still funny). 💜


You should finish Prison Break. It's amazing and only gets better!


I wish you wouldn’t replace it. Just use the extra time to put towards the other 68 shows you watch for us.

Ceara Abrahamsz

I did watch your Malcolm reactions, but it’s not OUAT, so I’m all good! Lol, but really, yeah what everyone else is saying. It’s not fun watching someone watch something they aren’t liking or enjoying. Personally, I would LOVE to FINALLY have someone watch/react to Leverage! It’s SO underrated and deserves WAY more recognition! OR just put that time towards your other shows...like OUAT for instance...LOL ❤️


Yeah, I wasn't watching that anyway, but in any event, if you're not into it, drop it. I agree with the others who have said that you should just use the extra time to catch up on other shows. You're about to add Angel, anyway. If you do want to replace it, I agree with the above - replace it with Rick & Morty (assuming you haven't already seen it). Or get caught up on Attack on Titan - still unsure why you dropped that. I've just now finished all of your reactions to it that are on here, and it sure doesn't seem like you were bored or not into it.


I watched MITM and loved it but if you're not feeling it then that's fine. Idk about replacing it though, maybe just focus on the other shows you have now. At least until you're all settled back into a semi steady recording schedule :)


I love MITM but hey it's not everyone's cup of tea, if you're not enjoying it then don't worry about it, hopefully you'll put the next show up to a poll. Fingers crossed for The boy's reaction!


Personally I like your reaction, even if it's just a laugh, but that's your call!

Salv Mancuso

Comedy is subjective. It's one of the most difficult things to get right. Watch Luther!! British TV crime drama, it is so good! It is 5 seasons, but they are very short seasons (some consisting of only 2-4 episodes).


Im cool if you drop it. Its just a dinner time comedy, and its not going to be to everyone’s taste. Considering how much you are reacting to at the moment, I would just drop it and leave the “spot” free to do an extra reaction of a show you already watch, or to have a break. I don’t think you need to add another show until you finish some you already have. - but that’s just my opinion.

Brenda Lewis

If you want to drop Malcolm because it's not fun anymore then you should. I don't know what show you might have in your pilots that could replace it, or more The Office


Well I already said it in the other post and it hasn't changed since then, if you don't like/enjoy a show drop it, there is nothing to gain from sticking with something you don't enjoy. I personally totally get your opinion on malcom anyway, I never could get into it myself either


I had no idea he did AOT, thanks for this


Maybe it is a sign to go finish Attack on Titan?.....thank you for this post, I had no idea you had reacted to that my top 4 shows of all time. 1. Doctor Who (it is the reason I have an Applied Mathematics in Engineering Masters Degree and am writing a graphic novel based on actual Historical Events) 2. Angel 3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (although this may be the best thing ever written for television, when it hits it stride) 4. Attack on Titan - it is a cartoon, how can a cartoon have this level of Tatik........!!!!!!!! never mind it is the dub.....I'm a snob.......hahahaha


Oh! What about True Blood? If you haven’t seen it already. I don’t think anyone else is reacting to it right now either which is a plus for you. I’m not sure if it’s aged well I haven’t seen it in a while. But it’s definitely entertaining to watch.

Saad A.

Just a suggestion: how about don't replace Malcom with anything and use that time to speed up on some other existing shows (the office, prison break, etc). I would rather have some shows move a little faster instead. Just a suggestion!


Justified is a real good show. Like to see you react to it if you haven't seen it yet.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love that you love Once Upon a Time so much just like I do. And I love that you would love to see him react to Leverage too. Such a good show!!! :)


Don't overload yourself! You are about to add Angel to the lineup, no need to add more shows unless you really want to.

Jancarlo Gutierrez

How about you replace malcolm in the middle with a second showing of the office or scrubs 😉

Dani C

You could just drop t he show and not replace it for a while - just take a little of the pressure off yourself since you are still playing catch up

Allan Cornett

One great show I have never seen a reaction for.....MISFITS It’s funny; outrageous and is full of British actors who went on to shows like GOT, Preacher and AOS.