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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

This episode is easily one of the very best episodes of season two. :) I loved, loved, loved this episode so much! It is so exciting and beautiful from beginning to end. As for your complaint with heroes seeming to defeat the villains so easily... First of all, no matter how powerful an enemy is, the heroes and villains always go back and forth between winning battles. You win some, you lose some. Just like in Star Wars. The Empire was built up to be this terrifying and all powerful enemy to the Alliance, yet they go back and forth between winning and losing their battles throughout the movies. In A New Hope, the heroes win, but in The Empire Strikes Back... the villains win over the heroes. This is a fictional example, but in the real world... in real life, the bad guys sometimes defeat the innocent and vice versa. A shooter who kills someone in a bank robbery may get away with murder because of a good lawyer. Other times, they will be sentenced to life in prison, or gunned down by the cops themselves. Battles of good versus evil are very real. Once Upon a Time is the same way. Heroes and villains will continue to go back and forth between winning and losing. And with all this being said... I disagree with you about them defeating Cora and Hook fairly easily. They definitely struggled. I absolutely love the battle between everyone in the end. Emma's swordfight against Hook was so much fun. He was so snarky and smooth. I also love how in the middle of it, Hook reaches out with his hook to snatch Aurora's heart inside the satchel before it falls through the portal. And how he showed that he isn't completely evil, as he stated he couldn't let a woman lose her heart... unless of course it were to him, which he said to Emma jokingly. I adore Hook's cheekiness. :) Also... I feel that Hook threw the fight with Emma on purpose, even though he was struck over the head by the compass. Yes... it could have knocked him out, but even if it did, it wasn't for very long. He was toying with her and I feel that a part of him was still impressed by her drive to make it back home to her son, and that he still wanted to see her succeed even more so than Cora. He was definitely angry with Emma for leaving him in the giants' castle locked up, but if he really wanted to, he could have killed Emma at any time during their fight. Hook is a two hundred year old pirate with lots and lots of experience in swordfighting and battle. Whereas Emma's new to battling against villains and magic. And it was quite clear by how easily he was able to knock her off her feet, that she was inexperienced. Besides, Hook also had the magic bean and knew he could use it if they failed through Cora's way. So Hook stayed down. That's just my opinion. You can absolutely judge it for yourself. :) Now, as for Cora... she also could have easily killed Mary Margaret too, as well as Mulan despite them using Mulan's sword enchanted to deflect dark magic. And while Hook also toyed with Emma a little because it's the smug kind of guy he is, Cora did so with Mary Margaret to be cruel. I like the fight between Cora, Mary Margaret, and Mulan too. As for the end of the battle when Cora attempts to finally rip out Snow's heart... I love how Emma stepped between her and her mother to protect her mother, not knowing Cora wouldn't be able to rip out her heart. How Emma was willing to sacrifice her life to save Mary Margaret. So powerful and such an amazing scene. And what a reveal to show that Emma has magic inside of her, that is powerful enough to blast Cora back and unconscious long enough for Emma and Mary Margaret to finally jump into the portal with the compass in hand. I absolutely love all of this! Yay!!!! They're finally home!!! Emma and Mary Margaret are reunited with Henry, and Mary Margaret is happily able to give Charming True Love's Kiss to wake him from his sleeping curse!! Such a beautiful moment between the Charming family. Also... there's a parallel between what David tells her here in this moment, as he states that the burning room gave him pause after saying he never doubted her... to when Snow awakens in the beginning of the Pilot episode and tells him she never doubted he'd find her either, although her glass coffin gave her pause. So sweet. Next... I love Emma's talk with Gold in the end. I love how Gold explains to her that he was exactly where he wanted to be at the time of the Dark Curse being casted by Regina. But mostly, I love how Gold tells Emma that she has light magic within her that is separate from her parents' True Love and what he helped her to become in all of his years in planning. It shows just how powerful Emma as the Savior truly is. As for the ink in Rumple's cell... it wasn't forgotten. Rumple saved the ink for the Savior so that she could see how much he believes in her strength and power to be the Savior, knowing that somehow she would one day wind up back in the Enchanted Forest and find the scroll with her name written over and over in squid ink so she could see the truth for herself. Plus... Emma's name was Rumple's loophole that allowed for him to awaken from Regina's dark curse in the moment he first heard Emma say her name in the end of the Pilot upon asking asking for a key to a room. Now, I also absolutely love all of the parallels throughout this episode... beginning with Hook's first meeting first with Regina who asked him to kill her mother, then with Hook and Cora who asked him to kill her daughter. Absolutely brilliant! And all of their scenes together were so good too! And then... I also love the parallel between Cora casting the spell over the part of the land where she and Hook were to protect themselves from Regina's curse, and Regina and Gold casting their curse over the portal in Storybrooke to try to prevent Cora from coming over from the Enchanted Forest. But what's even more amazing was seeing Regina break it in order to save Emma and Mary Margaret for Henry despite Gold's warning, believing in Henry like he begged her to do. It shows just how much she loves her son. So beautiful. I love the interactions between Regina and Gold throughout this episode. And upon seeing Cora casting her own magical force field to protect herself and Hook from the dark curse... we finally learn how Mulan, Phillip, and a small part of the Enchanted Forest had been preserved from the curse as was explained back in this season's opening episode, Broken. I love this. I also love the brief scene in the very beginning with Hook killing Regina's black knights outside of Belle's prison and him coming to Belle for information about the Dark One's dagger by pretending to want to help her. And clearly Hook doesn't take too kindly to being called a slave. As for the scene with Regina being unable to tell that her mother is still alive, yet Cora telling Hook that her daughter would sense if he was being controlled or not... I agree that this is a little odd and it seems weak. I feel this scene could have been a little differently to make it feel more genuine, but like you, I still appreciate that it leads to Cora realizing what she really needed to do, and that Regina didn't need her until after the curse would be broken. I love how this scene leads to us finding out the truth about how this part of the Enchanted Forest remained unaffected by the curse. And lastly... I love seeing the end shot of the Jolly Roger suddenly appearing through the fog out on the ocean, with Hook and Cora above after Hook regenerates the magic bean through the waters of Lake Nostos. Amazing shot. Captain Hook and Cora have arrived in Storybrooke and Hook is ready to confront his Crocodile at last!!! Fabulous!! Now, as for Emma and Henry... I honestly love both of their characters and I respect you for having your own opinion of them of course. We all have a right to like and dislike the characters we do. Emma and Henry do continue to grow. And throughout the overall series... Emma has become one of my overall favorite characters just behind Hook. I love Henry too and have from the beginning because he's adorable and I appreciate the reasons for his character, but he is a little further down from my own list of top ten characters, as Jared Gilmore has yet to really grow into his acting skills. There are a number of the others I love more than Henry. And there are also a number of characters whom most people love, that I don't necessarily love as much as they do. Cora is the perfect example of that. Most people love her. She's just an okay character for me. I love this episode so much!! And I can't wait for more!! Thank you again for another wonderful reaction for Once Upon a Time!! Until next time...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also... your schedule to react to Once Upon a Time and Person of Interest three days a week and on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays sounds just great to me! I'm excited. Let me know how else you plan on changing up the high tiers and their prices, then I will plan accordingly. Thank you so much!!!

Amanda Logsdon

Henry never seemed like a character at all for me, more of a plot device. He has some good moments but is way to 2 dimensional to me (I haven't seen the whole show though, maybe he gets better)

Ceara Abrahamsz

IM SO HAPPY YOUR DOING THE ENTIRE SERIES!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Also, in terms of Henry, a lot of other reactors seem to absolutely love him, which makes your reaction to him much more interesting. It’s a nice change of pace to see someone have a different opinion on a certain character.👍 I don’t have a lot of expectations for Henry. He’s a kid. I feel like he’s doing what a real kid would do, which isn’t much. Like I don’t expect a lot out of him. What he does do, he does well, he believes in the heroes, makes his ‘villain’ mom want to be better, he ties everyone together, because let’s face it, without him, Emma wouldn’t be there, reunited with her family, fulfilling her destiny, etc, Regina would be a one-note character, evil, wanting revenge, continually going after Snow, over and over again, in various different ways, never growing, never developing, a shallow, boring villain, with no story arch/growth. Henry makes Regina a better character. A more interesting character. He humanizes her. At least to me,🤷🏼‍♀️👍 The curse would STILL be enacted, everyone living fake miserable lives, trapped, never aging, time never moving forward. It doesn’t seem like he does much, which he doesn’t, but what he DOES do has merit. There is a point to his whining, like If it weren’t for his insistence, Gold and Regina would have indeed killed Snow and Emma. I think it’s the acting, which bothers me the most about Henry, it isn’t the best. But the character itself, is there for a reason. He is needed in this show. I happen to like his character, but that’s just me, I actually don’t mind him. ❤️


I'm not a Henry fan. I'm also not an Emma fan, so there's that. Hook, on the other hand.....lol


This is one of my top favorite episodes in the series. Regina coming through in the end for good, the women working together. Mulan is one of the most wasted opportunities in the show and a lot of fans were frustrated with how the writers chose to use her. She basically just pops up whenever they need an antagonist. I love Hook. He's just so perfectly smarmy. Rumple always has some grand design for his plans that always comes back to bite him in the ass. Snow. Times I love her, times she annoys the hell out of me.


I always disliked Henry, but I always dislike judgey characters. For some reason I can only see him, Emma and even Charming to a certain extent as very self righteous and it really puts me off. Especially when Emma does stuff like trapping Hook, if she wasn't self righteous I would have no issues with it but since she is always such a stickler for rules and others doing good it kinda pisses me off.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Love Heney... he's in my TOP 10 outta the entire show. He is the reason for the journeys beginning and... he's usually RIGHT... like 90% of the time.


Another disappointment, I expected it, I think that's the worst part, in a show we like the twist, the unexpected, and here we do not find it, Steve can literally predict the episode from the start it's boring to see an episode of which we already know the end. I'm not going to dwell on the easy way that the good guys always win because it's annoying and it doesn't represent reality sometimes evil wins and it's the end of a story, except that in the series sometimes they make us believing that the bad guys win but immediately after the good guys get the upper hand because "Good always wins" in short, it's boring. Henry who was also very annoying in short if I had to make a top 10 it would be 1, Gold 2, Regina 3, Beautiful 4 ~ 5, Mulan / Hook 6, Cora 7, Henry 8, Snow 9, Red 10, Jiminy Emma and Charming are not even in my top. I want to say that what I take into account in a top are not my feelings towards a character but his personal evolution, his story and how much he participates in the development of the story, certain main characters are highlighted to the detriment of others to ultimately make up the figuration ...