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Some responses to Steven’s questions and comments: 1. The episode is titled “Donut Run” because Lilly’s nickname for Duncan was Donut (Dunkin’ Donuts, get it?), and Rob Thomas loves puns and wordplay. For example, there is a flyer beside Veronica’s head when she’s talking to Duncan’s recording that reads TWoP vertically, but if you look closer it’s Teenage Women of Propriety. This is a shoutout to the website/forums Television Without Pity, which some of you may remember. They were a big supporter of Veronica Mars. This is also RT’s directorial debut, and he was freaked out. There aren’t many directorial flourishes, but I liked the tracking shot through the cars at the border leading up to Lamb, there is a nice noir wide shot of Lamb in his office, and the Hitchcockian angles and jump cuts of Lamb in Mexico were fun. Mostly, I think RT blew most of his budget on the music. 2. The blond girl is Astrid, Celeste’s personal assistant whom we met in “My Mother the Fiend.” I don’t know if Celeste is involved and was putting on an act because it seems like Veronica offered the “Vinnie Lowe Special” (he’ll work for the other side for double the money) in her “confidential” note to Duncan. 3. That’s Lucy Lawless (Xena) as the FBI agent. Supposedly, the the way the camera panned up to reveal her was an homage to her recent appearance on The L Word, which was shot the same way. 4. You noticed the LOST numbers, but I don’t know if you recognized that the fortune was from the fortune cookie that Duncan gifted Veronica in the season premiere. We never got to see what the fortune said until now. 5. The guy waiting for Wallace was a reporter from the Chicago Statesmen, not a cop. Why is Wallace is in this episode, barely? They seed things for future episodes. Like Kendall and Duncan, which was part of the con, and Astrid a couple of episodes ago. I thought we saw a scene of Felix and Molly last season — that’s how we knew who she was when she exposed Veronica in the Fitzpatrick’s bar. 6. Most fans hated that Meg was killed off in the previous episode. RT regrets the coma/coma baby storyline, but it led to getting Duncan off the show, so…ehh. I still hate it, though, and wish they could have come up with something better, network interference or not.


I'm mixed on this episode. It feels off from the very beginning, and I suspected that Veronica was in on it, but it's so convoluted that I don't really enjoying watching it much, especially the way Keith feels so betrayed (KB shows a flash of guilt in the beginning that I didn't catch the first time). Bad things happen when Keith and Veronica don't trust each other. Things I do like: 1. Weevil and Logan buddy cop show. 2. Not having a Veronica voiceover should have tipped us off immediately that she was hiding things from us. 3. Boring Donut is gone. Although, I'll never understand why the son of billionaire Jake Kane couldn't get custody of his own daughter, regardless of his medical issues.


I can't believe I've never picked up on the fact that there's no voiceover in this episode until now.


Vinnie helped because of the "Vinnie Classic." He was first hired by Duncan's mother but after given the letter from V (offering him double the amount his mom was paying) Vinnie then chose to help Duncan instead. That's why he said "you pay better than your mother" when he was handed $30k

Ina Durcekova

I love how Dick calls Veronica "Ronnie" :D

DJ Doena

"She's not a good actress." You've insulted Xena, Warrior Princess! For this Ares, the God of War, will strike you down! http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18000000/XENARES-xena-and-ares-18065192-768-576.jpg


I'm also on the fence for this episode. it kinda felt all over the place at times but the ending made up for it. plus we also got rid of donut so that alone lifts the episode to an 8.

Mariella Nilsson

i absolutely love this episode, we usually get to se her thoughts along with the mystery, but this time we are outside not knowing her thought process and plans, and thats what feels wierd, but I like it!