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Kylie Minogue............you want to talk about crushes.......

Paul Gibson

My 1st big crush too, she was an actress 1st before her music career


She was a child actress, so she is a success story, but they never mention her in all of those Where are they now? things.


Verity Lambert was a founding producer of Doctor Who back in the 1960s (I also think she was the first female to have such a position at the time), and during the two parter where the Doctor was human, John Smith's parents were named as Verity and Sydney (Sidney Newman basically created Doctor Who) so it was a nice meta throwback to those two. As for this episode, not one of my favorites. I think it's the type of episode I skip when I do any rewatches, but it isn't the worst ever. But you were right about the bracelet thing. I hadn't thought of that at all, but it would have had greater impact if they brought it up earlier.

Ari is my Cat

I love this, one of my favorite Christmas episodes.


I agree with almost everything you said. I do like this episode overall but I never remember who the bad guy is and why the ship was sabotaged because that part sucked. I agree with the eight rating. However, I am OK with Foon’s death. She didn’t want to go on without her husband and she couldn’t have just push the host off because they can fly. I know the EMP had taken them down but he was obviously recovering. I also thought at the end that the doctor was going to transfer all of Slade’s money to the credit card. I think that would have been a more satisfying ending but I I think they were trying to make some kinda’ point.