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Here you go, hope this helps Buffy Season 4 Angel Season 1 57. The Freshman 58. City of... 59. Living Conditions 60. Lonely Hearts 61. The Harsh Light of Day 62. In the Dark 63. Fear, Itself 64. I Fall to Pieces 65. Beer Bad 66. Rm w/a Vu 67. Wild at Heart 68. Sense & Sensitivity 69. The Initiative 70. Bachelor Party 71. Pangs 72. I Will Remember You 73. Something Blue 74. Hero 75. Hush 76. Doomed 77. Parting Gifts 78. Somnambulist 79. A New Man 80. Expecting 81. She 82. The I in Team 83. Goodbye Iowa 84. I've Got You Under My Skin 85. The Prodigal 86. This Year's Girl 87. Who Are You 88. The Ring 89. Superstar 90. Eternity 91. Where the Wild Things Are 92. New Moon Rising 93. Five by Five 94. Sanctuary 95. The Yoko Factor 96. Primeval 97. Restless 98. War Zone 99. Blind Date 100. To Shanshu in L.A.


To be honest there are only certain episodes you need to see in order and then they were on different Networks. I would not stress too much. Maybe you would like a list, that shows which episodes you have to watch as opposed to any normal viewing pattern.....Joss Whedon did the list, I gave you.


So I'm sure everyone else is going to say this. But this season aired the same year Columbine Shooting happened. So they didn't air this episode until after the season was over and the Columbine news sort of died down. Because it was really a sensitive subject. Also I think you are very cute. Just wanted to say that.


Last one I promise, the reason I love Buffy so much is highlighted at 51:54 the background guys reaction when they hear Buffy talking about Giles sleeping with her mother....it kills me every time.....hahahaha


I lied sorry, this is the last one. The reason I watch your reactions starts at 55:46. The ability to process new information and allow your thought process to flow with it, is a trait more of us should try.


Another great episode! I love the scene between Buffy and Jonathan in the Tower. I also love the callback to Band Candy where we finally find out about Giles and Joyce and Cordelia proves that she really does say exactly whats on her mind, I found her hilarious in this. S3 has been amazing! Also you asked about the spin off. I think most reactors use the slay alive guide (you can Google it) and yes your right, sometimes you'll get 3 Buffy and then 2 Angel etc but I find it works well. Of course it's up to you though, I'm looking forward to it either way. Great reaction!


Thanks so much!! I have to say that having Buffy never make a mistake or be in the wrong would make her quite the boring and cliche character, so I am SOOO glad they made her a jealous person. We all are sometimes. And she knows what's really going on at the end of the day. She knows she can trust Angel. But yeah, good episode. And also, again.. LOL...her and Angel gotta' have the good old sex for him to change. They love each other but it's not enough to change him. Even if they weren't together there would be a risk if it was just love that it took. I hope this clears up any confusion. Buffy isn't being risky, she and he are just living as best they can and know they can't get any closer. Thank you.


Despite difference in opinions on things, I know all of us are just happy you're reacting and are enjoying the show. :) You're almost done with the season!


Pausing to respond to your question about the viewing order. The example you cited sounds like the SlayAlive order, which at least two reactors (Liam and Van) follow, and they are enjoying watching the shows that way. I prefer it that way also because sometimes you don't want to switch back and forth, and I'm not just referring to breaking up two-parters. The person who created the order explained it like this: "People often ask what is the best way to watch Buffy/Angel in tandem. There are a couple of guides online but they tend to switch shows after a big cliffhanger, so I made a new guide last time I watched the shows. I made sure some episodes stayed together to be watched in a row because it's just more enjoyable, and the chronology is still intact. And I looked at the way each episode ends, to find how it would flow better." Hope that helps.


Most Buffy reactors I've seen/am seeing tend to watch Buffy and Angel too, weaving Angel episodes in between like I think someone gave a list (I honestly don't know the order/best order to watch them in, but there is one that most tend to follow that helps make the most sense of things). And I'm sorry so many people take it too personally if you aren't into their ship/pairing, or a particular character or arc. I think many people just have a hard time separating when someone says 'It's just not my thing, I'm not feeling it.' with 'Geez, what you like sucks, why do you like it?! You too, must suck!' when anyone isn't into something they're into or has something less than 'yay I love it' to say about it. Like they're seeking validation in others' opinions where they shouldn't be. I like and appreciate that you're honest with your insights and feelings on shows. I prefer that to people who are fake. I've seen reactors on YouTube that seem to cater to what people's opinions are and it comes off as fake as it is. At least, to me. So keep being real. I think most people appreciate that more.


Because you are getting not so good information on Angel's curse, I can say this, it will be cleared up.....so listen, but don't listen to others the show will make it clear.


Awesome reaction! I sometimes struggle with the comedy around the school shootings in this episode too, although it is still one of my favourite episodes. In regards to your question at the start, I think a good idea would be to have 2 'Buffyverse' days in your schedule instead of a Buffy day and an Angel day. Some weeks will be 2 Buffy's, some weeks might be 2 Angels and some weeks will be one of each. But most of the people who watch Buffy will also watch Angel so it shouldn't matter. That's just my suggestion though 😊


Great reaction as always. When I was a kid I loved Bangel and I still really like them even though also I understand why you don't like them. Sometimes I get a little annoyed (in a good way), because you make really good points and then I start to really think about things I never noticed or thought about before. As opposed to many years ago, when I really loved their relationship, I liked them now mainly because of the actors. I think David and Sarah have a great chemistry together. In real life their relationship would be really messed up. I hope my short monologue made sense lol.


"Why does Cordelia come anyway?" ... I'm pretty sure so they can make the joke / character point that she's actually pretty honest and just says whatever she's thinking at all times.


On the light side of this episode... "4×5 is 30, 5×6 is 32, naked women, naked girls, naked Buffy. Oh stop me" Xander's puberty affects his math skills lol


I've always really liked this episode, lots of fun with a decent message in there somewhere, and unfortunately was also somewhat prescient, scheduled to air just after Columbine happened. (and was then pulled, to be aired a few months later just before S4 started) I'm also totally with you on the Buffy/Angel thing - although it makes sense for their characters in a way, it doesn't make sense for all the others. Was never hugely into their relationship either, as the show barely makes an attempt to show it in any meaningfully real way. So yeah: I still don't understand, following other first time reactors, how they are soooo emotionally invested in "Bangel." - especially in this day and age.


The in-universe reason is that Cordelia has a crush on Wesley, so she makes excuses to be around. I like to think that Cordelia enjoys the Scooby gang and monster fighting, but she would never admit that. I mean, she was helping in "School Hard," and she wasn't even near to hate-flirting with Xander, IIRC.


I love this episode. As others mentioned, it was pulled from broadcast because Columbine had just happened, so we didn’t get to see it until right before the premiere of S4. Too bad, because it provides some minor things leading up to the finale. However, the jokes about school shootings were in poor taste, especially Xander’s. I’m glad everyone looked at him like WTF. I still think that line should have been cut. Even pre-Columbine, it’s not okay to joke about that. I always enjoy using the class lecture to set up the story, but I was surprised that they would make it explicit that Faith is Buffy’s shadow self by having Buffy explain that Iago is Othello’s shadow self, although the idea of Iago representing that little self-destructive voice inside everyone’s head was brilliant. Like Willow’s thoughts were revealing, both in the library and in the classroom. “Buffy did the reading? Buffy understood the reading?” Ouch. Also, Willow’s interrogation of Jonathan: “We all have fantasies that we're powerful, more respected. Where people pay attention to us. But sometimes the fantasy isn't enough, is it Jonathan? Sometimes we have to make it so people don't ignore us. Make them pay attention.” Willow exhibits tremendous confidence and leadership, but she’s still riddled with the same anxieties from S1.


Angel’s explanation for why Buffy can’t read his mind makes no sense, but it serves to emphasize the lesson for everyone: if people would just communicate, there would less pain and suffering — something that Buffy incorporates into her speech to Jonathan. Btw, I like how compassionate Buffy is with Jonathan while she thinks that he is going to commit mass murder, and that she visits him afterwards. “It’s nice to help someone in a non-slaying capacity.” Being the Slayer really does suck. You risk your life every night to save people by killing things that people don’t even know exist, and people just think Buffy is weird or in a gang or something (like Cordelia in S1). I don’t like Giles telling her she should go to prom with Jonathan, but Buffy’s joke about his height was oddly cruel after her massive dose of empathy and especially when he told her that everyone thinks he’s just “a short idiot.” But the “Band Candy” payoff was priceless. The Looney Tunes comedy with Xander and the Jell-O (seriously Xander? You’re distracted by Jell-O?) and the cleaver-wielding lunch lady is a bit much, but without it, the episode would have been too heavy and dark. My favorite headline: “Apathy on the rise. No one cares.” Most of us know a Freddy Iverson type: cynical, condescending, thinks he’s way cooler than everyone else. I'm glad he was balanced by Larry, who is so out and proud that his grandmother is setting him up, and he's so sweet now that he can be himself openly. That's a good message.


There is an interesting parallel between Jonathan and the lunch lady, that I don't think a lot of people noticed. They were both miserable and disliked the students and they both decided to take action. Jonathan tried to kill himself to end his misery, while the lunch lady tried to kill the students who were making her miserable. The part in the episode where Buffy is explaining in class about Iago being Othello's dark side parallels Buffy and Faith's relationship :-)


Going back to the “they have to have sex” comment. It’s not sex that changes Angel - it’s one moment of pure happiness. When he changed in Season Two it wasn’t during sex. It was after, as her was holding her - having been as close to her as two people in love can be. Now that everyone knows what the trigger is the chances of him being truly, purely happy again is even slimmer than it was before. The guilt Angel feels for what he did as Angelus the second time always hangs over his head, he and Buffy no longer have a sexual relationship - a fact they both find difficult, and the thought of him changing back is always between them.


On the Bangel situation--I totally get you. I like Bangel now mainly because I love David Boreanaz. When I watched this show 20 years ago I was 16/17 and had a *completely* different take on the situation, of course. I would get mad at my mother because she said back then many of the same things you're saying now about the whole thing, and now that I'm the exact age she was when this show was on and I'm now married with 6 children of my own, three of whom are girls......I totally get it.

Vicky N

Another great Jane Espenson episode. After Joss, she is the best at mixing drama with humor. Also she captures perfectly every character in the show, as evidenced in the library scene where Buffy hears the main cast thoughts. As usual with this show, when you see a class room scene with a clear lecture topic, it’s always relevant to the theme of the episode. Othello, jealousy is not just a teenage girl emotion after all.


I love that you enjoy the show but can be critical of the characters or the choices made by the writers. I originally watched it as it was airing and I was the same age as the characters at the time....there are so many things I liked back then that I am not as big a fan of now. Buffy and Angel is definitely one of them. There are a lot of things that I became far more critical of on rewatches. Some of it has to do with being older, much of it has to do with changing views on things as time went on or I became more openminded. I still adore the show, nit I definitely recognize that there is a lot about it that is problematic. As far as Angel being mopey, he was actually my go to example to prove a coworker wrong when he said that people don't want to watch something that is broody all the time...I had to point out that Angel did three seasons of Buffy and then got a spinoff that ran for five seasons and he is the broodiest.

Vicky N

I like all the callbacks in this episode. The writers rarely forget about things that happened earlier and they have a cool way to bring them back and at the same time use them to add to the exploration of the characters. The call back to Halloween was particularly clever. Cordelia, as shown in that episode where she was the same person with or without her “costume”, here we see that she says exactly what she thinks without artifice. The callback to Go Fish, where Willow interrogates Jonathan in almost the same way as she does here. Xander and Larry and the continuation of the coming out conversation. And of course the fabulous Band Candy callbacks. I’ve heard, I think in the commentary that people had doubts about what happened between Joyce and Giles and Jane Espenson who also wrote that episode decided to clarify once and for all. Also Giles getting into the tree was the actor’s idea.

Vicky N

I have the impression that we keep pointing out the same things over and over again to no avail.


Jonathan does indeed seem more sympathetic, but he was still going to kill himself at school, in the watchtower. He could have killed himself anywhere and privately, but he chose to make a very public display, and he even wrote a letter to the paper beforehand. There is a passive aggressiveness to that, and an aggressiveness to doing it at school that would traumatize people.


Also - the sunlight issue. In the Buffyverse it’s only direct sunlight that affects/injures the vampires. Indirect sunlight is fine. This was the writers weren’t trapped having to only show Angel etc at night. We could have some daylight interactions with other characters.


For me this is almost a great episode. It reminds me of other episodes that suggested really interested concepts but backed out of them. Episodes like Ted where for a few minutes we think Buffy killed a human. Or episodes like Gingerbread where we think the parents of Sunnydale might oppose witch craft. I think those episodes would have been better if they'd followed through on those sensitive topics. Similarly I think the lunch lady was a cop out from the school shooting topic, a way to not have to delve into how serious that topic is. Maybe the overall show is better for not going down these paths but the individual episodes are worse in my opinion. And I wish they did more to help Jonathan.


I also don't relate to Xander's thinking about sex all the time. Even in the height of my teenage angst I would ave seldom been thinking about it during school. I wasn't like Oz thinking like Descartes either but idk,..I would have liked to see a little less teen boys are gross. Clearly that's true sometimes. But I think that's more a cultural issue than a natural one and I think this served to reinforce more than to challenge.


Or go to Slay Alive Buffy and Angel watch guide, as its a much nicer flow of episodes across seasons (i think)


It WAS written over 20 years ago lol. Plus, that is what Xander is like. Not all guys, but i have known guys who constantly think about or talk about sex in some way, shape or form all the time. I liked Oz internal thoughts. He is so quiet but has so much in his head lol

Collector of Stuff

Please do not pick and choose what you say because someone might get their ass in a twist. I have never been a fan of the Buffy/Angel romance myself. I’m not big on the mushy/whiny crap. I do however understand why it was written that way. Most teenagers (myself included when I was one, and sorry if I appear to be a traitor to my gender but whatever) especially girls tend to over romance the ideology of what a relationship should be. Everything was huge. And to be fair it was. All of those feelings were being experienced for the first time.

Katherine Thoreson

Most reactors tend to go with the Slay Alive watch list for Buffy and Angel. When the show aired it was one to one. The shows aired on the same night, and it was always Buffy and then Angel. After having seen a couple reactors use the Slay Alive list, I can see why it was built that way and it makes sense. However, you watch them how you want to watch them. There is, of course, no "wrong" way to watch the shows.

Tim Pierce

This episode didn't originally air until months after the 3rd season finale. The reason being it was unfortunately a week after the Columbine shootings.