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So I'd love to head what you all think. 

If I'm not enjoying a show after a season of said show do you guys and gals think I should drop the show and move on to another show? Of course this is if a supporter hasn't greenlit the season of the show. 

I was just curious how yall would feel about stopping shows after a season or two if I'm not into the show.

Also beyond just if I like the show or not other factors can come into play. If the show is not as popular on the YouTube channel and the Patreon I wonder if picking up a show that id more popular so more viewers can enjoy my reactions once a season ends would be something worth considering. 

I'm at work on lunch break so was just curious to see how most of you feel about it. 

Please dont speculate on what show or shows I am speaking about I am just curious. 

Would love to hear your comments. 


Elisa Ingo

Definitely drop the show! It's not fun to watch your reactions if you aren't enjoying it!

Nancy Nicolai

But it does depend on the show and I think at least some people might a heads up if they may want to stop pledging but it's just a thought off the top of my bc you shouldn't watch or react a to show you don't like!🤔

Elisa Ingo

Unless it's Supernatural. In which case.... soldier on 😉

Jancarlo Gutierrez

I think you should maybe make 2 or 3 episodes and Express your genuine feelings about the show. I'm watching your show for your genuine reaction. I'd be ok with you stopping but also feel you should Express your enjoyment of the show as well.


I agree that you should drop it if you don't like it, but don't start dropping shows you like for more popular shows, that would really suck

Florian M.

Imho watching shows one doesn't enjoy is just not worth it. Also for Shows that are Procedural and are like '20' Season, it might make sense to not have to watch them all, if you are not fully enjoying them, or no one watches them, etc. But for serialized Shows aslong as you are enjoying reacting to them and there are some people who like your reactions to the show, I would personally lean to continuing them most of the time.


I know this is unrelated but I was just wondering why we haven’t had a $1 tier access for a few weeks? Sorry if I’ve missed something


It depends. Maybe it’d be better if you mention it before you react to it “ hey guys this show am not feeling anymore what do you think” then maybe we can be like yeah you can drop it or if most of us enjoy it we can also let you know. Because I don’t know the shows your loving or hating but I just know I love all your reactions

Stephanie Bedworth

I think if you're really not enjoying a show then you shouldn't continue it. No sense making yourself miserable. Just throw out an update explaining what's happening and why for any folks who might be watching those particular reactions.


I"d say to drop a show you're not enjoying. Maybe if the subscriber's say it gets better you can consider continuing. Depends on the show and if it's really something you'd be interested in. Some times there are shows that are really popular, but just don't click with me. I give them a try, but sometimes quit early in. Other shows start good, but then fizzle out for me.

Ari is my Cat

If you don't like the show then why would we like seeing you watch it any more than I enjoy watching Michael Bay hate fucking my childhood?


I don't want you to watch something you don't enjoy, however, there are some shows that have some bad storylines that you have to muddle through to get to some really great stuff. I'd hate to see you give up on a show because it's going through a bad stretch. But if a show, in general, isn't holding your interest because you don't connect with the characters, or you don't care about them, or their story, then you shouldn't force yourself to watch. I watched one of the shows that you're reacting to (I won't mention which one because I don't want to sway any opinions) for several seasons and finally I just gave up because I just didn't care anymore. It wasn't enjoyable. If that's how you're feeling, then you should definitely drop it.


I agree with the others, don't watch and react to the show if you don't enjoy it after the end of the season. No matter if the show is popular or not. It is YOUR REACTION and YOUR ENJOYMENT that matters. Maybe for really popular shows give another season or at least half a season more of a chance to see if you will enjoy it more. But if it still does not pick up for you, there is no point, cause your reactons will not be in line with fans of these shows and you will probably get a lot of shit from some of them. That is at least my opinion🙂


I believe it's more enjoyable for your patreons if you truly enjoy the shows your are reacting/reviewing. If it's a show that's popular with your patreons, then I agree that you should give them a heads up that you're unhappy with the show and maybe ask them if there's another show they would be happy with you trying out to replace it. It would be a great way to introduce you to new shows while keeping them happy. The same thing with shows that don't have many yt/patreon viewers.


Honestly, if you don't enjoy a show I would very much prefer it if you drop it. After all the best reactions come from truly enjoying what you watch, if you have to constantly push yourself to do something you don't enjoy it just burns you out, you don't have fun doing it and that can't be the goal. Neither for you nor for us. About the pickig up shows just because they are popular, hm not sure to be honest, I mean if you think you will like the show then sure go for it, but just doing it because it's popular, I don't know. To be completly honest the reason I even found you in the first place and enjoy your content so much is exactly because you were reacting to shows that weren't that popular. It was something refreshingly new compared to for example the tenthousend Game of Thrones reaction that nearly everyone was doing.

Nicole Garver

I certainly don’t want you to continue a show that you’re not enjoying - however, remember that most shows have a season or more that aren’t as good as others and then go on to be great again. I’d hate for you to miss out on something fun.


Look how cool everyone is, until it is their show that is dropped, to be honest you watch a lot of 2nd tier television shows, but a lot of those have a rabid fanbase. They are going to complain regardless of what you do, so you should do what is best for you. To be honest you need to clear out some of your Patreons and get new ones. Some times the best thing you can do for your business is fire someone, if you are creating something lasting, you have to make hard choices. Do what is best for you because when this takes off, you don't want it to be a fake trip that you embark on.

Rhonda Stewart

Just finish The Office. Please.

Catherine Thurmond

I quit watching shows when I no longer feel them. I wouldn't want someone to keep watching something they arent feeling them. Its cruel and empty. I watch you to see you enjoy and see things from you POV so in other words. You do you. Move on to something that you might like or love better (Shadowhunters) *cough* *cough*. Lol.💜


I wouldn't want you to watch something you weren't enjoying as long as you gave it a fair try although some shows can take time to develop or they go through rough patches but after a while if you still weren't enjoying it, you should drop it

Thomas Stark

I think you should complete a season you start but beyond that. Watch what you enjoy. If by season 1 end your thinking It's not your thing. Better to be done with it. Watching good reactions isn't about the content. It's about watching someones experience with the show. And if your not having fun. What's the point. Love your channel man. Even if something I like is cut it's fine. I follow multiple shows. So I'll be back whatever you choose. Even if one of my favorite shows are cut.


I agree. There is a certain season of my favorite show that, although I like it, a lot of people struggle to get through. I’d hate for you to quit on that season without a discussion about it. But definitely, I don’t want you to feel like you have to watch something you don’t like.

Brenda Lewis

I hope you only continue with shows you enjoy. Watching you having a good time watching a show is the whole point. You should only stick with the ones you truly like.


As a podcaster, I learned the hard way to drop a show that I was not enjoying. I allowed my cohost to talk me into completing the season, but I was miserable trying to come up with interesting and positive things to say. Whether it's podcasts or video reactions, this is work that takes time, money, and a lot of effort. If you're not enjoying it, then move on to something you do enjoy.


I'm assuming this is Scrubs right... it's Scrubs.


Hope this isn’t about Scrubs

Jason fielding

You have to do what you want to do. If you don’t enjoy the show , then your reactions will suffer as it will seem you are insulting the fans who do enjoy the tv show if you say something negative. And why watch a show if you don’t enjoy it. When I subscribe it was for a specific show, I might not continue if the show is dropped but I spent some checking out some other shows this past week. So who knows. I only watch reactions for tv shows I watched before and interested to see reactions to episodes I liked.

DJ Doena

While I would be sad if it hit one of "my" shows I would not want you to watch something you don't enjoy. I don't do it, so why should you? Even with new shows if after 5 episodes you feel that this is not your kind of show, I say drop it and try something else instead. There is so much stuff out there and only so much time to watch it.


I have continued watching shows that I've grown to dislike because I'd already invested so much time to it and there was always some wishful thinking that things would improve and go back to the glory days. Then there are also shows that I wasn't so invested like designated survivor where I still haven't watched season 3. This is longwinded way of saying it depends 😂

Maria Blauweld

If you don't like the show after giving it a chance, don't force yourself. Your viewers are usually fans of the show and want to share the experience. If you don't like it, then you would have to be dishonest or it will show in your reaction and that is not what they want anyway. that's disappointing, but what can you do? I think you shouldn't mind popularity that much. If you like the show and there are viewers you should go ahead ahead continue instead of picking a popular one you might not even like.


If you're not enjoying a show, you shouldn't keep doing it. That is unless of course money is involved and someone hasn't paid for it. THat is another matter. But fo all the rest, i would suggest you drop a show if you're not enjoying after 4-5 episodes. I mean what's the point of watching something more than than if you're not enjoying it. 4-5 episodes is time enough to give to a show to understand whether you will enjoy it or not.


Sometimes if you aren't enjoying a show, it's because you haven't got to the good part yet.


you could let your patrons depending on what show you want to stop with, suggest the best episodes or must see episodes instead of watching the whole thing. maybe toss it onto the 10$ tier as a poll once a month.


I think there is a general consensus here. We don't want to watch someone who isn't truly enjoying "our" show(s). Everyone is commenting on you and how you shouldn't watch a show you don't enjoy. I agree wholeheartedly. I also think that fans like to watch people enjoy the show(s) they love. If you aren't feeling a show, and you don't get the sense that it will change over time, I think the best thing for you, emphasis here and us end emphasis, is to drop the show. At the very least, scale back...maybe only do x number of episodes. Let the fans vote for the "must watch" 5 per season (as Liam Helot suggested). This said, some shows do age better than others. Buffy gets better as the show goes on. Season one of that show doesn't come close to season 5 in terms of quality. Also, Supernatural varies in terms of quality per season. So do consider what the fans are saying about if the show gets better. But that said, if you don't like the style of a show, the characters, the tone, the general vibe of a show...that likely won't change much season to season. Overall quality might, storylines can be hit or miss, but general enjoyment of the other types isn't something that is likely to change. Fans might be disappointed if you drop a show they love, but everyone has different tastes. My sister loves the Gilmore Girls, but it bores me to tears. There are good things. I like the banter (sometimes), it can be funny, but I would be struggling to keep my attention on it for the duration of a reaction. This disinterest would show for the viewers. I don't think any show you choose to stop watching will shock your viewers. They likely already know you don't want to continue that show. They may be disappointed or in denial, but they won't be shocked. It is better to be honest about your feelings and quit a show if you don't like it. Sorry for the long post.


I'm fine if you want to stop, just make a post explaining that you're stopping and why it is, and people will probably be fine with that. It's the "hey, what happened to this show, why haven't you reacted to it in 9 months" thing that's confusing - I just asked you about that re: Attack on Titan. If your response is "I just wasn't enjoying it", well, cool. Can't fault you just because you don't like something I like. Different strokes. That type of explanation maybe takes five minutes and then everyone knows where things stand. People can decide for themselves if the fact that you're no longer reacting to Show A or Show B affects their contribution level.

Light Yagami

I also think you should stop juggling so many shows at once

Dani C

I think it depends on the show. Some shows take a season or 2 to hit their stride (Agents of Shield is a good exaple of this) and some shows are so different from one season to another that you might find yourself not enjoying a season of it but then the next might really grab you (Dr Who and American Horror Story are good examples of this). Other shows you can get to know the format and style in one or two seasons and apply that pretty much across the board for the rest of its run (Brooklyn, House, Stargate) . So - I would say if you aren't enjoying a show have a chat with your patreons and get feedback from people who know whre the show is going

Dani C

Just to add to that - when a show is very different from season to season - like with AHS or Doctor Who - it might be worth abandoning a season you aren't enjoying, or just watching key episodes and jumping onto the next season, or a particular season that people recommend - for instance to go back to Dr Who - if you aren't enjoying a particular Doctor or showrunner style, you can always jump over to the next change in Doctor or showrunner.


The point of having you doing reactions is so we can share the same love for one serie and enjoying ourselves and your reactions knowing that you love the show. If you don't love some, give it up, there is so many shows outside who are waiting to be watch. Only do what you love.


I say do what you want. But please try to upload on a schedule. I now just assume your not gonna upload a thing when you say you will. Also if someone paid you to fast-track or pick up a show and you stop the series you have to refund what they paid. It's just fair.


let us know how much he owes you, We will start a GoFund Me page because the money you pay does not create ownership. You are free to walk away if you wish and you should be made whole if you feel as though you have been cheated, so if you go let us know so you can be made whole.


I think if you’re not enjoying a show just finish the season that you’re on, because sometimes it takes a while for a show to really hit its stride. If after that you still don’t like the show then by all means don’t continue watching the show.


I think as long as you've given a show a solid try and just aren't feeling it, you shouldn't force yourself. It should be fun for you, not just those of us watching your reactions, and personally I couldn't enjoy reactions to a series I know you aren't enjoying, I think most people will likely feel the same.

Mark Wood

I say if you don’t like a show drop it, my only addendum would be a new show that everyone says the first season is terrible but after that the show is great. But even then I would understand killing a show.