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Yay! You finished season 3!!! This episode broke me. I know it's not the same for you. Or for most people watching it now, but back when it was airing in real time, it was a big deal. All during season 3 I was stressing out about that damn demon deal of dean's. Then the writer's strike. The show ending abrubtly and not knowing if it would ever come back. Then when it did it was a bit of a mess and only a couple more episodes until the end. So this season finale was crazy. I haven't seen your reaction yet. Will have to wait until tonight or tomorrow, but I wanted to chime in right away anyway. The last several eps of the season were a bit jumbled and so the finale seems to just happen all at once. They didn't have time to properly set things up, but they managed to salvage the season I think. SO what does this mean? It was another rough time for me not knowing what would happen to dean when the next season started. eek!

Sarah Trow

I kinda agree with you on Season 3 as a whole....the writer's strike really messed up what could of been a great season. But Season 4 really makes up for it and is one of my favorite seasons...so there's that 😁😁😁.


I really enjoyed this one, mainly because all season I assumed they would find a way to save Dean and this episode was building it up so much that I thought they'll save him at the last minute but I love it when shows can surprise you and this genuinely did. Poor Dean, I was horrified seeing him die like that. I do however agree with you about a lot of this season feeling rushed but there were still some great episodes. My top 3 of the season would be Bad day at black rock, Mystery Spot and Jus in Bello. I'm so excited for S4. Its a much more solid season in my opinion. Hope you enjoy it!

Nancy Nicolai

I guess you forgot that they killed Sam in 2 x 21 bc you seemed like it was more unbelievable that they offed Dean also the not saving the possessed people especially in this episode was bc if they exorcised them(which they didn't have the time for) then they would've just gone back to Hell and Lilith could've been alerted as a matter of fact if any of demons around that house had lived she would've been ready for them and I don't know much about cars but I think that was a distributer cap but don't quote me!🤔

Elisa Ingo

Enjoyed your reaction. Really excited for you to start season 4. I think you are really going to love it 😉

Amy Rustand

Totally agree with you on Jensen's acting. This series was clearly, to me anyway, supposed to be mainly about Sam - he was introduced first and Jared is first in credits. I think the writers realized what a gem they had in Jensen (the emotional chops, the comedic timing) and started giving him much more to work with. Smart move....I think this sets up the next season well because I'm wondering how in the heck you get someone out of hell??? And after getting just a taste of what Dean is going through down there, what mental state would he be in if/when he is rescued? There are questions I'm excited to see answered next season, so I'm of the opinion this finale did its job very well. Man, it was heartbreaking seeing the 'love you and goodbye' look in Dean's eyes when he was telling Sam what to do when he's gone.


OMG I can not wait for you to start season4. Please do it this week because​ it is honestly one of my favorite season.


Carry On My Wayward Son is the unofficial theme song of Supernatural. We all know the words.


I think Sam knew about the plan to trap Ruby -- Dean says, "Sam, you wanted the knife – I got you the knife." I've always interpreted it as a plan they did together, to get as much info from Ruby as they can and get the knife. But after, Dean is fine with keeping her trapped and out of it but Sam does think she might be useful

Daniel R

Lilith, like all demons, can body-hop so yes while Lilith was in an older girl in the ep where she wiped out the police station she decided to take on a different little girl as she holds her family hostage "for fun".


bobby took the cars distributor cap.


I've seen your Reaction, so can now comment on that. Jensen is a great actor, and the writers learned early on that he could carry the heavy stuff. Jared is also a really good actor, but his character has a different personality and he has to play Sam with a lot of subtlety. There are times he really shines, but the writers don't give him as much stuff it seems. I'm pretty sure that Sam wasn't in on Dean's plan back at Bobby's, when Dean fought with Ruby and got her knife. Lilith didn't go into Ruby until Ruby was at the house. Pretty sure it happened when she and Sam separated upstairs at the house. Dean saw Ruby's true face outside the house when Ruby caught Dean at the fence. Then Dean noticed it wasn't Ruby anymore when they were in the room at the end. Lilith was meant to be a larger part in the original plans for season 3, but they had to cut all of that from their plans due to short season. They had to throw all that out the window and come up with a new plan and new episodes fast. The season finale we got wasn't meant to be the season finale. Bella was also meant to be a larger part of this season. Kripke has said that he felt bad for the actress. That they didn't write for her very well, and thought they could have done better. The reason they killed the body's possessed by the demons in this episode is because they 1) didn't have time to exorcise every one of them, and 2) they didn't want them to warn Lilith. If they exorcised them they'd still be "alive" and able to warn Lilith. They didn't want to, but basically saw no other choice. I wasn't disappointed with the finale. I thought it was really good. But I was devestated by it. I was livid during it and yelling at the tv. I didn't understand why they didn't make more precautions and I agree with you that they probably could have held off the Hell Hounds for a while. They were under the gun in getting Lilith before Dean went to Hell, so didn't have time, but I still felt that they could have brought more stuff with them to hold off the hounds. So, yeah. I was pissed. I yelled. I threw things. I cussed Kripke like you wouldn't believe. They sent my boy to Hell! The original plan was not to send Dean to Hell, actually.

Mark Wood

The season lost 6 episodes during the writers strike and the writers had to really rush to complete the last four after the strike ended. They basically killed the original plan which was to basically show over several more episodes Sam willing to do worse and worse things to try and save Dean and end the season with Sam doing what Ruby said using his dormant abilities to save Dean. They started showing hints about it in Jus in Belo (Where we see Sam not disagreeing with Ruby about sacrificing the girl, and keeping secret talk between him and Ruby), and Mystery Spot (where the Tricksters gives Sam months of insight about what he will become when Dean dies). After that they showed us that Sam was willing to turn himself and Dean into immortal Frankenstein monsters to save Dean, that’s both extreme, dark and friete

Mark Wood

Frightening. But with the shorter episode count and lack of lead time to write the final four episodes they scrapped there idea and used the summer break to plan a whole new season 4 arc.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I have dried to watch this reaction 3 times on 3 different days. I hate dropbox. Can't pause, rewind or fast forward. I really wanted go see your Dean dies and goes to hell reaction, but I'm just gonna have to skip that and move onto your season 4 Reactions😩😫😟😞😪😑😐🙄