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I'm not quite sure where the impression came from that Faith is against bad people and bad things and is anywhere near as moral about things as Buffy. She's a deeply troubled teenager who does things like uses guys, breaks the law/steals things without remorse, injures police officers without remorse, doesn't do school or respect rules or laws, murdered someone and though it was an accident she did so much, even tried to hide the body and lie to cover it up, etc. So it's not like she was saintly and suddenly turned evil. Like most people, I think it's more complex than that. I'm with you on Buffy/Angel pairing. It's pretty irritating how they're just going on as if nothing much happened and everyone seems to blindly accept it. I'm sure others have better insights than me, but my simple spin on her friends and all just accepting it is the same for real life relationships. They can't exactly stop Buffy from seeing Angel, so what are their choices here? Real life families and friends get split apart when someone refuses to break up with someone their loved ones think is bad for them sometimes, the only other choice is to just love and support the person and hope for the best even when you don't think they're making good choices. There really isn't much they can do. If people want to be together there really is no way to keep them apart. As for Cordy, she's a senior but I do think she's of legal age, though her and Wesley do feel kind of cringy. The episode does leave a lot of questions about how things went down. I think Buffy, Angel, Giles and the summoned guy were in on it originally and nobody else knew, though how they knew to do that, I guess the summoned guy must have went to Giles, I'm not sure either. Thanks for your reactions. I always get excited when I see you've uploaded another reaction.


I think Buffy got suspicious of Faith when they went to the demons house and found him dead. The place was in darkness and Faith reached for the light switch without looking for it. I think Buffy then came to the conclusion that Faith had already been there before. As for Faith, I think she gets something from the mayor that she never got from Buffy and her friends...acceptance and importance. He's like a father to her just as Giles is to Buffy so I can see why she would turn like that. He cares about her in his own way but is probably manipulating her as well. She fits in with the mayor as opposed to being an outsider and the other slayer and finally Buffy and Angel, I'm with you there, I never understood why they keep ignoring the warning signs in their relationship and especially why Giles, her father figure says nothing about it. I suppose he trusts her to make her own choices which is nice but also risky. Loved your reaction to this

Karissa Edie

It would have been nice if they explained how the plan happened a bit more, but I always thought it happened when Willow sent Buffy to talk to Angel. They cut to Faith at Angel’s at that point, but that could have been hours later. So if Buffy talked to Angel, and he said Faith had just killed something not human and Buffy told him about the bloody mess at the demons, and the missing books only Faith and Buffy’s friends knew about, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out she betrayed them. They told Faith sex turns Angel evil ( which I agree is a dumb assumption considering people find happiness in lots of ways) so they know she at least isn’t against him turning evil again or she wouldn’t have tried. But the safe thing would be to assume it was her goal and come up with a way to prevent it. So they probably called Giles. I guess there is only one guy who can take a soul and they called him first. That’s my best guess anyway.

NaTasha Norris

Your face after the “second best” line was PURE GOLD. Also -just an opinion, but I don’t think her scene with Angel was totally just manipulative. I think the murder of the demon really did shake her up more than she thought it would. She’s not pure evil and I definitely think the action takes a toll on her.


Loved this reaction! Your face at the second best line was great. I agree with all your opinions on buffy/angel. She grows so much as a character when she doesnt have all this cringey teen drama to deal with. Also, dont let your opinions of bangel affect whether you watsh angel the series. Its a much darker show than buffy, angel is such a different more badass character when hes not given melodrama, and besides that the shows kind of do need to be watched together to understand most of the arcs in the coming season(s). Im personally not sure how i feel about faiths development. I like evil faith but i agree there should have been a bit more buildup, but i do think she is very confused and afraid and needs a guardian to accept her so i can kinda understand why she joined the mayor. Plus an evil slayer is a cool idea for a villain

Marshall Dante Robertson

I'll preface this by saying I was never a big fan of Angel (on this show anyway) or the Bangel relationship, but as I've said before, it'll be easier for you to digest the relationship and the Scoobies' reaction to it if you see Angel and Angelus as two different people sharing the same body. Angel is a good guy, he cares for Buffy, and helps the gang on multiple occasions. Angelus on the other hand is a straight up monster. The only way Angel turns evil is if he makes love to Buffy. Now I'm sure the gang knows how difficult and next to impossible this is, but choose to accept it because one, Buffy's going do what she wants to do regardless, and two because Angel is still a good guy who shouldn't be held accountable for what Angelus did because he couldn't control it. When the clan cursed him, they didn't tell him what the "moment of true happiness" would mean. If Angel knew, and still slept with Buffy anyway, then that would be an entirely different story.


Hahahaha, I am so ready for this, for most reactors this is how will they deal with this turn of events. for you it is.....how is he going to react when his favorite character comes back.....hahahaha


3:35 you can't stop her from dating Angel, physically or emotionally, Buffy has shown a level of maturity outside of her dating skills that belies her years, as her friend you would just have to be there for her. I don't think that they accept this relationship, they tolerate it.....except for Xander he let's it known how he feels and has that worked out for him?

Marshall Dante Robertson

Now about the Faith turning evil thing, I'll admit, you lost me there. If they had actually shown Faith as this do gooder with a heart of gold before this, then of course this turn of events would seem abrupt and cheap. But Faith comes from a troubled upbringing and saw her watcher killed right in front of her, before she even came to Sunnydale. She talks about using and discarding random men, so she has serious trust issues from the jump, and as much as she tried to fit in with Buffy and the gang, Buffy's lying about Angel really signaled to Faith that even Buffy cant be trusted. Faith literally has no one to care for her, no mom or dad, no family, she lives in a freaking motel, and she's only 17. Faith saw an opportunity in The Mayor because of the power and security she never had. Her joining him, if you really go back and really watch how Faith operates, is completely understandable and in character. But she's in the background a lot, so it's easy to forget the girl is pretty troubled. Lol


27:03 Totally worth it........you look so happy....hahahahahaha


I think the term you are looking for is Deux Ex Machina. The only real answer I have is that the moment that Giles heard how the Mayor was one step ahead of Willow he was on track that something is up. Then the creature after hearing from the Mayor about his plan contacted Giles. Giles also would have told everyone on the way to Angel what was up. Remember after Cordy gave the meeting back over to Wesley and then Wesley stated the Council had no idea the Giles was still working for them......those things led him to concoct this plan and not tell Wesley or anyone he sent in that group which was everyone. Angel and Buffy knew something was up with Faith.....Angel flinched, when Faith tried to touch him........the rest you have to think they just worked out it amongst themselves and forgot to tell us.....I give this episode a 9, so I am biased beyond all belief. I love evil Faith, I love Angelus, I love Xander hating Angel, I love Giles being all "I don't give a 2-F's", I love Wesley getting in the way, I love any chance to watch Cordelia be Cordelia, I love Oz counting as 5 different characters because of his hair, I love the Mayor as a villain and Willow is a straight up Beast, with her overalls and fluffy sweaters.....hahahaha.....I love what is.......


Last one I promise. Xander was used by Faith, but this is the same Xander who broke Cordy's heart, who treated Willow the way that he did, who lied to Buffy about Willow's spell and what she said. Yes it was horrible to Xander but was it as bad as what happened to Buffy after her 1st time? I think the writers took that tact because it is important to show the truth of what happens after this monumental occasion....they showed it from the female perspective and the male perspective so in that they were fair. Buffy and Xander's 1st time were both ruined by the other person and that happens in real life, so it is fair.....just my opinion, I get where you are coming from, but if they show Xander having the great moment doesn't they feed into the trope of the guy being cool after?




Sorry for the all-caps. I just noticed that I guess this important comment that would help you enjoy the show better is overlooked. HOPE THIS HELPS.


I’ve grown to really like this episode. I was very annoyed when it aired because I never believed for a second that they would bring Angelus back so quickly because it would cheapen S2, but then I saw how scarily easy it is for Angel to pretend to be Angelus, how it re-traumatized Buffy, and how it exposed Faith's jealousy, pain, and rage. That reveal was brilliant, and Steven's reaction was priceless. I like seeing a harmless demon in Sunnydale, and his name is Skyler. SKYLER. And Skyler was trying to take his goldfish with him, aww. Faith did look upset when she had to kill him so violently and saw the blood on her hands. I liked Angel playing with the letter opener like Buffy did with Snyder in DMP, and I’m fairly certain Angel was being honest when he said, “That guy just bugs me,” after punching Xander out. But then Xander is all “I told you so,” even though Angel literally just saved his life in “Consequences,” and helped save everyone in “Doppelgangland” and in “The Zeppo,” yada yada yada. But then again, Xander thinks it’s totally cool that he’s a sadistic vampire in Vamp!Willow’s world. I mean, who wouldn’t be thrilled to learn that they’re an undead mass murderer in an alternate universe? 🙄


So, Faith’s eagerness to torture Buffy. Okay, so she only threatens it, but much like Faith strangling Xander, I just don’t buy it that she would go through with it. Faith has serious issues, but would she really torture Buffy? I think Faith is trying to be evil because it’s easier, and it’s more rewarding than being an outsider to the scooby gang, living in a seedy motel, having a Watcher who either ignores her (Giles) or who mistreats her (Wesley). But the biggest bonus is that the Mayor treats her like a daughter, lovingly from her perspective because she’s never known real parental love. The Mayor and Faith are a dark mirror to Giles and Buffy. They both send their Slayers out to kill, but The Mayor will also pimp Faith out to the most vicious vampire who ever existed. I hate to validate Gwendolyn Post, but her “advice” was not too off the mark: “Faith, you’re an idiot.” Buffy and Angel con her. The Mayor is totally grooming her, and that line about pulling her hair back because she has a pretty face feels like the 1999 equivalent of, “You should smile. You have a really pretty smile.” BLECCHH But there is always a subtle threat underneath about failing him: “Well, you know, replacing Mr. Trick was chore enough,” or reminding her that she’s inferior to Buffy, even when it’s presented as NBD: “So you couldn’t give him true happiness [like Buffy].” Then he tells her drink milk or play mini-golf (Ted vibes). I loved Willow giving Buffy the same advice Buffy has given her about Oz and Xander: communication. I do wish they would stop dressing her like a child, though, especially after fuzzy overdose in “Doppelgängland.”


Perfect happiness or true happiness, where the guilt that plagues his mind is completely gone, only then can his soul be taken. Jenny Calendar's uncle said something like this. With that in mind, the idea of perfect happiness is borderline impossible. There's always going to be distance between Buffy and Angel now regardless, cause what can happen will plague both their minds. They're not stupid, The amount of closeness they can attain is limited. At this point, they want to feel something though.


What's Giles going to do though? He made it clear how he feels about Angel in Revelations. What else is he going to do? Forbid her from seeing him? Ground her?That won't work. He like Xander just have to deal with it.


I think the plan was formed after they discovered the demons body. Notice the long glance she took before they left. She'd figure out that Faith had done it. Couple that with Angel telling her that Faith was trying to sleep with him. I'd say it happened around there.


I agree with everything you guys said and would just like to add a few things. I think Giles and Buffy discovered about the Mayor's plans of turning Angel after the blue demon came to him. They suspected that something was wrong with Faith, but I think at that point they weren't sure if she was bad and working with mayor or was it something unrelated. At least until she helped turn Angel to Angelus. Buffy's words about Faith at the end of the episode when she says 'at least now we know' confirms it. About the plan itself, I think Giles informed the group about the plan a little before they all stormed the castle, cause otherwise they would not know where Buffy even was at the time and could not rescue her. Last thing about Bangel's breakups. I think they know what they are doing is dangerous, but they love each oter too much and can't stay away from each other long, so they keep fooling themselves everything is going to work out even though it won't. This episode Buffy was just reminded how much Angel hurt her when he was evil and it affected her more than she expected. That is why she had to get away from him for a while. That is how I feel at least. They want to be together but something always pulls them apart. Like they are just not ment to be. I hope any of that made sense.


Its pretty obvious how it happened? The Mayor called the demon, wanting him to remove Angel's soul to get to the Slayer. The demon is shown at the end to have known Giles for a long time, and to be in Giles' debt... The demon obviously went and told Giles the plan, and Giles figured out a way to get info by having the demon and Angel pretend... Only Buffy and Angel were in the loop, so the other reactions from scoobies would be realistic. There were also signs that both Buffy, Giles and Angel picked up on... Like Willow trying to hack the mayor's files and by the time she does they are empty - how did the Mayor know? Buffy and Faith go to the demon's house and Faith strolls in, until Buffy tells her 'be careful', then Faith just happens to know exactly where the light switch around the corner is? Uh-huh... Then the fact Faith went to Angel with blood on her hands and tried to kiss Angel. They figured it out, or had suspicions and then used the Demon thingy as a way to try and find out for sure.


Nobody necessarily accepts Angel and Buffy together, but they love Buffy, she loves and trusts Angel. They tolerate it. With a soul, Angel is a good guy who helps a lot. They see Angel and Angelus as two seperate people. Buffy and Angel don't engage in sex because they fear it will trigger him to lose his soul. He has to have a moment of true, pure happiness in order to lose his soul. The fact Angel knows this, also makes it hard for him to ever forget that... so he can be happy, and not lose his soul, but being perfectly happy is so difficult. And even if the gang all hated them together, what are they gonna do about it? How would they stop it? Buffy would do what she wants anyways, she's a teenage girl in love, and a slayer... RE: Wesley and Cordy lol. Cordy is 18 years old. Wesley is max - 23-24, possibly not even that. He is fresh out of the Watcher's academy, still very green. in UK we finish high school at 16, college or 6th form is 2 years until we're 18, and then university is 3 or 4 years (so you'd be 21-22 after finishing a course or whatever). So if you assume the Watcher's academy is like a boarding school through high school, college and university, that would put Wesley not much older than 22. I think his reaction to her is funny haha. RE: Faith's decent into 'evil'. Through the entire season we have caught glimpses of what her life has been like. She says this episode how she was neglected, her mum was an alcoholic, or possibly drug addict. She had a rough childhood. She uses men, doesn't let people get close to her, has trouble with rules, law and authority. When she comes to town as the Slayer, her watcher had just been brutally murdered in front of her. She gets here, and Buffy is the 'the slayer' when that role is supposed to be Faith's (technically). Her new watcher is a fake who lies, manipulates and uses her then betrays her (the whole glove of minigon thing). Wesley betrayed her trust next, choosing to try and boot her off to England to be rehabilitated... She lives alone in a motel, despite Giles or Buffy having the potential to take her in and help her. The scoobies keep her out of the loop, Buffy keeps her at a distance... and in turn Faith can't let people in, or trust people. She is an outsider who steals, parties, breaks the law, does what she likes. She accidentally kills a man, and decides she doesnt care. Realises Buffy isn't like her or on her side. She decides to go to the mayor, and once there gets all the love, praise, care and security she has never had... In this episode she gets Angel, another thing Buffy has that Faith can't or doesn't... It's easy to see how she got to this point, honestly.

Ari is my Cat

Why is everyone "OK" with Buffy & Angel? Answer: Can you control who your friends date? How long will your friend stay your friend if you bitch about the person they are seeing all the time? I think you state your concerns and be supportive when it ends badly much the way my friends did when my ex wife came back into my life like a wrecking ball.

Ari is my Cat

What ever made you think Faith was ever "good"? She was never good, she was only on the right side. Unlike Buffy & Kendra, Faith was never about duty she enjoyed the killing. From the start Faith always equated killing with arousal.

Ari is my Cat

Plus Faith always enjoyed killing way more than the 2 slayers we have to compare her to. Kendra and Buffy kill for duty, Faith used killing to release rage from all the ways her life went wrong.

Ari is my Cat

I think Buffy needs a break for both reasons. The Angel/Faith acting + Seeing evil Angel preview.


God you really annoyed the hell out of me at the beginning of this. Can you please just get over that one plot point. It doesn't tank the whole show and we all know how you feel about it. It doesn't need to be brought up every time they have a f****** scene together. Also its only bad if Angel finds pure happiness. That's something most people never get. He has to be so happy that he only had that one emotion. How likely do you imagine that is. He didn't know a or the pure happiness thing before and now he does. Don't you think that just knowing that fact might keep someone from ever becoming truly happy like all the way. And you know for a fact that he's getting his own show after this season. So why don't you just get over that one little point because you know what you're saying Could Happen will not happen. I hate hearing you say the same thing over and over as if you're adding anything new to it. The comments have given you plenty of their own reasons you have only given one.


I hate to break this too you, but this is his reaction channel and the level of arrogance it takes that you can watch someone else watch a show and that you can control that with your comments is what the real issue is. Angel was a 24-26 year old spoiled lout before he was turned then he was a monster, then he was cursed, then he was a bum, then he found a 15 year old girl that he thought was pretty and stalked her. He then took her virginity, tormented her, tried to kill her friends, killed her Father figure's girlfriend and put it his bed, but yeah you are right to forgive him and then have the nerve to be annoyed that others have not. This was a toxic relationship from the jump and just because you are okay with it does not give you the right to dictate that other's should be okay. This is their reaction, you have a choice to make, either you accept that or you move on. See and now you can't get mad because all I did was bring up one little point, so according to your set of rules all you now have to do is get over it and move on......see how unfair that is? Not your channel, not your reaction, you can always go make your own channel and see how that works out for you.

Jason fielding

I find the storyline for season 3 between angel and buffy was to show that no matter how much they love each other, it will never work out in the long run and they realized it.

Alexis Cardarella

I’ve been a bit annoyed with your point of view about Buffy and Angel, but not enough to scream it through comments... I’ll always respect your view about that.. it’s not that extreme.. a lot of people thought it was dangerous and ridiculous that they continued to go out... a lot of people were NOT into it- including one of my best friends who watched it with me.. people can be indifferent or even annoyed by their relationship.. and okay, state it- but don’t go off on a reactor for it... my god... I personally love Bagnel.. but I still agree with a lot of points people have about their relationship at this point.. I had the same feelings watching it too, in combination with my own... I understood that at the end of the day that they’re so damn in love and they believe they have enough will power to prevent sex- what they believe is the trigger to him loosing his soul.

Alexis Cardarella

Love is so not rational and apparently neither is some of the people about how people react to their relationship.. in this sense you are VERY rational, and you shouldn’t be harassed for it.

Katherine Thoreson

I love your reaction to the twist reveal at the end there. If you pay attention to when Buffy and Faith go to demon's house who had the Books of Ascension, Faith just walked in like there was no threat. Buffy said something to her, but obviously, Faith knew there was no threat. She also stuck her hand on the back side of a wall without seeing it to turn on a light (because she saw the demon guy do it when she was there). How would she know that light switch was there unless she had been there before? I think that's when Buffy started really suspecting Faith may not be on the up and up.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Watching you react to the (fake) Angelus return was like watching Giles find that rose on his front door. I kept wishing you could be that happy forever but I knew it would be over as soon as you 'walked up the stairs'. First time round I had the same reaction ;)