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Alexis Cardarella

Comatose patients have a possibility of dying after waking up. The recovery of head trauma is very tricky and unknown. That’s why Meg was prepared something might happen to her. :(

Nica Marie

Oh, where to begin... Mr CEO was displaying his racist tendencies from jump. And was called out by our knitting granny at the start. The whole point of the case is to show the gulf between the haves and have nots. Can a poor girl from the wrong side of town get a fair shake when assaulted and victimized by upper class spoiled rich boys? I'm disappointed by your attitude about the case itself. So, crimes against women are only interesting to you if it's murder? She was beaten and clearly they attempted to rape her. I call that compelling. As for Meg, we've established that her parents are abusive. They are all about image. So, a pregnant unwed teenage daughter not going over well with them. Meg had every right to fear they might act out. Also, there is an alternate ending to the previous episode where Meg is suffocated by one of her parents. Then Veronica was found standing over Meg. It's in the bonus features on the DVDs. I promise there is a point to Meg surviving to this moment. You are totally correct, anything involving Logan is generally awesome. We adore Jason Dohring for good reason. He brings so much depth to Logan.


I agree with the comment above. Meg expected something was going to happen either because of her medical state from being comatose for so long or because of how *crazy* her parents are. She feared that her parents would take drastic measures to save face and I believe they are capable of it due to the episode with her younger sister.


Also, she told Veronica because of the history of V always helping people out. Meg knew V would do anything in her power to honor Meg's wish for the baby. Trust Duncan with that? Come on lol he doesn't seem like the most reliable or capable person by himself.

Alexis Cardarella

I thought his “Mexican whore” comment was also pretty left field even when he seemed very elitist and likely racist up until that point. But, yeah, that sure confirmed it for the audience. It’s clear the writers were trying to make a commentary on racism (in Neptune) in terms of this plot- and it could have been better, story wise and dialogue wise. I wouldn’t go as far as saying assault isn’t compelling enough to relay this kind of commentary? I was upset they killed Meg.. I really liked her character.. but it did make sense medically. :/ My favorite scenes were also with Logan this episode. Gosh, Jason is such a good actor.. The scene with him and the tapes was especially moving.

Ari is my Cat

The film "12 Angry Men" has the same theme, not surprising since this episode is an homage to the movie.


Where is Dream Lilly to smack Duncan, "WAKE UP DONUT!"


WALLACE!!!! I giggled at Steven’s happiness being immediately deflated by realizing that means more Jackie. Aww. I wish the 12 Angry Men homage were more interesting, too, but the racism didn’t stand out to me at all. It felt natural that he would explode once he didn’t get his way. The show is premised on class warfare, perhaps that hasn’t been as prominent in S2 as S1? Hence, the 09ers vandalizing Veronica’s car. Well, it’s better than “Abel should have killed you” and “SLUT.” What’s a little jury tampering between father and daughter? It’s Neptune, after all. Merry Christmas, Veronica. Still love the pony running joke. The Logan scene was heartbreaking. I get what he did—it’s the purest expression of love from Logan that he doesn’t want Lilly immortalized as the teen girl that Aaron Echolls f*ked and murdered. This is still the early days of the internet and social media, but Logan remembers how quickly his bum fights video went viral, and this is a different level. But damn, Leo stole key evidence in a major murder trial. Keith let him off so easy, presumably so he can get hired somewhere else BECAUSE STEALING EVIDENCE WILL MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR JOB THAT YOU NEED TO PROVIDE FOR YOUR SISTER, DUMBASS, WHICH IS THE WHOLE REASON YOU STOLE EVIDENCE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Sorry for yelling, but damn.


Re: Meg...I agree, it's frustrating, but the network demanded that at least one student survive the crash. Here is an excerpt from an interview with Rob Thomas: There were elements of it that I liked; I liked playing Duncan's confusion between the two, I liked the conflict it created between Veronica and Duncan...yeah, I'm not crazy about how it reads on paper. "There's one survivor! And she's in a coma!" Honest to God, the word "coma" bugs the hell out of me. It feels like you should cue the laugh track at that moment. I may have convinced myself that after, in my mind, having done a successful "switched-at-birth" episode, we could make "coma baby" land. I was wrong. But I also don't want to blame everything on the network; they said I had to keep someone, they said there had to be survivors, but they didn't say it had to be Meg. Part of the reason I kept Meg is that I feared if I killed her, the big mystery would feel too much like Season 1 -- "Veronica's friend dies, Veronica seeks justice." You know -- Meg plus six other dead kids equals Lilly. So I made a different choice. But it was hard to keep Veronica involved.


Cool reaction man. Gotta agree with you in terms of the choices made in this one. Although you will understand more in regards to the resolution and why they chose to do this in this episode, it still felt kinda forced. And in hindsight, it is forced. Anyway, i agree that what Logan did is understandable and i felt for him, however he still risked a lot by doing this. Criminals have walked away for far less destroyed evidence than what he did.