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OMG, you're almost done with another season! You're moving right along. I've never liked this episode much, but I appreciate what it is trying to tell us. And I agree with Dean. Totally. But I wasn't happy about it the first time viewing this. I was actually open to it. Until I thought about it. But that didn't matter. We only had one episode left and Dean hadn't gotten out of his demon deal yet! I was a nervous wreck. It's different viewing it in Real Time. I'm glad I was able to, even with all the emotional trauma it caused me. lol I don't like how it ended, with them burying him "alive". They could have cut his head off or something, then buried him. I think he might be killable. But if he didn't die after losing his heard, I'm not sure. But not having a head would have been worth trying. I can't watch this yet, so I don't know what your comments are about it. I don't have internet at home, so download to watch later.


You’re confusing Lily, the blonde girl who was one of the Yellow Eyed Demon’s special kids, with Lilith, who we only saw at the end of Jus In Bello, when she went to the police station in the form of a little girl and killed everyone in it. And she was definitely a demon.

Sarah Trow

Bella was very smart but she also has major trust issues that interfered with her decisions...thats why I think she didn't ask Sam&Dean for help.


There was a writers strike 2007-2008 which is why there are fewer episodes and why the last few episodes / storyline seems rushed.

Scarlett Monrow

24:36 - the point is to enjoy life however you can. Like a good movie, a great book, sunsets, fresh breeze, maybe have a pet that won't judge you on appearance. You can have a good life. Also, wait long enough and technology will come along that will allow him to transfer his mind to a new body (maybe even his clone). Surely that's wort a 100 years or so of waiting.

Collector of Stuff

I agree. To be betrayed by the two people who she should have trusted the most would definitely make her extremely closed off.


i never got why you couldnt choose immortality and then just let yourself rot away in a hundred years if you dont want to kill anyone


Yes, there was a writer's strike, and that definitely affected the later half of season 3. And the rushed aspect of this episode. I'm sure there have been lots of comments about season 3 and the writer's strike and what that meant. Do you read comments here and on youtube? Safer to read the comments here. A lot of things can be explained without being spoilery.

Amy Rustand

Two meh MOTW in a row, BUT I did enjoy (enjoy?) the desperation of both brothers, the disagreements over how to deal. Jared is really playing Sam's panic well, I am feeling his feelings. For that and the ending, decent ep.


Mostly Only Read Comments On Here, sometimes I pop into YouTube comments but not much or often since im so ahead over here.