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Janet Daurity

Loved your reaction! What we have going forward is a slippery slope. So good! Thank you for this timely reaction!


i love the use of the dutch angle in this episode, it really gives the impression of something being off without overdoing it like most shows

Janet Daurity

Don't listen to the naysayers. I absolutely love seasons 5 and 7, two of my favorites. I'll admit 6 and 8 aren't nearly as good as the early seasons, but they aren't horrible. And there are really great moments in each.

Janet Daurity

And by the way, the filming of this season is when Michael C Hall and Jennifer Carpenter (Deb) are falling in love behind the scenes. They married on Dec. 31 2008 but unfortunately divorced in Dec 2011. You can never tell on screen they are such professionals.

Janet Daurity

About Angel. Don't forget about his interactions with Lila. She wasn't a hooker, but it certainly wasn't a love connection and left Angel really jaded and lonely.

Janet Daurity

But it was the case of the week that gave Dexter the right words for his proposal. I love when he says "Could I ever become real?" He takes cues on how to be "normal" from others all the time. This time it was from Fiona. But, can I ever be real, is really the theme of the entire series. He wants to be normal, but he's not. Each season be feels more and more emotion, etc.

Janet Daurity

About Rita's firing. It was 2008, labor laws weren't the same as they are now. No maternity leave, etc. My sister got fired from a similar job for almost the same thing. Someone was complaining that their room service was slow and she said "this isn't Hardees" and got fired!


Not sure if it's just me but I can't hear the episodes on my laptop with sound all the way up. I can hear you just fine but I feel like the show's volume is mixed way down compared to your voice. Same problem with multiple shows.

Jason Usher

Great reaction