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You're so close to the finale!!!! I didn't rate this episode very high, but I think it's still an important episode. It just has some bits I didn't care for. It's in this episode that we really get to see how desperate Dean is becoming. It was really hard for me to watch this season the first time around. I was watching it in Real Time, as it aired for the first time. All I cared about during this season was seeing how they'd get Dean out of his deal. I was feeling pretty desperate myself at this point, so Dean's behavior in this episode really fit with me. With the writer's strike and all the long breaks in season 3, I was a bit of a wreck. Going back to watch the season again in later years, I'm able to appreciate the actual episodes more. But the season was affected by the strike and it shows in the later episodes. Since they had to pretty much throw out their whole plans for what was supposed to happen by the end of the season. But, in the long run, it all worked out for season 4. One of my favorite seasons. I look forward to seeing you get to the finale and move onward!

Amy Rustand

This episode didn't do much for me. I didn't feel like it furthered the season arc of Dean going to Hell. I didn't care much about the Monster. I think I could have my husband skip this episode completely - he wouldn't be missing anything of value. I enjoyed it as a big fan of the series and the Winchester brothers, but for a more casual viewer like my husband, this episode is skippable.

Nancy Nicolai

I often tell people who haven't watched the entire series yet not skip any episodes bc there is little gems of info in every episode but once you've seen the Supernatural series at least 5 times then skip away bc I have seen it honestly probably 1000 times and still see new things but I guess it's a personal choice and I also this episode isn't on the top of my list either!!😎⚘🤫


I found this on The Witcher Wiki and I believe it is from The Witcher 3: “In Pliny the Elder’s bestiary, the leucrotta is the crossbreed between a crocotta (a hyena) and a lion. The leucrotta is a fearsome predator that is able to mimic a man's voice and lure people into a trap to devour them.”


John was in hell... but then we opened the gate.. So this scenario was a little more possible for Dean. I agree that it is absolutely the moments between the brothers and their emotions that make this episode. :) (As always, but even more so in this particular episode.)

Daniel R

I always liked this episode because of the monster and the story was pretty good too