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To explain the mayor buying Faith a penthouse and other gifts..he is like grooming her. As most people in power do to solicit loyalty!


It has started..........

Amanda Logsdon

Ah the fan favorite of season 3 :)


Great reaction - Always amongst the lists of favourite episodes, esp in the more stand alone kind. "Wishverse" Willow is great - but I think it is good they didn't decide to go on some multi-episode arc evil "bizzaro world" type Willow here. She is not of this universe and it would likely have cheapened the effect and lessened the real Willow character. Also interesting that you still seem to regard Angel and Angelus as the same character … that Angel needs redemption for Angelus' actions. Is it that you don't buy the Buffyverse aspect of the soul as the supposed real core of the person and the agency for morals/ethics? Do you feel the same way about other characters in faction possessed by evil spirits/demons or mind controlled etc?

Scarlett Monrow

I don't think I ever saw you laugh so much! This ep is perfect, easy top 5 in entire series.


The spell seems to work by taking some powder and pouring it over an image of what you want to get from the other reality. That's why there was a painting of the necklace. But the powder lands on Willow's hand. So the spell brings back the other Willow instead.


Angel himself struggles seeing Angelus as another character. He's struggling for redemption. For what? I think the shows want to have both ways with Angel's responsibility and that creates the confusion.


Joss-written and directed episodes are always a notch above the rest. :D Had a great time watching your reaction on this one, can't wait for the next!

Alexis Cardarella

I thought Trick was very underused and no- I did not like how he went out. It was disappointing- but I understand why a white writers room in the 90s would write him off like that


Funnily enough, K. Todd Freeman was only supposed to appear in "Faith, Hope, and Trick," but Joss liked him so much that he asked if he could hang around, but Freeman was available only until "Consequences." I think Trick's character devolved once he hooked up with The Mayor. Trick mocked Balthazar's vampire for using a sword instead of an uzi, but then he attacks two Slayers with a bunch of crates like he's in a Bugs Bunny cartoon? Even if it is deliberate writing to parallel Allan, who became increasingly unnerved by The Mayor, it's uncomfortable because I want some characters of color to stick around on this very white show. And maybe be successful characters who do not get killed off or are evil, but that's a lot to ask for.


I love this. I thought Alyson Hannigan did amazing playing 3 different characters, normal Willow, evil Willow and then normal Willow pretending to be evil Willow lol. I also love the way this episode uses all the characters here. Everyone has a part to play from Faith's developing relationship with the Mayor to Buffy, Xander, Giles, Angel and Oz's reaction to Willow being dead and Cordelia having the talk to evil willow about Xander and Wesley saving her. Nobody was left out which is quite rare but it worked so well. Also Anya isn't a witch, she was a vengeance demon who helped women get revenge on men who had wronged them but her powers were taken away because Giles took her necklace to save everyone on "The Wish" episode. Great reaction! So glad you enjoyed it.


It is the same with Faith, she is being groomed by the Mayor and even now in 2019 the reaction to it is the same by most. I appreciate the Reactor getting what Joss was trying to do and as we can see by the comment section it has not yet taking effect/affect on some of us that there is/was a moral component to this show.

DJ Doena

Bored now!

DJ Doena

4 different. She also played evil Willow pretending to be normal Willow. ;-)


Eliza Dushku plays Faith's conflict well. Her understated reaction at 11:19 when the Mayor mentions killing Willow, shows how uncertain she is of her new choices. And kudos to to the writers for having the mayor see her uncertainty and use another material item (a Playstation) to distract her from her doubt.

Kacey Caldwell

you know i have seen this episode more than once but it wasnt until just now that i realized why the spell worked the way it did. i never notice that the sand touched willow which brought vamp willow.

Shauni Livingstone

Does anyone else get issues with the videos constantly stopping and saying they arent supported by the device?


I can state this now, it is not that I did not like Trick, I liked him a lot, but for me the reason he went out this way was because he went outside of his comfort zone, he was not there to fight and he went against all of his instincts and did fight and it cost him his life.