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Stephanie Bedworth

The humans in this show believe in many gods. The cylons believe there is only one true god.

Daniel R

Your reaction when Leoben broke out of the cuffs, flipped the table, and had Starbuck by the throat against the wall was 10/10 bro lmao that was a fucking awesome scene. Reminded me a lot of the Dark Knight interrogation scene where you have two polar opposites in a battle of intelligence on who exactly is "just" and what is right, etc. The only mistake Kara made was dropping her guard for that split second and damn!

Hazel Angus

I suspect that the other officers were able to pull Leoben off Starbuck when he had her by the throat, because Leoben allowed them to do so. Clearly he could have broken them all in half and the writers wouldn't have made such a silly inconsistency, not inside 2 minutes. He said that now wasn't the time to be killing her. A number of possible reasons - maybe he doesn't want to kill her, but he wanted to demonstrate that he *could*? That might place doubt in Starbuck's mind - in a torture session, he could have killed her and yet did not, so she might wonder if he was really evil. Adama Snr said Leoben would have a goal, maybe this was part of it. Maybe he wanted to goad her into being more violent with him, hoping to die under torture and get her into major trouble. He knew her callsign, if he also knew she was a very very good pilot (which he could have overheard), trying to get her distrusted by her superiors could be to the Cylons' advantage. Maybe he was simply hoping for a death-by-cop kinda deal so that the torture would end. He is certainly very clever. He achieved a great deal in the time he had - if he did manage to be reborn in a new body, I reckon the other Cylons would have been very pleased with him. How would he know how far away he is from wherever this would happen? This is probably a lie too. I feel strongly that this one is a pathological liar, that's his skill, just as the Sixes skill appears to be their sexuality/charisma. It was Starbuck's idea, he probably just went with what she suggested because it worked as an explanation and also hid how close the Cylons might actually be.

Hazel Angus

The god-images Starbuck has at the end btw - Leoben said "So, you pray to Artemis and Aphrodite". Those are two of the Lords of Kobol (the Colonials' gods) and he got at least one right, because the one with the bow has to be Artemis. The other one we don't see enough to recognise it, although I'm not convinced it's Aphrodite... kinda looks like Athena to me, with that helmet. Their religion is based on Ancient Greece in terms of the gods' names and functions. They don't seem to find it blasphemous to use the gods' names though, since Adama Junior's callsign is Apollo. Fun fact: In Greek mythology, Artemis and Apollo are nonidentical twins, a girl and a boy, born of Zeus. They are both gods of the hunt as well as their other attributes. This is interesting because Apollo's father loves Starbuck like a daughter. I have no idea if this is just a coincidence or not.

Hazel Angus

Yes, the Cylons feel physical pain. I don't know if they can turn off their pain software, or receptors, or whatever they have. Looking at the Cylons on Caprica they also seem to feel emotion, though that copy of Doral and Six are quite emotionally blunted and dissociated, which isn't so surprising - even a human who'd just massacred most of an entire species would likely be rather disconnected. Caprica-Sharon seems to be getting emotionally close to Helo though and I think that's a genuine thing. The Six is rather creeped out by how much Caprica-Sharon is behaving and thinking like a human, so I think it's real.

Hazel Angus

I post comments when I think of them, so I'm likely to keep talking your ear off. XD I think Starbuck decided to eat in front of Leoben as part of her strategy going in the second time. For one, it established the power dynamic straight away, or tried to, though she was fighting a losing battle there. Eating in front of him and then permitting him to eat her leftovers - means she's the alpha dog. It's a tactic that might work on a human. Also, it turned out to be a good way to get some intelligence. She saw that he sweated, later found out that he also ate, and if he was to be believed, needed to eat and could experience hunger.