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UPDATE: Got A Call, everything was fixed this morning around when I was heading to work. Will record when I get out around 8pm tonight.

Cant make this shit up, both days of me doing the new schedule and 1st day audio messes up on two shows which takes 2 hours to fix both.

On 2nd day while recording my Battlestar Galactica reaction the internet just went out. Everything is down. Cable, Landline everything.

Am currently on hold with Spectrum.

Shows will be delayed. I Apologize. They said that we have a outage in the whole area.





omg i’m so sorry! hope everything gets fixed! 💞

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I understand your frustrations completely. I’m so sorry. Good luck with getting it all back up and running again!!

Ina Durcekova

Don't worry, we all get technical difficulties at the worst possible times, so I'm sure everyone will understand.


Ah the joy of internet troubles, don't we all know that all to well? One of the providers here manged to create a 20 hour long outage in all states they are operating in, so yeah way too familiar with it. No need to apologize, stuff like that happens (and sadly way too often), nothing you can do about it. Hope you don't have to wait for nearly a full day like we had to, good luck.


They told me it could be up to 24hrs.🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Sorry....I know it’s frustrating. Maybe you could get one or two things on DVD so you could still have something to watch/record if your internet goes out again.....this way you won’t feel like you’re falling behind. Just a thought.

DJ Doena

To be honest, that's why I don't want to rely on streaming services. Even with your videos, I download them from dropbox once they're available and then watch them when I have the time. Even when that time is "immediately", I still download the file first to have an uninterrupted experience.

DJ Doena

That's also the reason why I still buy all my stuff on DVD / Blu-ray. So I don't need to care if Friends is still available on Netflix next year. http://doena-soft.de/dvds/overview2.jpg


Oh boy, I feel you. I live in an area with poor coverage so even when the internet is “working” it will just shit the bed whenever it feels like it. I’m so sorry for you that this is just the latest thing to try to screw you over, though! Try not to worry about it, you can’t control everything.

Nancy Nicolai

I'm sorry this seems to keep happening to your internet but this is why I pay what I do for Xfinity it hardly ever goes out but it's also quite a lot of money so you do have to weigh that in the decision I hope it works out soon!!💯👌


I am so sorry. I hate that this is happening to you because I know how much you stress about it. When it rains it pours. I’m in a similar rains-it-pours situation myself so I completely empathize.

Dani C

oh mate! I feel your pain. My ex and I used to make machinima reportage vids for an online game we played (way back in the early 2000s) - ten to a penny when we'd arranged to cover a big guild event or tournament our internet would crash out. Soooo frustrating. Bad enough when it screws with your own entertainment - really frustrating when it screws with commitments you'be made to others. Try not to get too stressed about it. It won't do you any good to be tearing out your eyebrows in frustration :P

Alexis Cardarella

You release so much content for your tier prices, it’s a really a great bargain. I understand some people are only here for one or two shows, but it’s a minority. I don’t think anyone wants you to stress yourself out by rushing to catch up.

Scarlett Monrow

Anyone heard from the Reactor on any other platform (Facebook, Twitter, ect)? Is he alright? It's been 3 days of complete silence here: no new video, no updates, nothing.

Ina Durcekova

Nope, haven't heard anything. I understand that unexpected things happen, but his "catch-up september" is worse than his unlucky august so far. I'm paying 10 dollars a month to basically watch Gilmore Girls and I have been waiting for over 2 weeks now. I would love to at least get an update on how things will work in the future to know if it's worth paying my 10 bucks each month.

Ina Durcekova

Did he actually say that?