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Christopher Summers

That was probably my least fav doctor who ending, season 3 had some of the best episodes and some let downs.. But season 4 is coming up and it is an awesome.


It would not be incorrect of me to say that you will have a hard time finding fans of this finale. Id say the general consensus is the first 2 parts are good, and the finale falls flat. To your torchwood questions, id be okay waiting months for you to start, and/or have the episodes more spaced out. Torchwood is the type of spinoff that really does stand on its own and doesnt have direct crossovers. Also, i know there are gonna be loads of people who would not like it if you put off season 4 to watch torchwood first. S4 is a favorite for a lot of reasons that i wont spoil


Oh also, love that you made the connection to harry potter. A lot ppl refer to this as the dobby doctor, bc he really does look like a creepy little elf

DJ Doena

*starts to watch if GON recognized a certain someone* :-)

DJ Doena

If it is available to, check out the mini-sode "Time Crash" It takes place right between the ending you just saw and the beginning of the next episode. Basically between Martha leaving and before the Titanic crashes into the Tardis. It's a cute little skit where the Tenth Doctor meets the Fifth. And at the same time where David Tennant meets the actor that he grew up watching as The Doctor. So when Ten/nant says "you were my Doctor" that comes straight from the heart.

Linda Sanchez

I've always liked the Master stuff but the season 3 as a whole was kind of disappointing. It had some great episodes with Blink, Human Nature, and Family of the Blood but as a whole it was not my favorite. Also as much as I do like Torchwood ( especially season 3) it really runs along side not intertwined with Doctor Who. I feel like you can skip it, though I think you should watch it at some point


oh man, you watched the cut down version, the broadcast version and the version on dvd and blu ray is over an hour long and is much better especially in the pacing department. One of the notable cut scenes is the scene where Martha's mother does have the gun and threatens to use it and is talked down by the doctor, but there are many more.

Amanda Logsdon

I didn't like season 3 all that much except for a few episodes, mostly because of the extremely forced wannabe romance of Martha. As for torchwood, I didn't watch it till I finished season 6 of Doctor Who and I didn't feel cheated it stands apart fairly well. I would prefer season 4 first.


I'm fine with waiting for Torchwood. I love Torchwood, but, as others have indicated, it doens't have a lot of crossover and the storylines don't have a lot of intermingling. Unlike Buffy and Angel which should definitely be watched together, preferably using the "SlayAlive" watch order.


This episode, this season was a missed opportunity.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really love Jack, but I hope you will just continue on with Doctor Who, as you throw a random episode reaction for Torchwood whenever you can. Torchwood has its good moments and Jack is fantastic, but it's not nearly as good as Doctor Who and I love season four. And Torchwood is a little too dark for my taste. And the episodes aren't as good either.


now he doesn't have to watch it, you told him everything that happens.

Melinda Barr

Not many people like this season finale, except for the last 7 minutes. The ending of Jack's arc was unexpected and wonderful! The Doctor only gave mixed signals in the alley in S3E1, but other than that he was quite clear. Martha's story about her friend was just to say that it is nearly impossible to get over someone if you stick around. Martha's departure is stellar because she recognized that the way she felt was not mutual and instead of wasting her life on him, she bounced. She was not left behind, like Sarah Jane, and she did not share the fate of his other companions. She chose the course of her own life. "Hunger hurts, but starving works when it costs to much to love"