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DJ Doena

*Yells at his browser* Download faster!!1!

DJ Doena

PS: As a European I appreciate that you put videos online when they're ready and not on a fixed time schedule. It's now 8:22pm and I can watch them before going to sleep. :-)

Dani C

Yes! Been looking forward to this one. Not my favourite resolution to a story arc, but some great moments nonetheless. {eta] for some reason I thought it was the finale :P


Man I love this ending arc and I fricking love the master. Speaking of whom, would you consider information about the classic series to be spoilers? Do you ever intend to watch some of it? There's some stuff about the Master that I could clarify in terms of a few questions you asked but since it comes from stuff you haven't seen i don't know if you want to hear it or not.

Melinda Barr

Harold Saxon was mentioned in both series 2 and series 3 -------------------------------------------------------- - Series 2: In "Love & Monsters", The Abzorbaloff is reading a newspaper with "Saxon" in the headline. - Series 3: In "The Runaway Bride", the British Army are heard being given orders from "Mr Saxon" to fire upon the Racnoss ship - Series 3: In "Smith and Jones", a medical student tells the news that "Mr Saxon" was proven right about there being life beyond Earth. - Series 3: In "Smith and Jones", A poster with the words "Vote Saxon" is behind Martha when she is in the alleyway asking about the TARDIS - Series 3: In "The Lazarus Experiment", Lady Thaw threatens to have Mr. Saxon pull their funding - Series 3: In "The Lazarus Experiment", A mysterious man walks up to Martha's mother and whispers to her - Series 3: In "The Lazarus Experiment", Martha's mother leaves an phone message for her daughter, warning her that the Doctor is "not safe" and "This information comes from Harold Saxon himself."


I thought it was the finale as well and gave my opinion, thank goodness you said something......


This one was kind of a rough go at times........


I think that the Doctor's body is Time Lord not human, but the Master got his genetic code and used it to mess with how his body functions to 'age' him in such a way. Although the Saxon plot was well in advance, I doubt the actor who plays the Master was decided on that early so that having his voice or image wouldn't happen sooner, though it would have been awesome if it had, I agree with that. The lady who got all the info on the Doctor, I'm pretty sure it was explained that most of the population would be effected but like one or two percent wouldn't. Which pans out if being able to sort of hypnotize people with subliminal messages was really possible there would still be a few that it wouldn't work on, whether they had a cell phone or not, some people might even be effected by question it and start to figure things out and dive in to investigating which seems like that's what she did. I don't think Martha blaming the Doctor was anything more than her being under severe duress at seeing her family being hurt in that situation and her lashing out at him. Beyond that, maybe the fact that if they had never gone to the future time Saxon would never have gotten hold of the TARDIS or her family might be something she blames him for. Anger like that isn't always rational either. I haven't seen all of Classic Who just some of it, so I don't think it's giving spoilers to say my take on it is that I doubt the Time Lords killed the Master or other Time Lords just for going mad or that they killed him at all (Maybe they did, I don't know), but he probably died some other way(s), and he mentioned they knew he would be the perfect warrior which is why they brought him back, because even though he's kinda insane, he's also a genius and very capable so they must have figured he'd be able to help win the war, probably didn't figure he'd run away and hide like he did. I hope this helps with a couple of your questions.


This version of the master is pretty divisive. Glad you like him. Some people dont like his goofiness but i appreciate a villain with humor. I think new who mostly welcomes new viewers, but i dont think they do a good job of explaining who the master is. Also in terms of why the Time Lords would traumatize some children, its not a spoiler to say that theyre just kinda the worst at everything. Every detail we learn about Gallifrey comes with a "but why tho?"

DJ Doena

BTW: The guy who plays The Master also played the main role in the UK-original show "Life on Mars" which was quite different and interesting. You (general 'you') should check it out if you have the time. But be prepared for strong local accents.