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Howdy ladies and gentlemen, so this month is going to be crazy for me with all the catching up I have to do.

I know me and schedules dont do well but I wanted to at least try.

This is not set in stone and I am missing a few things that I need to add or move around but this is something similar I am going to attempt(fail) next week.

Some shows will be doubled up when I can and some extra episodes will go up on Saturday & Sundays when I can as well.

As always this is an attempt.

This all starts on Monday.

This weekend you will get as many reactions as I can do that I have missed.

The Hope Is: Doctor Who, Veronica Mars, The Office, Person of Interest, Once Upon a Time, Avatar, Hunter, Battlestar Galactica, Handmaids Tale, Scrubs,




awesome! hope it works out! can’t wait :)




Can’t wait for more spn , Buffy, ouat, and scrubs !!!!


Oh and Gilmore !!!

Omega Sirius

Really looking forward to it

Elisa Ingo

Looking forward to more Supernatural and OUAT!!

Ina Durcekova

Damn, how do you watch that many episodey a day while working a full time job and editing videos for Youtube? Do you even sleep? (not that I'm complaining of course)


Looks really good but I won’t hold you to it 😊

Fredrik IB

I hope your next Chuck reaction isn't too far away :)


Watching so many TV shows at once …. I wonder if you have weird dreams about your life as a reactor where all the shows start bleeding into each other in some weird ultimate fan fic crossover extravaganza. Buffy goes on a road trip with Sam & Dean to Roswell to fight some evil from Once Upon a Time. Also: it's like you're binge watching without actually binge watching any single show. I still can't but wonder if this spoils some of the real enjoyment / involvement in the show - it def has an effect on the reactions.


Yes!!!!! Anime and the office !!!! I hope this schedule or one similar works out! :)


Looks excellent. Also looks imposing... hope it works out.

DJ Doena

Which means I'm only interested in stuff you watch Mondays (4), Tuesdays (3), Wednesdays (5), Thursdays (4), Fridays (3), Saturdays (2) and Sundays (2) ...


A reason why I try so many shows is so people that are paying me and watching me get a lot of shows they enjoy watching with me. Want to make it worth it.

Felix Huang

Looks like a second job. Do you even have time for eat, sleep, and editing?


Soon it will become evident that it doesn't matter what you do, someone will find a way to complain about it and until you do what is best for you this will become a chore and not what it is supposed to be, you sharing your passion with us, you can't please everyone and reading your comment section why would you even want to? Do what is best for you, let some of these people go, because you will gain more true fans because you are putting in quality work. As a Startup owner the hardest thing I had to learn was it is okay to fire people. That goes twice as much for the people who support you, the money they are given you does not make up for them not being good people. Stop stressing yourself out (keep on doing it if it is part of your process of course), trust me no one on here is worth your health both mentally and physically. You do great work, allow it to breath how you wish it to breath, this is your journey we are here for the ride. Stay strong, stay positive, get this the way you want it because when it takes off and it will take off, you want it to be something for you to enjoy as well. Sorry so long and rambley it is just that you may care a bit too much and people tend to take advantage of that because they for some reason or another feel entitled because they spend $5......which in most cases is less than a value meal at a fast food place.


Thats a lot of once upon a time, more then one episode a week is already a treat. And Avatar is back! Do what you can, i look forward to it. But take care of your health. Because your job and doing this is alot of work.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!!! Lots of Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest, and more Pushing Daisies!!!! I can't wait!!!! Thank you! :)

Light Yagami

Oh you’re starting up death note again? Nice

Stephanie Bedworth

You're going to watch some Six Feet Under? That's fantastic.

Ina Durcekova

I'm going on a business trip this week, but I already can't wait to get back home and watch your reaction to new Gilmore Girls! :) I wish we could get it more often, but you are already watching way too much stuff, so I'm happy about one episode a week. Also can't wait for White Collar!

Ina Durcekova

Btw, I asked this already, but can someone tell me how he decides which pilot program shows he picks up for regular reactions? (I'm new here, so I don't know)

Collector of Stuff

You know, I’m not seeing send me cookies anywhere on there.

Daniel R

I think his $15 tier will get you to put a show he's already started on his regular schedule. I'm just not sure about specifics since he watches so much already