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I personally bid happy farewell to Trick. Honestly, he never seemed as smart to me as he claimed, the only real thing I ever enjoyed from him was SlayerFest, '98. Lol. He could have been great, but ultimately was just a smug, hugely underused character, so I was glad Faith disposed of him. Also, I think that word you were searching for might have been (ironically) faith. Buffy's consistent in her (sometimes stupid lol) faith in the good of people, her belief that they can and will always want to be better. This episode has always, always felt really uneven to me, so I generally score it around a 7 even though a lot of cool shit happens in it, but I loved your reaction. Can't wait for the next!


You said you wanted an "Evil Faith", you sat there and said you were only going to give the Mayor an 8. Trick is dead because of you, you asked for this, so if the results of the end are upsetting to you, you only have yourself to blame.........this was meant in a joking fashion, this show gives you what you ask for, that way it becomes your fault.


Buffy literally lives in a World of Good vs Evil ......Faith was good Angel has done good....good needs as many soldiers in the war vs evil as they can get......you can't just throw away a Slayer and a Vampire with a soul atoning for past atrocities.......that is why she has to have 58:05 "FAITH" that they will come back around.


It cut off at "Trick" on your video and let me say this about that, Trick was cerebral that was the whole point, this was a brutal physical attack, because the Mayor goaded him into that decision and "Trick" going about it in a way that he would never have done......cost him his life.

Alexis Cardarella

Interesting tidbit- Charisma had a crush on Alexis Denisof (now Alyson Hannigan’s husband) aka Wesley for sometime after he was cast- and both her and Alyson Hannigan knew of each other’s crushes on him lol. You should watch the outtakes to this season when it’s over- there’s a very cute blooper related to this

NaTasha Norris

I just get floored that Wesley Windom Price in real life is married to the actress who plays Willow. 😂 Also if you’ve seen How I Met Your Mother he’s the anchorman Sandy Rivers. 😁


Agreed. Buffy and Faith may have had their ups and downs, but there is a Slayer bond. Besides, what's the alternative? Faith is a superhuman. You can't let her run off. The police couldn't handle her. Not even The Watchers Council can handle her (plus I wouldn't trust them, not even Giles does). Everyone messes up on this show -- even Giles got people killed. But they forgive each other and try to help each other. That's what Angel was saying to Faith, and it's what reached her when Wesley interrupted.

Vicky N

Excellent episode! The stark contrast between Buffy and Faith are very well explored. I admire Buffy for her empathy and willingness to give Faith the benefit of the doubt. As for season 2 around episode 13-14, we have the tuning point of the season arc. I agree that the sexual assault and aggression towards Xander was pretty dark and if the gender were reversed it would have been even more evident, but I don’t think it was entirely gloss over. You have a sympathy for Xander, therefore you are more about what happens to him.


I get where you are with the whole Faith possibly evil thing … and it presents as a little problematic. We have got almost no Faith backstory, besides a blurry outline of what happened with her previous watcher. It is implied in her characterisation that she has been hurt in previous relationships, has little trust for anyone, and especially almost no trust in men. We've seen hints of her rather cavalier attitude towards order and responsibility. Living the Spartan life, feeling betrayed/neglected by Buffy, betrayed by the watchers council, having murdered someone and been rape-y/murdery towards Xander …. Even with all this - it still does seem somewhat of a stretch for Faith to be actually going evil. Do we understand her character well enough at this point? Would you prefer Faith to go all evil-slayer, or be playing the undercover long con infiltrating the mayor?


Trick had a great introduction, commenting on the whiteness of Sunnydale, but then they made his final one liner a play on an offensive racist saying ("Once you go...."). Ugh. Definitely one of the bad aspects of this uneven episode.


They cut a line in the library that was more specific than what Willow said. Not sure why, perhaps they thought it made Buffy seem callous, but the show doesn't have a great track record with handling sexual assault. 2nd draft: Now Xander speaks up – but his voice not more than a throaty whisper. Xander: She would have killed me. She wanted to. If Angel… His voice gives out completely and he falls silent, frustrated. Buffy is sympathetic but resolute.


The biggest problem with Faith's storyline is that she, like Kendra, was only supposed to be “the path not taken” for Buffy, and they were going to kill her off in a few episodes, so they didn't write much depth for her until they realized how great Eliza Dushku was (much like Spike/James Marsters in S2). Originally, Buffy was going to find Faith dead (by hanging) at the end of "Bad Girls." I'm really glad they changed their minds because that seems like a simplistic storyline and another waste of a new Slayer. I didn't pick up on all of the hints and subtext of Faith's character and backstory on the first viewing, but they're there. Sometimes it's explicitly textual: "My dead mother hit harder than that" (abusive childhood), and Faith's lack of friends, family, education, and her lower socioeconomic class (all of which contribute to the Scoobies Othering of Faith). The rest is implicit: Faith's sexualization of herself and her attitudes toward men and sex imply sexual abuse survivor; her "walkabouts" (disappearances) could imply that's how she pays for her living expenses and clothing, whether it's sex work and/or theft. On subsequent watches, I saw a young girl who escaped poverty and abuse when she is suddenly endowed with massive power and is told that she is a superhero, the Chosen One, tasked with saving the world. That could go to anyone's head, but especially someone who was treated like garbage all her life, as opposed to Buffy, who was... well, let's just say, Spordelia before she was called. And yet, Faith’s experiences still suck because no one (looking at you, Giles) bothers to guide her or offer true support. Buffy and Angel were starting to get through to her, but it’s not surprising that Faith would go to The Mayor because she obviously cannot trust Wesley or The Watchers Council. And yet, I'm like Buffy, I still think there's hope.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Well, I loved Trick. He was ACTUALLY enjoyable to watch and interesting! 💔

Renee Pope-Munro

Rachael said everything I came here to say, and more eloquently so imma just say I co-sign every word 😉


This is an uneven episode with some great moments: 1. I love all the Angel stuff, and I can’t watch this without hearing Buffering the Vampire Slayer’s 🎶 “Detective Angel” 🎶 jingle, especially when Angel is at the crime scene (CSI: Angel). I crack up every time. Put that creepy stalking to good use, Detective / Therapist Angel! 2. Willow. We don’t need the Overalls of Sadness to see how heartbroken Willow is, but there is something about crying in a toilet stall that breaks me every time. OTOH, the phrasing that Willow uses, “I'm not the most objective, I know. I kind of have an issue with Faith sharing my people.” My people? At least Willow acknowledges her selfishness and possessiveness. 3. Buffy and Faith’s differing philosophies regarding slaying, morality, and responsibility. Faith’s assertion that they are above the law because they’re better than everyone else is chilling. However, I do feel bad for Faith because everyone is projecting onto her, telling her how she should feel without trying to understand how Faith actually feels. (Granted, Angel gets close but only at the end.) Buffy won’t even meet her halfway on the docks, even though there is truth to some of what Faith is saying which is why Buffy punches her. 4. I kind of like Wesley in this episode. He’s not as ridiculous as he was in “Bad Girls,” and he is contrite and wanting to help at the end. Also, his scene with Cordelia is hilarious, and it’s the one bit of levity in a really dark episode. There are three things that I really don’t like: 1. Giles. I’ve had issues with Giles completely failing Faith all season. I didn’t expect him to be fascinated with Faith the way he was with Kendra, but Giles took zero interest in her. He did not even fulfill his basic duty to her as a Watcher. Now, Faith comes to him with this story, and Giles could have defused the situation by simply telling Faith what he told Buffy. Accidents happen; it’s tragic but they will deal with it themselves and not involve any authorities, including The Watchers Council. Instead, he goes along with her “charade” because… reasons. Giles is fallible, but he’s not stupid. Why would he think lying to an unstable Slayer who has been consistently betrayed is a good idea when they are going to immediately reveal that they know she’s lying? It’s just going to make things worse, which is what the writers want to happen, but it’s making the plot drive the characters, and that is bad writing. 2. Faith and Xander. Faith does not like Xander, which is understandable. Xander overtly sexualized Faith from the beginning, even with his girlfriend sitting right next to him and calling him out on it. Xander then weaponized Faith to kill Angel and passed it off as Faith’s idea to Buffy and Willow. Then Xander says all the wrong things to Faith, including: “I know firsthand that you're, um... like a wild thing. And half the time, you don't know what you're doing.” Sure, Xander has good intentions, but even after being warned by Buffy and Giles, he plows ahead thinking he knows better. I completely buy that Faith would react violently to Xander, and also that it would involve sexual intimidation, but it goes too far, too dark, too suddenly. This was OTT, but Marti Noxon is OTT with sex and violence, which is one thing with vampires but another with human characters. It really seemed like Faith was going to murder Xander with her bare hands, and I don’t find that believable. 3. Characters being as weak or strong or stupid as the plot demands. I accept this happens on occasion, but there is too much in this episode. Buffy can’t get out from under a crate, and Trick just stands there waiting for her instead of trying to kill her while she’s trapped. Angel is rendered useless by a net. Really? They couldn’t make it more believable like shooting him with a tranquilizer dart? Then Faith just allows herself to be led away by two humans and doesn’t even try to break away until she’s confined in the truck. Buffy can’t fight off Trick. Did she forget that she has fists and legs with which to punch, kick, and flip? I know they wanted to mirror the shot of Buffy saving Faith in “Bad Girls,” but Buffy could still fight a little.

Daniel R

Not gonna lie I love when you get frustrated with the show because it's essentially how the fandom felt too. I don't really remember the specifics but I totally forgot about Faith trying to kill Xander but I think at the time I was so anti-Buffy that anything Faith did I was okay with lol


People told you Buffy was reckless? I disagree, and am surprised they said that. Buffy has to have SEX with Angel from my understanding lol. But maybe I've been wrong this whole time? I don't think so, though, 'cause when he turned bad the gang talked about it and were like "Oh," when they realized her having sex with him changed him. How did everyone miss this whole subplot? Weird.

Catherine Thurmond

People are saying reckless because yes Angel will lose his soul if he has sex with Buffy possibly but the way she was acting last episode was like playing with fire. She was getting into that want, take, have mentality that could have lead to badness. Then she snapped out of it but theres the possibility she would have.

Catherine Thurmond

Same I've softened to Buffy over the years but his reactions to Buffy and Bangel are how I reacted and so.etimes still do. Just as with Faith I fell for her almost immediately. This episodes scene with her and Xander though messed me up and gave me pause. I still love Faith but damn this scene was screwed up.💜