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Jared Scoggin

That blonde girl at the bar who calls out Veronica wasn't just there for no reason. She's related to those people, The guy with the scar points at her and says his niece called an ambulance and that's the strike the doctor got against his record, which is what Veronica was looking into. It's very easy to overlook that detail, especially with what's going on.


This is a really good episode, but it's packed with so much plot and twists that it's hard to keep track of everything. Steven said Veronica and Logan make a good team. I agree because they get each other on some level (plus their chemistry is off the charts), but they're also both reckless and stubborn. That was a terrifying situation in the Fitzpatrick bar, and Kristen Bell sold it (also that stunt of flinging her on the pool table was very convincing -- it looked and sounded painful). Jason Dohring was equally good in his torture scene, even though I was hopeful that there were either blanks or no bullets in that gun. Still, good on Logan for pilfering that phone. I wonder if he picked that up from Veronica. Screw those parents. They sent their son to be tortured into being "normal," and he died as a result. But it led to more Mac, and I enjoyed her teasing Veronica about using her like Wallace used to.

Ari is my Cat

Random high school chick is one of the Fitzpatrick family, so not that random.