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Ina Durcekova

Great reaction! I really like this episode, it shows so many new sides of the already established relationships, whether it is Lorelai and Luke, Lorelai and her father, Emily and Richard... Rory didn't get too much spotlight in this one, but I really liked other's character developments :)

DJ Doena

I have only ever watched the first two seasons of this show. Once and a long time ago. So this is pretty much guesswork for me, too. But I got the feeling from this episode with the way she acted at the nurses station and also how her husband tried to tell her things, that Emily isn't good at the "practical" things of life. Like she couldn't tell you their insurance if you tortured her for it. Simply because that's the thing Richard always takes care of and she has no clue about any of it. If he did actually die before her, she'd probably be totally lost, because she probably only knows how to hire a caterer for a big lavish party but not how to write the check afterwards.

Ina Durcekova

Well, yes and no. It is true that Richard is the one who mostly takes care of their financials, insurance, etc. But I think that the main reason Emily didn't give the nurse the insurance info was because she felt entitled and just couldn't comprehend that someone is telling HER to do something when she wanted to go and see her husband.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love Luke and Lorelei. And Luke is my overall favorite character in this show. He's so sweet.

Mariella Nilsson

i loved this reaction, I enjoy listening to your thoughts on the different characters!