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Vicky N

You’re asking the right question about one of the main themes of this show: religion, creation, faith. The other ones were explored in last episode and the one with the prison revolt : politics and ethics. The blond cylon interaction with Adama is explained in retrospect, she is deliberately inserting doubt in his mind, it’s like Gaeta says in the end, it’s like she wanted to be caught, she uses this cylon model best weapon, her sexuality. As for Boomer reaction, it’s only since last episode that people other that the higher up know that the Cylon looks like people and nobody, except the viewers knows that some of them are unaware their own status. In this context Boomer reaction is perfectly understandable, she knew that something wasn’t wrong with her, she couldn’t imagine what it was until now. Yes we could see her starting to doubt herself, but I think it would have been redundant, since we can deduce what’s going on with her without being shown. The freak out with the mirror scene, not only shows perfectly where her mind is and that other people on the ship suspect her. As for the scenes with Sharon and Halo on Caprica, they probably lead to something but at the moment they are important to study Cylon behavior: her we have to unit of the same model, one is aware of her status and is deliberately manipulating her partner, one is not and her interactions with her partner are human, without conscious manipulation, but they are having an effect. It’s all ver interesting on a psychological level, which is another main theme of this show.

DJ Doena

"and that other people on the ship suspect her" Or maybe she even wrote that herself without being aware of it. Just like we saw with the bomb on her seat in the Raptor.

Hazel Angus

Yeah, her Cylon-self could be trying to tell her 'human'-self what she is. I imagine that imposing a dual identity on someone could have odd effects on them psychologically, especially if they're not aware of it. As I understand it, this sort of thing has happened in people who are said to have multiple personalities, which is probably the closest possible real-life equivalent. Leaving notes for the other personality is something I've heard of.