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I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like Regina. I don’t hate her by any means, but she’s not a good villain in my eyes. The more we get of her backstory the more I think she’s not this deep and complex character, she’s just selfish.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much for another great reaction! I liked this episode a lot too. I have to admit, I was surprised to learn that Doctor Whale turned out to be Victor Frankenstein, and a little taken aback by it because the story of Frankenstein doesn't fit into the fairytale world. However, the more I thought about it, the more I liked it, because it does fit into the storybook world since Frankenstein is a classic novel. And we got to see another new world again, known as the Land Without Color... because the world is black and white just like the old classic black and white monster movies. And we have the lightning striking down as well. It's really brilliant! I always love seeing new worlds and Kingdoms brought into this show. I really liked the twist in his story and loved the backstory between Victor, Rumplestiltskin, Regina, and Jefferson, who was finally shown as the true Mad Hatter he used to be before his life was turned upside down by Regina, and I love this side of Jefferson. I love how the three men worked together to manipulate Regina into making her become the Evil Queen. As for why she so easily became the Evil Queen... it's because Regina finally realized and understood she had no reason to remain good for. The love of her life was truly dead and because Jefferson harped so much on the fact that if Dr. Frankenstein couldn't bring back the dead, then no one could. For Regina... when the Doctor failed to revive him as far as she knew, that was it. Daniel was truly dead and she no longer carried that hope that magic or science could bring him back to her. So, instead of remaining good like a part of her did for Daniel's sake, she gave into the hate and anger she felt for Snow White and her mother, and returned to Rumplestiltskin to finish her lessons no matter what path he took her down. She showed Rumple she was prepared to do whatever he asked of her, even if it meant killing innocents. Next... Lana Parrilla's acting in this episode was phenomenal and her scenes with Rumplestiltskin were amazing. I felt so badly for Regina both in her past storyline with trying to bring Daniel back from the dead with Victor's help, as well as her present storyline with Whale, who actually succeeded this time, even though Daniel was revived to become more like Frankenstein's monster. It was so sad she had to watch Daniel die for a second time. And yes... Daniel is dead. She did turn him into ash like you thought, but it was a poor effect. I also liked seeing Regina go to Archie twice so he could help her talk through her pain. Regina's really trying to change for Henry, which I really like this development in her character. Now... I really loved the scenes between Henry and David too. It was very sweet for David to give his grandson a horse to take care of before he learns to ride it. Very smart of David to tell Henry that he must learn to care for it and to allow the horse to get to know him before Henry learns to ride it. And lastly... I absolutely loved the first meeting between Hook, Emma, and Mary Margaret, along with Mulan and Aurora there too. I loved how sassy and phenomenal Emma was when she saw right through Hook's lies, even though his story was convincing even though we know exactly who he is. I loved how Hook explained he was asked by Cora to join with Emma and Mary Margaret to find out everything he could about what they would be facing upon arriving in Storybrooke. I absolutely loved the scene while Hook was tied to the tree. It's my favorite moment from this episode, especially Hook's line as he introduces himself as Captain Hook... absolutely fabulous. :) "Killian Jones. But you all may know me more by my more colorful moniker... Hook.", to which Emma retorts, "As in, Captain Hook?" Perfect! And I love Hook working with them now and how quickly he's prepared to change sides. That he's willing to turn his allegiance over to whoever can give him what he wants. Yep... he blabbed everything because he doesn't care. He's very sly and clever. I also loved his answer he gave to Emma to convince her why he wants to go with them to Storybrooke. Because it's the simple truth. He wants revenge against Rumplestiltskin for cutting off his hand. All the scenes with Hook in them are my favorite scenes throughout this episode, but I love Whale's backstory with Rumple and Jefferson too. And there's so much more to come!!! I can't wait for more!! Until next time... Thank you!

Idun V

Frankenstein is Public Domain, same with things like Robin Hood, King Arthur and Red Riding Hood for example.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Thanks for the reaction! As always, really can’t wait for the next! 🙏❤️😬😄

Jared Scoggin

I thought it was such an interesting twist to have Dr. Whale be Dr. Frankenstein. And it actually aired right around Halloween, which was cool. I love the look of Dr. Frankenstein's world, The Land Without Color. Up until this point everyone was so curious about his identity. There were even fan theories that he was literally the whale from Pinocchio turned human, like Jiminy. I don't recall anyone ever guessing his true identity before this episode. We were all stuck thinking of fairytale characters, but if you remember someone (I think it was Jefferson in his first appearance) told Emma that all stories come from somewhere. That's why people in our world know the history of the Enchanted Forest and other magical lands like Wonderland and Agrabah. So, it's reasonable to think that other stories would come from other lands. They also showed a bunch of entrances to other lands when Jefferson took Regina to Wonderland, which alludes to there being much more out there than just the lands we've seen and heard about. There are some neat Easter Eggs for other fairytales in that scene.