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I also knew Killian was Captain Hook due to commercials and seeing him with Emma once when my brother was watching the show. I would have figured it out pretty quickly though. They did really well! Great episode!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!!!! Thank you so very much for such a fun reaction to one of my absolute favorite episodes from season two!!!!! I am in love Killian Jones, also known as Captain Hook!! Yes... I definitely melted every time he was onscreen. :) Hook is my overall favorite character, alongside Emma throughout the entire series. Colin O'Donoghue is the actor who plays Hook and he's phenomenally amazing... as he only continues to get better and better. I am so happy that you really enjoyed his character. :) I absolutely loved the interactions between Hook and Rumplestiltskin within the flashbacks. Their duel halfway through the episode was a lot of fun, and Hook most certainly can hold his own, even though Rumple is the Dark One and obviously can't be killed. It's an unfair fight really, but Hook doesn't let fear of the Crocodile stand in his way. In fact... he's one of the few characters who isn't ever afraid of Rumplestiltskin in the slightest. He's very smug towards him, and he hates the Dark One with every fiber of his being. I also love Hook, because he has so many sides to his character too, and we slowly get to see more and more revealed about him. It's so much fun. And both Hook and Rumplestiltskin play off of each other so perfectly. And then... Hook loses his hand to the Crocodile when he pretends to be holding the magic bean in it, as Rumplestiltskin cuts it off not just for the bean, but to make Killian suffer even more than just losing his love. So cruel and so perfect. This whole scene between Hook and Rumplestiltskin is my favorite moment from this episode. It's perfect! I also absolutely love that Rumplestiltskin and the Crocodile from the fairytale and the Disney movie, Peter Pan are one in the same! :) This is the third time we see Rumple take the place of the usual characters from the fairytales. First... when he kills Cinderella's Fairy Godmother and takes her place back in season one's episode, The Price of Gold. And second... when we learn that Rumple has also taken the place of the Beast from the fairytale Beauty and the Beast back in season one's, Skin Deep through the present storyline. Now... Rumplestiltskin/Gold has also taken the place of the Crocodile from Peter Pan too because of his skin and because he cuts off Hook's hand, becoming Hook's most fearsome enemy. It's brilliant writing for an incredible storyline that I absolutely adore. Both Colin O'Donoghue and Robert Carlyle are phenomenal actors, and they play off one another so well. As for your question about magic beans and how they work... when characters pass through a portal created from them, the portal will take them to wherever they are thinking of. So in this episode, when Hook throws the bean into the ocean and takes his ship through the portal, he is thinking of Neverland... a place where he will live long enough to discover a way to kill Rumplestiltskin and where he won't ever age. Hook threatens, "Even demons can be killed. I will find a way." to which Rumple taunts him by saying in return, "Good luck living long enough." just before he vanishes. And later, once we see Hook become Captain Hook, he states that they are heading to Neverland... a place he has clearly heard about to be a place where he can find the answers he seeks without growing old. And because we see Hook, before he becomes Hook, interacting with Rumple before he becomes the Dark One, then later see Hook come into the present day storyline, we know that he made it to Neverland and that Hook is nearly as old as Rumplestiltskin is, yet that neither men have aged. And Hook has been seeking revenge against Rumplestiltskin for all these years. I love seeing Hook brought into the present day storyline when we see him in the end with Cora... as they are now fighting to make their way to Storybrooke, so that Hook can get his revenge against Rumplestiltskin, and Cora can reunite with Regina. It's brilliant. Next... I really love Smee's storyline in the past storyline, as well as seeing him in the present. Yes... it's a little odd that Smee seeks to have eternal life and settles for never growing old while living in Neverland with Hook and the rest of the pirates, but overall, I love seeing the interactions between Hook and Smee in the end as Hook invites Smee to become a part of his crew, and seeing the two characters brought together. As for Milah... she's really a terrible character and I really don't like her at all. Mostly because she's so cruel to Rumple, especially back when he was a good man before he became the Dark One. She also abandoned her son too. I also do not like her and Hook together. I didn't feel bad that she died, although... I felt so badly for Hook because he lost her and he did love her very much. And I could definitely feel the emotion coming from him upon him being forced to watch her die. I also loved Ruby's and Belle's friendship development in the present storyline, and I really loved the scene between Belle and Gold in the end in the library when Gold breaks down and finally admits to her the truth about Bae and his true reasons for bringing magic back to Storybrooke. The line when Gold states that magic has become a crutch he can no longer walk without... is amazing. It's very symbolic of him needing to walk with a cane. And the parallels in this episode were amazing like always. Belle's nightmare in the very beginning was horrifying too. I wasn't expecting it and seeing Gold suddenly transform back into Rumplestiltskin again like that... yikes! But so good. :) And lastly... I like that David has now become the acting sheriff, and seeing Gold come to him for help to find Belle, as well as for dating advice. I agree with you that that was quite funny. :) Sadly... there was no Emma, Mary Margaret, or Regina in this episode, but there just wasn't room because there was far too much else going on. But in all honesty, I didn't really miss them either because I loved seeing so much with Hook. And with all that is going on, it flowed very well. Overall... I love, love, love this episode... like I've already said. I'm sure I could say more, but these comments are probably far too long as it is. So I will end it here. Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction! I love Captain Hook!!! And I am so pleased and happy that you really enjoy his character too! Just you wait!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Oh... Here's a fun fact for you... The ship that's used as Hook's ship... the Jolly Roger, is also the same ship used in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. The ship's real name is the Lady Washington, and it's used as the HMS Interceptor in Pirates of the Caribbean. The ship that Jack Sparrow and Will steal in the beginning and use until it's blown up. Also... the actor who plays Grumpy is Lee Arenberg, who also plays in the original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy as Pintel… the goofy pirate always with the guy with the wooden eye that keeps falling out. Very cool. :)

Ceara Abrahamsz

Mila actually doesn’t know about Bae/Balfire. She doesn’t know he’s missing, so she doesn’t know to look for him.


Ah Hook. I feel like I am the only person in the universe who doesn’t like him. I do love this episode though and I love how many different fairytales Rumple is apart of.


Hook and Mr. Gold--the two sexiest men in OUAT. *sigh* ;) Any episode that features a Rumple/Gold storyline is gonna be life. Love seeing your reactions, as always.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I don't find Mr. Gold sexy at all, but he's not bad looking and Robert Carlyle is a brilliant actor and I love seeing him play Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold. Hook on the other hand... Oh yeah, he's sexy. :)

Linda McDonough Garcia

Thank you for a great reaction. I’ve been waiting for you to see this episode. I LOVE this episode. It’s one of my favorites from season 2. And I’m so glad that you like Hook which is the reason I love this episode. He’s just perfect & Colin O’Donoghue who plays him is phenomenal. He just gets better & better. And Hook & Rumple play off each other so well. They’re awesome as adversaries. I love the scene when Rumple first goes on his ship. I love Hooks line a man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets. I also love the scene when they meet again after Rumple has become the Dark One. And I think that Rumple being the crocodile in Hooks story is brilliant. I love their duel scene & of course since Rumple has magic he has an unfair advantage but that doesn’t stop Hook from fighting him. I also love the scene on the ship after their duel. I never cared for Milah’s character nor did I like her & Hook as a couple, so I didn’t cry any tears when Rumple killed her. But, I did feel bad for Hook. You could see the pain & anguish in his eyes, on his face, & in his voice. He played those scenes with so much emotion. He’s one of my favorite characters & I love him in every scene his in. Overall I think this is a great episode & I can’t wait for you to see more of season 2. It’s gonna be awesome!!!!

Linda McDonough Garcia

I enjoyed reading your comments. I agree with everything you said about Hook!!! I love that man (the character & actor) I LOVE this episode.


You finally met captain hook! I wanted you to meet him. He is great and i gues one if my favorite characters of alllll the seasons.


I really loved this backstory with Hook and Rumple. These two are my favorite antagonists besides Regina.