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So try to remember back about Agent Snow. The last time we saw him he walked into Cara Stanton‘s room thinking it was races hotel room. I won’t say anything else but it’s just a reference to previous episode. In terms of Finch’s PTSD.... I think it was more about leaving the library because he was just getting re-acclimated and feeling comfortable and just going outside made him feel vulnerable. Sophia didn’t mention the boyfriend was there because she trusts him and was ditching her dad’s party. Finally, I will say that sometimes it’s hard to switch between the individual numbers and the over arching plot back-and-forth. However, just know that there’s so much more to come that will completely change the shape of the show. Also...I love Bear!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I enjoy this episode a lot. I don't think it's one of the best this season, but it's fun and I like it. I like both storylines and I also like Sofia too, despite her starting off being a real pain. As for Finch struggling with PTSD after his time being with Root... I really like how this was portrayed in this episode. It's understandable that Finch would be afraid to go outside alone, where he could easily be caught by Root again, or worse... killed. And I especially love that Reese understood this was going on and was understanding, the moment Finch called him back to say he was unable to look after Sofia, and then called Fusco to protect her instead. And Bear is so cute!!! I love this dog so much. :) I like seeing Mark Snow and Kara again too. The plot thickens. :) Thank you again, for another great reaction! Until next time...

Vicky N

After a serie of absolutely fantastic episodes, this one pale in comparison. The case of the week was weak and predictable. We get some elements of the overarching plot with the return of Kara Stanton and agent Snow as well as the other government shadowy figures. Finch PTSD is understandable and Bear is the best.

Dani C

I think what was setting off Finch's PTSD was knowing she s still out there - realising she could be anywhere.