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ahhh you didn't catch it!! The man Veronica was talking to at the car rental place was actually Joss Whedon. He was a huge fan of the show. Veronica Mars aired right after Buffy ended so VMars took over that strong female heroin roll. That is probably why a lot of Buffy alums guest star here and even Joss Whedon wanted to have some on air time lol The woman V talks to in the car rental place is also another winner from Americas Next Top Model.


The blooper reel has Joss improvising a ridiculously long, hilarious rant to one of his underlings. Rob Thomas asked Joss to guest after Joss raved about the first season of VM on Whedonesque: “Joss Luvs Veronica. This is my attempt at posting my own thread. My peeps and I just finished a crazed Veronica Marsathon, and I can no longer restrain myself. Best. Show. Ever. Seriously, I've never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn't making, and maybe even more than those. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion, I mean BIG, and charsimatic actors and I was just DYING from the mystery and the relationships and PAIN, this show knows from pain and no, I don't care, laugh all you want, I had to share this. These guys know what they're doing on a level that intimidates me. It's the Harry Potter of shows. There. I said it. People should do whatever they can to check out this first season so the second won't be a spoiler fest. I'm nutty. I'm a little calmer now. Oh God, no I'm not! Wait. Wait. Okay. Some of you may already be all up on this, and some may disagree, but I'm urging peeps to check it out, 'cause there is great TV afoot, and who doesn't want that? Thank you for your time. Still not calm! Wait... wait…” http://whedonesque.com/comments/7502


Good reaction man. I share your feelings about Tessa's character and about Duncan. I like Wallace and believe he adds a bit to the show, in a way where he is the one true friend that Veronica had up till now. As for Logan and Duncan's relationship, i agree that it was a bit rushed, but yeah they're good friends again, which will create an interesting dynamic going forward.


The interesting dynamic part? I don't believe that's any spoiler? It just states that i find the interactions between Duncan and Logan interesting. I don't consider that a spoiler...


This episode is so dense and relentlessly grim that it feels like a late S1 episode where they bring back characters we haven’t seen in a while, and plot threads from S1 are still being addressed. The world building on this show is so good. Abel Koontz is back! Cliff is back! Cliff makes everything better. Clarence Weidman is back and as terrifying as ever… until he’s not? I dunno, I find Clarence Weidman fascinating. I want a Veronica and Clarence buddy cop episode, and a Cliff and Logan episode. I love it when shows put two characters together (like Logan and Weevil in detention, Keith and Aaron here) so they can bounce off each other. Aaron Echolls is back — making my skin crawl. Lamb continues to be the worst ever by putting them together. I miss Wallace and was happy that we felt his absence through Veronica missing him. Cliff is right. Logan taking a public defender away from people who need him because they can’t afford an attorney is an arrogant jackass move. But you watch Logan fall in love with Cliff, just like we all do. Logan loves clever people being clever for the purpose of good — he watches Cliff doing a Thelma & Louise con with a big smile. If only Logan would put his cleverness to good use. I hate seeing Logan and Weevil act out their masculinity and honor issues with increasing escalation. What Weevil does is awful, but what Logan does is worse. I imagine that Logan retaliated in the only way he thought he could, via legal means because if Logan were not out on bail with an ankle bracelet, he would have done something violent, but poor Grandma should not have caught up in it. Dick continues to be the worst. Logan can be a classist and racist jackass, but Dick always gets away with OTT racism, misogyny, and his crimes. Veronica should have told Gia that Dick likes to roofie and rape girls. Has the show forgotten that? Ryan Hansen is awesome, but I feel like the show wants us to like him. I refuse to like him, and I refuse to think Donut is anything but a white bread sandwich with mayonnaise. Veronica, the pursuer of truth, broke the P.I. code and lied to her client. It was the right move. Nothing good would have come from letting Abel Koontz that his decision to falsely confess to a murder he did not commit to set up his daughter for life led to her getting killed.


Logan grew up abused in a celebrity fishbowl, his father slept with his girlfriend then brutally murdered her. His mother killed herself. His father then tried to brutally murder his new girlfriend. Now Logan is accused of a murder he did not commit. Now Logan is homeless and everything he ever had, including anything left of his mother, is gone. Logan can be a jackass, but I’m amazed he’s not curled up in a fetal position from all the abuse and trauma he’s suffered. None of that excuses his actions, but it makes him a complex, sympathetic (YMMV) character. Veronica finds Amelia in the ice machine. Keith finds a dead rat on the bus. And Clarence Weidman is off to Vegas to… murder the diplomat’s son? Is that the implication? Damn, this show is dark.

Ina Durcekova

Now that you summed it up like this, I want to curl up in a fatal position for Logan's sake. He really didn't have it great, did he

Janet Daurity

Is noone else worried why we haven't had any post from Steven in 3 days?


Thanks for the Concern, Just dealing with things in life thats all. Most of us cant get together during the week so the weekend is when we get together to talk about finalizing personal matters we have to do.

Ina Durcekova

Dick: "Is it a crime now to kill a Mexican?" You: "That was a dick move." Me: "Yeah, that was a Dick move indeed. Pun intended?"