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YESS! of course it does. especially when time zones are involved. get some rest! feel better :) 💞✈️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Jet lag can certainly be a pain in the butt... that's for sure. :) I don't travel often either and when I do, I prefer taking either the train or a bus to New York City or Boston too. I hate flying.


I'm not sick or anything just feel tired. More tired then I remember feeling before I left lol

Collector of Stuff

I have only been on a plane once (11 hr flight). I think it was the only time my insomnia helped me out.

Rafael Lemus

I feel mentally exhausted after watching a 2hr movie in the theater so I can only imagine what you're going through. Take your time. If you can, get some sleep.

Rob Flynn

Man, traveling always knocks a couple days out of me. I feel better just in time to turn around and go back the other way lol


I usually need a few days to recover completely. I think it is more exhausting for me than most since I am a big guy, trying to sit in the one position where I will not disturb anyone lol

Renee Pope-Munro

Sounds like you have an emotional hangover too. Nothing like the travel/stress double whammy.


Please get some rest. I worry about you.

Toasted Toad

Lots of water. Go to sleep.


Traveling is stressful. Plus just having to deal with whatever you had to deal with. If there was a time change, then jet lag is an issue. But get back into your usual routine. Getting a good night's rest. Water. Vitamins and minerals. Should be good to go soon.

Alexis Cardarella

Yeah, Steven, take another few days off.. Seriously. Get acclimated again


Jus in case you did not see my other post: Rest up. Re-charge your batteries. Reorient your your thoughts. Re-gain your peace of mind. We'll see you after. 🤗

Katherine Thoreson

You also have to remember that you weren't just traveling. You were dealing with something that was very emotional and stressful. That also takes a toll on your body and your mind. Of course you feel exhausted. Rest up, take care of yourself, come back when you're ready.

Dani C

Takes me days to recover from travelling and being away from home for a spell. Chill, man, get rested. It's all good


Have you seen Burn Notice. It's a great show that no one seems to have done reactions for.