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I don’t mind Cora (yet lol) but I don’t feel she’s fleshed out well as a villain and she’s obviously evil, but not threatening. I am interested with King George. I don’t know if he will be that kind of main villain or just a bad parent

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Hello again! I absolutely love this episode too. Just a beautiful and wholesome story it was from start to finish. First... I loved seeing David's and Henry's reactions throughout and especially in the end when David tells Henry he understands he won't be able to find and save Snow and Emma without his help, just before he begins to teach him to swordfight. Then... I absolutely loved the backstory between David, Snow, and Ruth... David's mother. So beautiful and yet so sad. I love Ruth a lot too and I cried when I watched this episode, both the first time and again just now as I re-watched it with you. Her love for her son is just so beautiful and I love how she was willing to give her life to ensure that Snow could have a child. Without Ruth, Emma never would have been born and I just loved to see how this came about. Now... both Cora and King George are definitely snakes. They are both great villains, even though I hate them because they're so evil. Cora plays a villain really well and she is definitely evil, more so than even Regina is. I don't like her as a character for the most part because her evil is of a different caliber than Regina's evil is and she's darker and more twisted and Regina is. As a villain... she's dark, which is good for for any villain, but I just don't like her overall. As for your question about whether guns of some kind exist in the fairytale world... old fashioned muskets and rifles that allow one shot exist. You will see more of the weaponry that exists as the show goes on. And now for your thoughts about Emma and Henry acting as they do... you ought to understand that Emma especially, and Henry too, are acting on instincts that come from our world. And our world... while they now know of other worlds and magic existing, our world is the only world Emma and Henry knows. Especially Emma, who has grown up in a harsh world and has had to live on her own. So, yes... her actions in the Enchanted Forest may seem silly, but she's fighting the way she's fought her whole life. I loved seeing Jefferson reunited with his daughter at last, and having Henry there to convince him to find her. The moments with Jefferson were brief, but quite sweet as well. As for my favorite moment throughout this episode... I absolutely loved the moment between Emma and Snow when Emma breaks down upon understanding just how much her mother sacrificed for her and why Snow had to give her up. It was such a beautiful moment in the show where their relationship begins to grow significantly. Yes... Mary Margaret's emotional breakdown as she looks back at what she could have had with her daughter, had Regina not cast her curse. So sad and so beautiful. I also liked Lancelot in this episode too. He isn't like most other actors who have played Lancelot from other shows and movies, but he's still a good character. He was a good friend to both Snow and Charming and it was sweet that he married them for Ruth’s sake before she died. And lastly... I also loved that he understood what Ruth wanted and slipped the last of the water from Lake Nostos into Snow’s chalice so she could drink it. And then Snow finds out she’s going to have a daughter with Ruth’s necklace. Thank you again, for another great episode reaction! Overall... this was a beautiful episode, especially because of the backstory for Snow and Charming. :)

Idun V

When it comes to who Lancelot loved, it's was probably just a reference to the Arthurian legends, in which Lancelot had an affair with Arthurs wife, Guinevere.

Paul Fisher

Welcome back! As everyone else said, take as much time off as you need . We all wish you well. Your observations on this episode are pretty much the same as mine. The only different interpretation I would offer is your comment about Henry's relationship with Regina. It's very complicated. He does love her but as we saw in the last episode when he told her, "You made me feel like I was crazy," he's been deeply affected by the fact that for his entire life she told him he was crazy when he saw that he was the only kid in town who aged. I always assumed that must have been very frightening and confusing to a child, even though Regina took good care of him otherwise. As she said in the last episode, "I don't know how to love very well." She wanted to take care of Henry but her selfishness over the curse prevented her from helping him deal with his confusion and fears for years. I think if that stress hadn't existed between them, he would never have assumed the stories in the book were true when he got it.