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DJ Doena

Day 47: I don't think this number was chosen by accident. ;-) A lot of geeks of course know the number 42 from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Well on Star Trek: The Next Generation it became a running joke to insert the number 47 into a lot of stuff, 47 lightyears distance here, 47 settlers there. Even hidden in Species 8472. And other especially sci-fi shows picked up on that, Stargate SG-1 among them. So whenever I see a lonely 47 in a sci-fi based show I can't help but wonder if it was just picked randomly or if it was chosen for the above reason.

DJ Doena

PS: I know it feels like conspiracy, but it's of the fun kind. :-)


It doesn’t have to do with HR. It’s the Washington DC level of people who will do anything to keep the machine a secret. Not a spoiler. I promise


Also.. the reason finch is training the machine not to protect him only is because he’s training the machine to protect against mass casualties in terrorist attacks. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!!! I was so excited when you posted this reaction for the first episode of season two!!! You've now met Bear. He's so cute. I absolutely loved Reese in this episode, and I love that he finally admits to Lionel that he sees him as a friend. I also love how hard Reese is fighting to save Finch. That he managed to convince the Machine to help him save Finch despite its training and rules Finch gave to him. As for Root... she's a fabulous character, and she's also all kinds of crazy. She certainly makes for a very dangerous villain. I love her because she's so mysterious and she makes you excited to see just what it is she's going to do next. I also enjoyed the flashbacks with Finch teaching the Machine. It was all very clever. I love how excited you are about the Machine being a character in its own right. Because it absolutely is. As for the scene when the Machine saved Finch from being hit by the driver drunk and asleep at the wheel... Finch was angry because the Machine only fought to protect him by convincing him not to cross in that moment, but it didn't alert him about the man driving in time to try to help protect any innocent bystanders who might have been around and in harm's way as well. Both Fusco and Carter were great in this episode too, like always. I love seeing them working on the same side now, with Reese to save Finch. They all make a great team. And now Bear has joined with Reese. I love this dog so much! And that Reese speaks Dutch to turn Bear against his former owners. :) And lastly... I really enjoyed the storyline with Reese becoming Finch's contingency plan should something happen to him, but that the Machine sent him to save Leon instead. Leon was hilarious and I loved Reese's and Fusco's interactions with him. Thank you again! I can't wait for more. Until the next episode...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

As for the two guys you believe to be a part of HR... they are actually two of the eight people who knew about the Machine, which Finch had sold to them for $1.00. Alicia Corwin who was killed in the season one finale by Root... was a third member of this group who know about the Machine. The man sitting in the chair is the boss, while the man who was kidnapped by Root in the end is the husband of the woman Root poisoned in the restaurant.

Vicky N

JJ Abrams insert it in all of his show, it’s his favorite prime number.

Vicky N

Not HR , the government. The people that commissioned Nathan Ingram (Finch partner) to build the machine. In this specific case the Office of Special Counsel as seen in “no good deed”. The one with the NSA officer who found out about the machine, tried to be a whistleblower and we found out has been killed in this episode.

Vicky N

Great start of the season. We find out that the machine is much more that what we thought it was. Root is really an awesome foe. Amy Acker is absolutely fantastic. And yeah! Bear is here!


So, this is about the point where you really need to look into AI in order to fully get what this show is going for. You need to start watching some TED talks. Seriously, having a basic understanding of these questions about AI will greatly enhance your enjoyment of POI - it'll be the best few minutes you could spend if you're going to continue watching the show from this point forward. Max Tegmark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LRwvU6gEbA Sam Harris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nt3edWLgIg Nick Bostrom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnT1xgZgkpk I cannot urge strongly enough that you (well, that everyone, really) watches some of these short talks to get a high-level view of the challenges that arise when you try to do something like what Finch has done in this show.

Dani C

That was fun. You're right Amy Acker is an amazing antagonist

Felix Huang

"Root"'s name has several meaning in the computer space. "sudo root" is a command on a Linux system to become root, a user without any restrictions. "/" path or the top level directory of the entire system can sometimes be referred as Root path. From the root path, you can reference any component on the system.


One more thing....BEAR!!!!!