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I totally understand. The most important thing right now is your mindset and doing what feels right . If your not up for it it’s ok, I’ll be waiting patiently for next week to come so that I can watch your amazing reactions. Till then take care of yourself and don’t worry about posting. Wishing you all the best

Shane Granger

Take care of yourself and your family. We'll be here when you're ready to return.


Oh my goodness. We love you. Take the time you need and do not stress about this at all.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Take all the time you need. Always appreciate the updates! But honestly, I’d completely understand if there wasn’t any, and we didn’t hear from you at all this week. I think we all know that you have been doing absolutely everything you can this week, and way more than you probably should be, to still put out content for us. You are, without a doubt, the most active and consistent Patreon-Page/ YouTube person that I’ve ever encountered. You more than deserve this time to yourself, and then some. Sending all the love, support, and virtual hugs (it looks like you desperately need one) your way! Please take care of yourself, first and foremost. ❤️❤️

Paul Gibson

It's very clear from watching you in this that you are struggling emotionally, forcing yourself to record would be really bad for your mental health, take all the time you need and come back when you are ready, family is far more important than recording a few videos, we will all still be here whenever you are ready, take care mate see you soon


OMG, I just want to give you a hug (sorry, I'm a hugger). Do what you need to do, we will be here when you are ready.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Please... please... please don't apologize. I promise you that I understand. I'm so happy that you love and enjoy watching all of these shows we have requested from you and that you have so much fun making your reaction videos to them for us. I truly love them and look forward to watching more, but only do so when you're able and don't feel the pressure to do more than you're able. You're all good. Good luck with everything you have to do and my best of wishes to you and your family during this difficult time. I wish you well. Sincerely, Heidi


You have really gone above and beyond. Please don’t worry about anything. Take the time you need. And I really think you should just pick up where you left off when you get back and not try doubling up or catching up. That is just too stressful. It’s all good. Sending positive thoughts your way for you and your family. I hope everything comes out okay. Love ya’

Renee Pope-Munro

Sending you love, and a gentle reminder that you don’t need to out on a brave face - you are clearly going through it, and what matters most right now is your wellbeing and being with family. But also, we are here, if you need. If you need to vent, express, distract or escape mentally, we got you xo


i'm in no hurry. whatever is going on it's not my business and i wish you the best. i'll be here waiting <3


I think it's reasonable for you to just take a break from this gig and focus your mind and energy on handling what's going on in your life. Maybe you can do some shows you won't react to and just watch some tv and zone out. I don't want you to ever feel like you have to pretend. It needs to be genuine or the experince from our end isn't the same/as good. Do what makes you feel good and whatever that is, it's okay. Take care, and I hope for the best for you and yours.

Brenda Lewis

We appreciate the update, but life happens. When you are able to get back you will. I enjoy and often watch your previous content when there is nothing new out. So take a break and do family. I'm sorry for the situation whatever it may be.

Alexis Cardarella

Honestly, you could take a whole week off if you want to. You shouldn’t loose a significant amount of patrons because of a serious life matter that came up- I’m assuming people aren’t that heartless and impatient.. After Show Reacts occasionally takes a whole week off from reacting just to get a break. So yeah, I’m sorry for what you’re having to go through- do take care of yourself, and take a break if need be- we’ll still be around!

Jonathan Foreman

Hey man the thing that I love about you is your honest reactions to the shows that you react to, and I respect you a lot for recognizing when you're unable to do that. Take as much time as you need man. Stay strong we'll always be there to support you!

Alexis Cardarella

And when I suggest taking a week, I only say that because of you being persistent on coming back as soon as Monday or Tuesday. So just to be clear, you could take longer than that and I’d still be hanging around. Again, take care of yourself.


Yeah, take as much time as you need man. Like we were saying from the beginning, personal stuff is more important. Just promise to come back at some point.


Hey man take all the time you need, no need to apologize. Everything else was pretty much said already by all the others in previous posts so no need to repeat it again :) Thank you for all your content, thank you for you honest updates, and please take the time you need without worrying too much about us.


Honestly take all the time you need before you come back to reacting, you'll feel a lot better for it. You did the right thing in stopping and I appreciate you taking the time to give us this update but don't be worrying about us, we'll still be here when you get back. Take care!


Hey, please don't feel bad for needing time off. Everyone has the right to personal time. You don't need to justify your decision. We love you. I hope you are taking care of yourself and your family right now. We aren't going anywhere. Take your time. Don't feel guilty. The shows are not as important as your mental well being or your family.


I totally get you, take some time, sort out whatever is bothering you. I'll go and watch some stuff you've already posted, so i'm getting my money's worth, no need for you to feel guilty or worry about that. From reading other comments i see that many people agree with me on this, so go ahead, sort out your problems and you'll feel a lot better.


❤️❤️❤️ We are not going anywhere.

Sarah Trow

In the show's I watch that your reacting to some of my favorite episodes are coming up and I personally am willing to wait till you are back at 💯 (no matter how long it takes)to see your reactions so that you can enjoy them as much as I have....


What everyone else said. Taking care of yourself when you’re going through stuff is so much more important than making videos for us. Take all the time you need!

DJ Doena

Hey man, take care of your personal stuff, what's life for if there wasn't a family? Don't worry about us, we'll still be here when you come back.


Don't worry about us. We're all supporting you and will be here when you get back. Im thinking about you and your family and hope everything will be okay


Thank You All So Much, the support you have shown me means the world to me.

Dani C

Take the time you need we'll be here when you are ready. Don't feel like you're letting anybody down - you're really not. Also - don't feel mad pressure to catch up quickly when you get back to it - take it at whatever speed feels good. The reactions are only fun for us if they're fun for you. Be well mate, best wishes to you and yours.

Scarlett Monrow

A good reaction is like inspiration - you can't force it, it has to come to you on it's own. If you feel like taking a break - do that, just post updates once a while.

Trey Moore

So sorry for everything you’re dealing with! Give yourself whatever time you need to handle your business. Wish we could do more to lift you up during this difficult time.

Nancy Nicolai

I understand you're going through some personal stuff so take your time but(and this is an observation)I think you are not very comfortable in this space and you want to also just wait until you get back to your own place,space, equipment etc...so yeah just take care of your personal stuff(I hope everything will be okay❣) and we'll all see your reactions when you get back to your space alrighty!!⚘👌💜

Stephanie Bedworth

We'll see you when you get back and just know that you'll be in our thoughts. We'll be sending you all the positive vibes we can.

Vicky N

Life comes first. Take all the time you need.

Nicole Garver

Thank you for the update. Do whatever you feel like, try not to put pressure on yourself. We’ll be here when you are back in the right mindset to put out the quality of videos that up to your own standards. Take care of yourself, and your family - that’s the most important thing. Be well. ♥️