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DJ Doena

Her name is Sharon Valerii, call-sign: Boomer. As for the missing bodies: Per the "realistic" rule of the show, there are no laser weapons (that I remember), both sides shoot hard ballistic ammo, no incineration. Anyone inside the blast radius of the nuke would have been incinerated. As for the rest: They are faking it all for Carl 'Helo' Agathon (for purposes to be revealed) maybe they cleaned the area of bodies since they would be a bio health-risk for him.

Scarlett Monrow

1) There are no known aliens in this world. 2) Most of the bodies on Caprica and other colonies were removed and incinerated by Cylons (they don't enjoy rotting corpse under their feet, I guess). 3) This was probably mentioned, but the twelve colonies are named after the zodiac signs: Caprica for Capricorn, Picon for Pisces, Gemenon for Gemini. It might make it easier to learn the names. 4) I hope you'll feel better. You probably already tried it, but 1 part vodka + 3 parts water to gargle could help with pain and infection.