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I really like David/Charming. I’m happy that Pinocchio is alive. Hopefully we get August back with the original actor.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much! I loved this episode a lot. David was amazing throughout, and I even loved how he was unsure of himself in the beginning, saying how Snow was the one who gave the speeches, while he did more of the fighting. Both Henry and Ruby really helped him come into his true self again, which I loved. But honestly, David did really well with his "We are both" speech. It was beautiful and I absolutely believed him like each of the characters did. And his relationship with Henry is absolutely adorable, as it continues to be. I also enjoy seeing Jefferson again, and I love how Henry led David to seeking him out in order to try to get his help to find a way to get to Emma and Mary Margaret. Now... I agree with you that I didn't like how everyone was so quick to give up on everything and give up on Snow, David, Emma, and Henry. I understand that they are all afraid of Regina now that she has gained back her powers permanently. I also suspect that maybe not everyone knew the consequences of crossing the town line. However, those like Archie, Geppetto, Blue, etc... all did know, and they too were quick to leave despite normally being devoted and loyal to Snow and Charming as their leaders. And like you said... Geppetto was quick to leave too, and without his son. It seemed like an oversight and the writers', or creators' part. By the way... everyone who've I've watched reacting to Once Upon a Time always seems confused by what to call Charming. Charming... both his true self and his cursed self are David. The only time he had a different name aside from being called Charming by Snow, was when David pretended to be his twin brother James in King George's and Rumplestiltskin's ruse for the sake of George's Kingdom when he tried to trick King Midas for his gold and wealth. For a long time, everyone knew him as James, until eventually Charming told Snow the truth about who he really was when they got together again and married. I hope this makes sense. I thought I would bring this up, even though you probably get it better than I did the first time I watched this series through. Now, as for Regina's story in both the past and present storylines... I loved them. There were so many great parallels between them with how Regina treated Henry as Cora treated her. And I loved the origin story for Regina becoming Rumplestiltskin's student in magic too. Cora was a real witch and a horrible mother, but I'm so happy that Regina had come around to see the person she really was. I love that Regina finally punished her too, by forcing her through a portal, into a mysterious world net yet revealed to us. But there was a clue dropped if you listen closely. Also... I love that Regina corrected her mistake and allowed Henry to go home with David. What a powerful character building moment for her. I love that Henry is able to say the exact words Regina needed to hear, reminding Regina that how she was treating him, was just as how Cora used to treat her years earlier. And I love that Regina chose to allow Henry's harsh words to begin helping her to seek redemption. As for her mother's spell book, and how Regina was able to use it to regain her powers again... Regina enacted a spell within her mind which unleashed magic that heightened her magic within her. In Once Upon a Time, those with magic don't have to say the words of the spells out loud like most shows with characters who practice magic do. They just have to enact it by reading the words in their minds. As for Regina's scenes with Gold, as well as David's scene with him too... very cool. I always love the two villains talking, and any confrontation with Gold. And lastly... I was really happy we got a little of Emma and Mary Margaret in the end, and now they're about to come face to face with Cora. I hate that they're being treated like prisoners by Mulan and Aurora, but I kind of understand it a little too. And boy... was I definitely intrigued by how Cora found her way back to the Enchanted Forest, after Regina had forced her through the mirror. Not good. But the storyline is getting exciting. :) Oh... and I also felt so badly for Marco/Geppetto and August. So sad. I would have loved to have seen them reunite, but perhaps they will later on. I too was intrigued by August's disappearance. :) Thank you so much again! I look forward to your coming reactions. It's getting so exciting. Until next time...


To answer your questions that you had while watching the episode: You were wondering how old Baelfire was. If you remember in Season 1, there was an episode where we learn when Rumple BECAME the dark one, when Bae was 14? something like that.. so this proves that Baelfire is at least 14. now, when Rumple taught Cora, he was the DARK ONE, so essentially, Baelfire is older than Regina!! also, you were wondering how the book granted Regina her powers back. We learn in this episode when Regina began using magic, and ever since, she’s been using it nonstop. Until, she finally enacts her Dark Curse. she lived in a cursed town for 28 YEARS. that means she had to learn to deal without magic for that time. After 28 years, it’s like she almost forgot how to use her magic. The book simply JUMPSTARTED her magic to the point where she can FEEL the magic in her. now that she can feel the magic, she can use it. ( the book jumpstarted her magic, rumple even states that in the episode)

Paul Fisher

To answer your question about what convinced Regina to let Henry go, I think it was his comment, "I don't want to be you" which reminded her that she had once said the same words to Cora. It helped her realize that she was treating Henry just as she had been treated by Cora.

Catherine Thurmond

I agree most of the time I find David/Charming on the bland side but this episode is one of his shining ones. Also I know isn't Regina adorable when shes innocent. It wasnt until this round I felt the difference between the 5 and 10 tiers i mean your in Florisda here wow lol💜