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Scarlett Monrow

1) 41:42 - things worse than Gilead are happening right now to tens of millions of women and girls and there is no war about it. As bad as June's position is, it's better than some 10 year old girl in Afghanistan or even a princess in Saudi Arabia. While Gilead uses female castration as a non-primary punishment, for 10s of millions of girl it's a mandatory tradition. And there is no painkillers or sterile environment or even surgical tools. Just a sharp piece of glass or metal and mutilation at 4 or 5 years old. 2) 52:36 - she can't say it, because then she's admitting to reading and that's a punishable offense for all women, just like writing. The scrabble they are playing is a big no-no. 3) 24:56 If the doctor really wanted to help her, he would have offered artificial insemination. Faster, safer and just as effective. That's the problem with Gilead, they think they can sold the issue of infertility by going back to old traditions, while they should have tried all reproductive technology available to them. Instead of looking for a solution to male sterility, they are willing lying to themselves by saying that men are never responsible for lack of kids.


So woman are supposed to have forgotten how to read in the world? Like they beat reading out of them?


I know I'm late to this party, but I wanted to comment anyway. Margaret Atwood is an exceptional author, who wrote the book in the 80s, when feminist issues weren't talked about as much as they are nowadays. Somewhere in an interview, she talked about how the concept of the book came to be and she said(I am paraphrasing here from what I remember, so don't quote me) that all the things in the book she took from real life and experiences of women now and she wrote a dystopian social commentary novel. That is why the story makes us so uncomfortable and angry and emotional because it is so close to the real-world shit that is going on on an everyday basis, just on a smaller scale.