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Anyone else like...what about the next episode?????

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really enjoyed this episode a lot too. It's setting up for all that's to come and it's really good. I love that we continue to find out more about Finch's past with Nathan and them building the Machine together, including seeing that Nathan grows worried about the people they are handing the Machine over to. And I think it's smart for Nathan to have asked Finch about installing a contingency plan. Little did Finch know at the time that Nathan had already been smart enough to do so himself behind Finch's back, upon anticipating Finch's answer that we see and hear during this flashback. This is why we see the next scene with Nathan sitting down at the computer in the next flashback, that shows he had installed the contingency plan. And because Finch had said that there would be no access for them once they turn off the Machine so they can hand it over to the others who have access to the relevant numbers given to them from the Machine... we know that Nathan had already done so before he asks Finch if they should. I also love that we find out more about Finch's past with Grace, who turns out to have been Finch's fiancée before he disappeared and faked his death for her protection. Interesting fact... the actress who plays Grace... Carrie Preston, is Michael Emerson's (Finch) wife in real life. I absolutely love it when I learn that two actors who are married in real life, get to play characters together in the same show or movie, especially when their characters are married, engaged, in love, etc... Just like actors Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White) and Josh Dallas (Prince Charming) from Once Upon a Time too. And Finch and Grace are cute together. Overall... I really am loving these last few episodes, as they're among my favorites of the season. Thank you so much! I can't wait for more, so until next time...


Man I can't wait to see your reaction to the next episode(s) (hopefully it's episodes and not just episode ^^). We are truly getting into the really interesting stuff now. I really enjoy the more slowly buildup they took till now, where they took their time with the characters and only give us information slowly and piece by piece, sometimes even hidden deep into seemingly "unimportent" conversation or through hints with other characters that are easy to miss and how we have to piece it together ourselfs a lot. Now we are coming so close to the first big final and I'm getting really excited.

Vicky N

Great episode. I love that you are liking this show as much as it seems. I’m sorry for your toothache.

Dani C

Fun fact: this episode came out about a year before Snowden leaked classified info about the NSA and its massive surveillance operation.

Dani C

Also - her career in the show , as an illustrator for magazines, was how Emerson made his living until his late 30s I think.

Dani C

Great reaction. And yeah, the hand to hand combat scenes were really well done.

Dr. Foppo

I'm not sure if you got that - in the present - Finch is ironically using the very same backdoor that Nathan built and that Finch told him not to