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Ari is my Cat

Fun fact: The guy singing "Love Hurts" is the lead singer for "The Dandy Warhols" who do the opening theme song for the show.

Ari is my Cat

Per IMDB Tessa Thompson had 2 roles before this, a one off character in Cold Case and a supporting roll in When a Stranger Calls.

Ari is my Cat

1. Kendall was meeting with the county assessor to bribe him to inflate the property values. 2. Veronica bought an identical ipod, put a spy cam inside and asked Beaver to switch it. The cam took a picture every 15 seconds.


The man singing Love Hurts at karaoke was the actual lead singer of The Dandy Warhols who is the artist that sings the main opening song for Veronica Mars. This was a popular thing to happen in shows during this time. I remember it happening a lot in shows like One Tree Hill, etc. I agree they spent way too much time on it lol Veronica put a camera in the iPod and switched it at the gym. Next you see Veronica at the beach taking photos and she calls Beaver saying "it worked just steal it back..." So Beaver took the iPod from Kendall whenever he had the chance so they could switch it back.

Nica Marie

So, you've said you're not loving Veronica back with Duncan. And you're not loving Jackie. I think that officially makes you a Marshmallow. Welcome. These are opinions held by a good percentage of the fanbase.


Oh that explains the scene lingering on him. I didnt hear the steal it back. That's my fault. Maybe I should watch with subtitles so I dont miss stuff like that.

DJ Doena

I have totally forgotten what the story was with this cop / marshall, but: Hey! It's Mayor Lavon Hayes from "Hart of Dixie" and Mr. "Black Lightning"!

Renee Pope-Munro

I so t think the issue with Jackie is acting - I think they absolutely want the audience to hate her, and they’re succeeding. Time will tell if they pushed that boat out too far for people to come back around again by point. For why it’s worth, I never hated the character - I found her to be a pretty classic example of a girl who is straight fronting as a defender mechanism. In the scene with her father, yes on face value, she’s just being a bitchy brat. But it’s clear from what she says that her father has been completely absent from her life. I’d resent him coming in with big Dad Energy after that too. This


I found Jackie really annoying, and I do think it's partly her acting, which is weird because I LOVE Tessa Thompson now.