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It’s such a great episode. I can’t think of another episode where there was domestic violence to be honest.


Also remember back to the first episode you loved where that guy raped the doctors sister.?? I like to think this is where Reese put him!


Sorry... one more. Reese’s number came up because the machine saw that he was going to kill the husband!

Felix Huang

One of my favorite episode. Probably top 5 episode out of all the seasons. The other domestic case was in "Get Carter" with the beaten wife.


The machine is not just looking for certain keywords or actions that explicitly express intention to kill. It was designed to find terrorists in hiding, so it was designed to find even the tiniest connections. You know how shazam app on your phone can guess a songs name from just a couple seconds of it playing on even the crappiest car radio? Or how a machine learning algorithm can provide more accurate diagnoses than actual doctors? That's basically what the machine does with violence, except its not only in your phone, but in every phone in the world, in every computer, everywhere where the cia has access to.

Vicky N

This is a ten for me. This episode is brilliant from start to finish. I also like how it connects with the very first episode, actually the very first scene of the show. We get to see what was behind Reese emotional and physical state when we first see him. The fact that Jessica was one of the first number was shown in previous episodes in one of the flashbacks, you can see her picture on the wall in library while Finch is talking to his partner about the “irrelevant” numbers. The fact that the same numbers occurs multiple times, usually women is explained by the fact that the machine has identity a pattern of domestic abuse which as we know often leads to homicide. So the machine will signal the repetitive nature of the threat. The machine also pulls up Reese number because he was a threat to Jessica’s husband. At the time as repeated in the show intro, he didn’t have the tools to intervene. This is the first number regarding a domestic abuse, but when Finch decides to hide it from Reese, he doesn’t know it yet. So there’s a bit of a logic flaw in the plot. Otherwise everything else is perfect. I love the ending with Reese who finally has a real home for a new beginning. Did you notice that when looks out the window he sees the square where he spends time playing the board game (maybe mahjong) with the old Asian man.


It's not a flaw. Finch is certain that she's the victim running away from someone when explaining it to Reese then proceeds to talk about how numbers kept repeating. It's not outright spelt out but it implies he knows she's definitely the victim running away from someone because her number's come up before. That's how I saw it anyway

Dani C

Great reaction - but just to clarify : the machine isn't just picking up on people expressing an intention to kill in some way it is picking up on lots of information and drawing connections, so it's picking up on behavioral cues as well, the way we saw it do in that flashback where Harold talks Nathan through exactly how the machine knew about the US government official selling uranium (or whatever it was). So if there are repeated patterns of injury, and hospital visits, like you said, and other signifiers of domestic abuse (controlling behaviour in texts maybe? ) It wouldn't take much more than a Google level AI to spot the statistical likelihood of a fatal assault - and it isn't much of logical leap to see that him owing a lot of money to loan sharks might increase the tension - add in a phone call to her former partner and that is a very likely flashpoint for assault

Dani C

I think the connections Reese is drawing at that point is not just what he sees in the video, but the fear and loneliness in her voice when she spoke to him (when he told her to wait for him) , as well as the her body language and demeanor when they met in the airport (she was engaged, but did not look happy, and was willing to drop it for him if he only said to wait) - a bunch of stuff that clicked fully into place seeing how the husband was with her and how scared she looked of him in the video

Dani C

Last comment - promise :p - the burned out body they found in the car wasn't the husband : that referred to an earlier episode in the show when Reese joined a criminal gang of smugglers, to stay close to the number, who turned out to be an undercover cop. The kid played by the same actor as the Penguin in Gotham, got shot in the leg and bled out. The undercover cop shot Reese but didnt kill him, put him in the trunk of the car with the dead kid, and set the car on fire, but threw in something to help Reese get out of the trunk. Reese got out - to find Carter waiting. The dead gang member stayed in the trunk and burned with the car.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this episode, for the same reasons that you and everyone else who has commented here have said. And Jim Caviezel's performance in this episode is absolutely phenomenal throughout. Fun fact... the actress who plays Sarah, the woman who Reese saves from her abusive cop husband, is Dagmara Dominczyk and she stars alongside Jim Caviezel in the movie, The Count of Monte Cristo from back in 2002. Such a beautiful and phenomenal movie, and if you've never seen it before, I highly recommend you do so. In fact... if you've never seen it before, I would absolutely be thrilled if you could make a reaction for it. Please don't feel pressured to, but it would be amazing and I think others would absolutely love it too. Just a thought. :) Not only do I love Reese throughout this episode, but I love Carter in it too. While it's tough that Finch doesn't tell Reese about the woman in trouble and it might be wrong for him to have kept Reese in the dark despite Reese later finding out about her later on anyways, I can also understand why Finch didn't tell him. Because he was afraid for Reese. Not just because he was afraid of how Reese would react and what he might do, but he also was afraid for what might come of him. Finch and Reese may not openly state how much they've come to care about one another, and for both Carter and Fusco too, often. But they do care and they are friends. So, of course Finch was worried about Reese, as was Carter. Not so much that he would become a monster, like the man Reese always sees himself to be. And i just really love this. Overall... this is definitely one of my absolute favorite episodes from this season, if not even throughout all of the seasons. It's just phenomenal. So, thank you so much! Until next time...

Felix Huang

Could someone double check this? The apartment that Reese got is the same room as Nathan or Nathan's Son?

Ross Pogharian

Some other interesting tidbits that were missed: -Smuggling ring guy with CIA connections = Vargas, which we know Snow made disappear -When Carter asks, "are there any other Americans there?", I think we're supposed to connect that Jessica's husband is there too. I think we're supposed to connect that sending somebody to rot in a Mexican jail is worse than any death from Reese -Also Finch never confirmed that Jessica's number popped up more than once, just that domestic abuse victims have that happen