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i think the comedy of this episode is gold, and the drama of it all - like Joyce going all rogue was good. I know she was being affected by the demon, BUT, it wasn't a huge stretch for her to have this eventual kind of breakdown as she continues trying to deal with Buffy being a Slayer. Its a fun episode, not my fav, but decent.


For a one off episode, this one has a fair bit of honest-to-goodness plot importance years later (and even a ridiculously obscure easter egg for the final season of Angel, like, 5 years afterwards). So, keep it in the back of your mind?

Ari is my Cat

Love the comedy in this one. Who doesn't want to be a part of M.O.O.?

Nick Velasquez

I don't think Amy meant to change herself. I always assumed it was caused by her hands being tied town at her side.


We did have a child vampire - the annoited one


Amy was going to turn everyone in the crowd into rats, but what happened was in her incantation to the Goddess Hecate, she asked for it to happen to the "most unclean" person. That would be Amy, she was coming from a place of vengeance and the towns people were all under a thrall of the children and therefore not magically responsible for their actions. It is also the reason for something else.


Which of course, underlined the technical problem with it. Vampire children don't grow up, but child actors do.


This episode has two of my favorite line deliveries--Cordelia's "Okay, I liked the two little ones better than the one big one", and Buffy's "Did I get it? Did I get it?!"


For me, this episode is pretty funny but it is also one of the weaker episodes of the season. I still give it an 8, which just tells you the overall strength of the season as a whole. From here on out, there isn't a single weak episode for the rest of the season, it's really good!


The Sunnydale in the Wish was worse off without Buffy but of course she doesn't know that. It's sad to see her doubt her contributions without knowing how much worse things would be without her.

Vicky N

As for every Jane Espenson written episodes, this one is full of quotable funny lines. I think this is her second episode after Band Candy. My favorite lines are Willow’s doodle tongue twister, Cordelia’s wake up in a coma and Buffy’s did I get it.


For the longest time, I thought this was one of the weakest episodes, but your reaction actually changed my mind here! (That's not easy to do regarding Buffy, fwiw - my headcanons and opinions are pretty set at this point. Lol). The main thing I enjoyed about it was the concept, which I thought was killer - the origins of Hansel and Gretyl and their inherent contribution to witch-hunting/the persecution of things that are different - but you pointed out so many new things! It never occurred to me how much everyone got to do, how fully ensemble of an episode it was. And while I thought the ending was funny, I didn't fully appreciate the absurdity after such serious themes. So, basically, thanks for the new perspective, this was loads of fun! 😁

Richard Lucas

This isn’t a very loved episode and I will never understand why. To me it’s a solid 8+. Now don’t get me started one The Zeppo, beloved by many and one of my least favorite episodes.