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I can't speak for everyone else but I am perfectly fine that if you have to miss something because you are sick or whatever, just miss the day. I don't think you should have to double up or anything. You put out a LOT of quality content . I look at it like a day of leave. Life happens and I certainly don't want you stressed out about something you should be enjoying. Thanks for all you do.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I couldn't say this any better. I agree, Geeked Out Nation. I promise you, you have no need to apologize to us, or to make up for the missing episodes by doubling up on them unless of course you have extra time and wish to do so. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Pushing Daisies! And while you didn't care as much for this episode overall, like you enjoyed the previous episodes, you still seemed to have fun watching it in the moment and I had a lot of fun watching it again with you. Ned and Chuck are so cute together, and I love Emerson, Olive, and Aunts Lily and Vivian too. Such a fun show and I'm so happy you're continuing to watch it for me again. :)