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That actress playing young Snow White is so annoying to me lol. With Katherine’s heart, I think maybe the Evil Queen had Abigail’s heart, and that’s the heart we saw used to frame Mary. That’s what happened with Graham. I don’t know how I feel about the backstory here with Regina. She’s still very petty to me and they have not managed to make her motives “deep”

Ceara Abrahamsz

Just to put things into perspective a bit more, the townspeople, Regina, Mary/Snow, Charming/David, Red/Ruby, basically everyone but Emma and Henry, everyone cursed, have been in Storybrook for 28 years, frozen in time, never aging, plus the amount of time it took Snow/Mary to grow up from the age she was in this, in the flashback, means it’s actually been well over 20 years, if Snow is the same age as Emma, it’s probably been well over 40(ish) years. So double the time you said. Again, it doesn’t really matter! But thought I’d put it into a bit of more detailed context! 🤷🏼‍♀️👍 Another great reaction, REALLY can’t wait for the next episode! Thank you for all the hard work you’ve been doing, and I’m sorry about your internet issues! Honestly, wishing you the best! ❤️❤️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time! I really love this episode. It isn't one of my favorites from this season, but it is very, very close to being one. First... Regina's grudge against Snow White is much deeper than just blaming her for Daniel getting killed back when Snow was ten years old. A lot's happened between them in the many years since then and Regina's hate towards Snow has only grown stronger, and her anger towards Snow isn't simply because Snow simply told her secret, although it is the main factor in Regina's hate towards her. And you will continue to see this as the series continues. A lot of your issues you had with the things that seemed strange for you will be explained later on and most likely, you'll be surprised and excited by what's to come. Now... one of my favorite moments in this episode is between Emma and August, while they're talking on the bench in the harbor as August inspires Emma to look at her investigation from a different angle. I just really love their dynamic and I always continued to love the mystery behind who August is. Another of my favorite moments in this episode is between Regina, young Snow, and later Cora (Regina's mother), as Regina figures out how Cora knew about her and Daniel when Snow confesses to her that she told her secret despite her promise to Regina that she wouldn't. It's a great scene brilliantly acted by not only young Snow played by Bailee Madison, but especially Regina, who suddenly becomes completely numb to all emotion. Her acting in this moment is phenomenal, even when she's later talking with her mother as well. As for Cora... boy, is she evil because she's so good at being manipulative. And if you paid close attention to Regina's relationship with her mother, you must have seen the parallels between them. A lot of what Regina has become in the years since the events from this episode's backstory, comes from the kind of woman Cora is. As for how I feel about her... I hate her. While she's scary as any villain can be, she's also evil and twisted enough to believe she's doing right by her own daughter. And people who believe in that way of thinking, is scary in the worst kind of ways. Now... I really enjoy the backstory a lot, as we get to know a younger and kind version of Regina, when she herself was in love with a stable boy, who was sadly murdered by Regina's own mother, which is the root cause for Regina becoming the villainess we know her to be now... the Evil Queen. I really like Daniel's character a lot. Yes... he is played by actor Noah Bean, who plays Ryan Fletcher in Nikita like you stated. But back to Daniel... I love that he was a stable boy and that back then, Regina didn't care about power and her station as the Kingdom's Queen. And that she loved Daniel despite him being poor. I love seeing that Regina had found True Love with him, which is why it's so tragic that Cora killed him by ripping out his heart and crushing it right in front of Regina. And this is another parallel between Regina and Cora, as we see the kind of woman Regina later becomes and see that she too eventually came to rip out hearts like her mother did to Daniel, as we see Regina do with the Huntsman... Graham. Brilliant! As for the things you said about Emma being easily manipulated and her falling for Sidney's lies, which are clearly lies that she should have seen through, especially given her superpower that hasn't really come into play much lately... I agree with you that it's frustrating, or annoying that Emma would fall for Sidney's lies. And I don't care much for the bit where Emma lets him offer her flowers, allowing for him to bug her office. But what bothers me more, is that we never see Emma talking to August about finding the shovel shard or the shovel which it belongs to being in Regina's garage, inside of her office or the station. We only have to assume she and August must have taken the shard to the station and spoke about it there off screen. I feel that Sidney planting a bug in Emma's office would have worked better, had we seen how Regina came to know that Emma knew about her broken shovel and why she had to move it. Sadly... Emma blames August for telling Regina about her finding the broken shovel shard. It did seem strange that August would think it's unfair for Emma not to believe in him fully, since Emma doesn't know him all that well, but I feel like he's been trustworthy so far, enough to get Emma to trust in him a little... at least enough to believe he wouldn't sabotage her investigation. And lastly... I was shocked when the revelation and twist comes in the end with Kathryn being alive after all. Which could have many meanings as to what might have happened to her and how the frame job against Snow really came about. Who exactly is behind it all and how deep into it are the characters suspected of their involvement? If you think back to what Gold said to Emma in the station just before she discovers the bug in the flowers after she smashes the vase... he states that perhaps there's a chance of a miracle that could save Mary Margaret. What has he done, or just how much does he know? I love it all! Thank you so much for your reaction again!!! I am so excited for these last four episode reactions from you, from season one. Things are about to get so good! Just you wait!!! :) Until your next reaction...


Literally watching Regina's transformation from good to evil as she listens to Snow out herself is brilliant. Lana Parrilla is awesome. Also, in regard to your comments on Emma, I have to agree. Unpopular opinion here, but I'm not a fan of her character. I find her incredibly obtuse at times and more than a little annoying. Personal opinion, of course.

Jared Scoggin

I think Sidney knew about the shovel because Emma would have to call a judge to get a search warrant for Regina's garage, which she probably did in her office. Although it is possible that Regina has Storybrooke's judge under her thumb like with Sidney or the way she did with Dr. Hopper, but that would make the bug irrelevant, so I think it's the first one. I also think it's stupid for Emma to trust Sidney, but I do think it's plausible, because Sidney allied himself with Emma several episodes ago to “help her take down Regina.” And her supposed superpower hasn't worked a single time on him, since we know he's been lying to her the whole time they've been working together, and she never even questioned him. I don’t know if this is the writers ignoring that or if her superpower isn’t really working because she doesn’t trust her own judgment lately. I hope it’s the latter, otherwise it’s just bad writing.

Fly on the Wall

It wasn't an accident. Snow made a very deliberate and intentional choice to betray Regina's confidence. I personally love this version of the story. It gives Regina a very real reason for being how she is outside of simply being evil.