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The only parts of this episode of any value, in my opinion, is the part with Sam and the Crossroads Demon at the end. And the brother stuff mixed in throughout the episode. Even when I don't like an episode, I always like watching Sam and Dean do their stuff.

Toasted Toad

What would have been the point of Sam shooting the demon as soon as she showed up? He wanted to stop Dean's deal. As he found out by talking to her, shooting her would not affect it. Yet he shot her anyway in an act of - what - revenge? petulance? temper? She was not threatening him or doing anything. He just shot an innocent woman being possessed by a demon for no reason. I'm surprised you were encouraging it. Besides, by shooting one crossroads demon, it might make it difficult for them to persuade any other crossroad demons to negotiate with them.


I was thinking more in line with the while He is not fully Sam story. Out of pure anger and not thinking things thru all the way

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

In the Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella, the Evil Stepmother cuts off the heel of one of her daughters' feet to try to get it to fit into Cinderella's glass slipper only for it to fail. She then turns to her second daughter and cuts off her toes from one of her feet for the same reason and once again it still doesn't fit in the glass slipper. In the end, the Ugly Stepsisters get punished for their cruelty towards Cinderella, as several birds fly down from the sky and peck out their eyes to blind them. Very creepy.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really like this episode a lot, because I love all fairytales and Once Upon a Time. Plus... I just really enjoy the main storyline, as well as the smaller storyline with Sam going after the Crossroads Demon. Both are so sad, and very good. Thank you so much!


I'm a bit torn with this episode. I love the idea of it more than the actual execution but I wonder if its because I keep comparing it to "OUAT". It's not really fair to compare 1 episode to an entire show but I can't help it, therefore it just feels rushed to me. Hope that makes sense. However, I did enjoy the story between Sam and Dean and thought the ending was really good. Great reaction!


I really enjoyed your reaction again. I have to agree with you that this episode was a cool concept minus the best execution of fairytales run amuck. The concept of Callie's spirit controlling people into the fairytales because she was trapped with no one to listen to her about what happened with her stepmother poisoning her while being read these insanely Grimm fairy tales was an interesting twist though. I think the main reason this episode was done though was to illustrate how the boys continually do crazy crap to keep each other alive while other people learn the lesson of letting go when it's time. An interesting fact is the actress, Sandy McCoy, who played the crossroad demon was Jared "Sam Winchester" Padalecki's real life girlfriend at the time this episode was made.

Sarah Benedict

lol Don't apologize for laughing at a well-delivered, funny line. It was a joke. It was funny. You're supposed to laugh. ;)


I forgot to add that I really enjoy your reactions. You are pretty good at figuring out what is going on. And that's because you pay attention and take note of things. I like that. Sam's personality generally wouldn't have wanted to just shoot the demon without trying to talk with her first and see if she'd break the deal. Based on past behavior, he doesn't want to be that sort of hunter. But he has changed, so he was actually willing to kill the human vessel. That's new. I totally agree with you on your criticisms. There was some lazy production in this episode. Writing/directing - bit of both. But I always love my boys. lol