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I was so worried everyone giving you crap a few episodes ago might give it away! I'm so glad that it managed to be a surprise and you caught on really fast. It took me till he actually showed up on the tape. Now imagine waiting months to find out who's at the door and what happened with Logan and Weevil!

Jared Scoggin

I've always believed that Keith took Lianne back to give Veronica back something he believes he lost for her, even though it's not something he may want for himself. Earlier this season he talked about the things she lost because of his investigation, like their house, her mom, and her friends. When he went after the Jake Kane, Lianne used that as an excuse to leave him, and I think Keith has always felt guilty. So, this was his way to sort of make that up to Veronica. I definitely think it was the wrong choice, especially because he was acting like nothing ever happened, and that's not healthy for anyone. The thing with Keith telling Veronica that he's her dad, I don't think he was trying to test her. I think he was leading up to telling her, and he put the paper out to explain it all. Then Veronica just signed it without a second thought before he could say anything, so he was just telling her that she gave up absolutely nothing by signing. That's how I took it anyway. I also love the clue early in the episode when the police come to search the Echolls’ house and the sheriff tells Aaron that they’re going to search the air vents because kids hide things there, and later we see the screw in Lilly’s air vent has been loosened, so someone who never thought to check there was looking for something. And we find out that all this time Aaron was looking for the videos, now he finally realized where Lilly hid them. And yes, Aaron opened the door. The blinds move as he opens the door. It happens really quick and then punches her, but with the blinds swinging it's easy to miss it.


Argh me too, I kept quiet to avoid drawing too much attention to it but I remember cheering Aaron on during my first watch too. I think the show deliberately did that massive fight scene to show you his rage but also make you side with him even if only for a moment. The perfect clue and distraction all wrapped up in one.


Also did you catch the truck that hit Aaron was a flower delivery truck with a big picture of a Lily on it? some poetic justice right there lol


OMG, i never noticed that thing with the truck that hit Aaron. Great stuff. Amazing reaction to an amazing episode. Glad you're diggin the latest episodes so much. It would be cool if you did a season recap, but i know you've already watched the season 2 opener. What about your favorite characters in the show?


So I found out yesterday this show had been fast-tracked and I had to re-new my pledge (pledged a few months back just for this show, but updates were a bit slow). So glad I did. I binged all your s1 reactions (ep12 and up) and I absolutely loved your reactions to the growth/journey of Logan and to Logan/Veronica. You were surprised in 1x15 when you realized "wait a minute, Logan is my favorite character...?" That's what happened to most of us when the Logan-Lynn Echolls death mini-arc happened. (A bit of trivia about Logan. Initially, he was only meant to be in the first few episodes as nothing more than the "obligatory psychotic jackass"; but the creators loved what Dohring brought to the character, and the chemistry between Logan/Veronica (LoVe as fans call them), that they decided to keep him and develop his character.) And you totally picked up on the LoVe vibes in 1x18 but were still taken by surprise by their kiss....until you stopped to think "hey wait a minute, they HAVE been building up pretty well to this moment..." Loved it. We all felt that way. It was shocking, then it wasn't, and it felt right. And I'm sooo glad you were not spoiled about Aaron. It's such a great twist/reveal. The show did an excellent job with Aaron's character. Many small moments that showed us he was a terrible and violent person, a cheater and abusive husband/father. Yet they made us sympathize with him with his whole "grieving father trying to redeem himself" character arc. I watched this season live when it aired and I can vividly remember how exciting it was watching week-to-week, especially when the Logan character arc kicked off and the Lily mystery started to come together more and more. And that finale cliff-hanger was maddening. Nearly everyone was convinced it was either Logan or Duncan, and most wanted it to be Logan.


that fight scene is one of the coolest ever