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Ceara Abrahamsz

Thank you! And great reaction! I always drop everything when you post a OUAT reaction! Lol. Absolutely can’t wait for the next episode! ❤️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I knew you would love the special guest star in this episode. :) Yep... Sebastian Stan is the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. I really like Jefferson/Mad Hatter a lot and I agree with you that Sebastian Stan's acting throughout this episode was really, really good. And I do like this episode a lot. However, it is among my least favorite episodes for this season and for some reason, this is the one episode for which I can't exactly pinpoint what it is that really makes it among my least favorites. First... like you, I am not a big fan of Mary Margaret choosing to escape from jail, even though I do understand why she did it, which I will talk more about in a bit. And I'm not a fan of Jefferson having his head cut off upon orders from the Queen of Hearts, and him not dying, although once again I understand the reasons for the idea to do this, since the Queen of Hearts is known to order her soldiers to cut off the heads of her enemies in the fairytale. I just felt this scene was strangely done, and could have been done better. Also, I too got the serial killer vibe from Jefferson throughout the episode within the present day storyline, which in a sense is cool, and yet it also felt off strangely as well. But these are little nitpicks of mine and they don't explain my small sense of dislike... for lack of a better word, that might cause me to feel this episode was among the weakest of season one for me, no matter how weak or strong my dislike for it is. I'm sure this makes no sense to you, but it's all I can really say about this. Now... I enjoy the backstory between Jefferson and Regina, that includes Jefferson's daughter Grace, and Regina's father Henry Sr as a hole despite it's flaws. And I especially love that this is the first episode in which we finally get to see a new realm aside from just Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest. The overall design of Wonderland is interesting, as we see giant mushrooms and an extravagant maze, and I especially like the design of the maze, in which its walls are made of the plants that have been enchanted to pull all those that get too close to it, inside of it. I really like how Regina comes to Jefferson seeking help from him to get to Wonderland, for reasons yet revealed to us at this point aside from her wishing to get back something taken from her. And when he refuses for Grace's sake, I like how Regina manipulated him into later taking back his refusal to help her, by using his love for his daughter against him as she makes him feel weak for being unable to give Grace the stuffed bunny she likes from the market. It's very cruel of Regina to do, and it's sad. Although... I do agree with you that it was unnecessary for the show's creators to have Regina reveal her true face to Sidney, when we know the moment Sidney appears to the old woman, that the old woman is in fact Regina. But nonetheless... her plan works and Jefferson later returns to Regina to accept her request for his help so he can make sure that his daughter will want for nothing. I absolutely love the idea for the Mad Hatter travelling from realm to realm through the magic of his hat, and I love the design of the inside of his hat that shows the many doorways to all the different realms. Fortunately... Regina is successful in retrieving the box we later contains her father, who had been shrunk down to the size of an ant, and with the magic from a piece of a mushroom, Henry Sr. grows back to normal size. Unfortunately for Jefferson, the magic and rules of the hat makes it so he cannot enter the portal his hat opens once Regina plants his feet into the ground, then runs through the portal along with her father. As for the present storyline with all that's going on between Emma, Mary Margaret, and Jefferson... I liked it for the most part, aside from the few nitpicks I already mentioned. But I like how Jefferson appears to Emma in the beginning by pretending to have been hit by her car and knocked off the road, then accepts her offer to drive him home, as we have yet to know his true motives. Then, Jefferson drugs Emma, then later it is discovered that Mary Margaret is also there, after she had already been kidnapped by Jefferson too. I especially love Jefferson's dialogue to Emma throughout his storyline like you said you loved too. I love how his curse, or punishment, upon coming over into Storybrooke within the Evil Queen's dark curse, is remembering everything from his former life with his daughter, being so close to her and yet so far away because she doesn't remember who she really is, or who he is. I love how Jefferson states to Emma that having all knowledge and yet being unable to do anything to change it, is maddening. I love how Jefferson tries everything to convince Emma of the truth and that she has to believe in magic, so that he can get her to help him make his hats open a portal for him. However, Emma only tells Jefferson what he wants to hear, and when his guard is down once he turns his back on her, Emma immediately takes the opportunity to strike him down with the telescope Jefferson was using to keep his eyes on his daughter, then she runs to help Mary Margaret once again. However, Jefferson charges Emma and it's then that the three of them get into an intense fight, before Mary Margaret suddenly kicks him back and causes him to crash through a window, after which they assume he fell to his death. And yet... Jefferson's body isn't there and is nowhere to be found. As Emma and Mary Margaret are finally leaving after Jefferson's disappearance, I like the dialogue between them too, as it parallels perfectly to the Pilot episode where Mary Margaret talks about their trust and why Emma needed to stay in Storybrooke despite wanting to run away. I appreciate that Emma is able to convince Mary Margaret to trust in her again to save her, and to return to her cell before Regina finds her missing like she's expecting to. I also enjoy the strange conversation between Regina and Gold in the end. It is confusing, because we have no idea what Gold really appears to want at this point despite what we believed he wants. But he has his reasons for doing everything he does. Overall... this episode is pretty good despite it's flaws, and I really like Jefferson. Sebastian Stan brings intrigue to his character and his acting is brilliant. I'm happy you loved this episode so much. Thank you again, for another great reaction! And as for the final five episodes... they are all so, so, so good. I can't wait for you to watch and to post your reactions for each of the them. Just you wait for what's ahead! :)

Ariyon King

That actually is Bailee Madison. She plays a character in the show.

Lea Connor

It was a shame that they couldn't do the spin off with Jefferson, but he was filming The Winter Soldier I believe, so they created the spin off for Alice that only lasted one season.