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They did show Finch cutting the cameras at the hospital before he goes in. :)


The father probably payed to the hospital so that baby can be taken care of and his wife then did all of this murdering on her own.

Dani C

'The baby's the killer' lol - Fun fact: the picture of Finch the police put out is actually a self portrait done by Michael Emerson

Dani C

I love the speed of Reese;s responses when he gets shot at and as he dives to the floor, he clicks off the lamp on the way down. Also - as to why they didnt just kill the baby - that's not what they were paid to do. It's a job - they were paid to make the mother's murder look like an accident and to get the baby out o fthe country. They wouldnt hesitate to kill the baby if the situation got messy, but that wasn't the job they were there to do.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction!!! I really loved this episode a lot too. I loved how in this episode we saw Reese so vulnerable and even lose in the end. Yes... he was able to save the baby, but in order to do so, he was forced to give up the address of the safehouse where Moretti was being protected and it resulted in his father getting kidnapped, a good cop and friend of Carter's getting shot, and Reese and Finch losing an ally in Carter. I really loved this because it shows that Reese and Finch aren't perfect and that they make mistakes too. They do whatever it takes to protect and save those who need to be saved and protected, but they don't always make the right decisions. Also... we got to see Fusco really struggle with his own choice placed before him too and we have yet to see what choice he'll make. I liked this struggle too. Such a great episode. Thank you again!! Until next time...


I love this episode so much. I think it's fun seeing Finch and Reese showing a different side by looking after a baby and Elias is such a devious bastard with what he did here. Of course I don't want babies to freeze to death but what a way to turn the screws.