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Jonathan Foreman

Shows with action and adventure in the 70s and 80s would show flashes from the episode you're about to watch to get you excited for the episode. The original Battlestar Galactica was like this, and the reboot is doing it as an homage to those older action shows that did this. Personally I don't mind it, you're never really going to be shown enough to really fully understand the context of the flashes, but at the same time I get not wanting to see anything from the episode before you watch it.

Mark Wood

Yeah it’s intended as a homage, and while I didn’t care for it, it isn’t that much different then the more standard showing you a trailer of the next episode at the end of the current week.

Mark Wood

Boomer, is Sharon’s call sign. The show uses Boomer to reference the model on the Galactica and Sharon to reference the model that is on the planet Caprica.

Mark Wood

And in the ship the Boomer (who we assume is a sleeper agent) Subconscious (my take) was the one that kept touching the explosive and preventing her human aspect fro

Mark Wood

from seeing the water reading. It appears the for the most part her sleeper programming by isn’t dominant. Love that your watching this show it’s one of the two best sci-fi shows of all time in my opinion.

Scarlett Monrow

Thanks for continuing to watch BSG! 1) Don't watch the recap, just look away, that's what another reactor did. 2) About Sharon/Boomer - maybe call the one on Galactica - Boomer and the one on Caprica - Sharon. 3) About how Gaius found Doral cylon in miniseires - I think he picked the guy that no one knew and who was seen around dradis and cylon device as a scapegoat. 4) Hunter Boyle did a reaction on BSG on youtube, you can probably get more info from her on how to post without getting blocked.

Stephanie Bedworth

First off, I'm extremely excited to see that you're continuing with this show. Now about your question regarding Gaius choosing that first guy as a cylon, he simply needed a patsy to point to because he wanted to tell everyone about the strange device on the com system. He chose him because he was an outsider and not really known to the crew on the ship and he had access to Galactica a lot because he was documenting the decommission ceremony that was happening in the mini series. The fact that the man he chose to blame did happen to be a cylon and probably did plant the device was just blind luck.

DJ Doena

Regarding "Why don't they get sucked out into space". First off, they're probably wearing magnetic shoes that keep them on the "ground". Secondly, in space nothing happens without gravity or inertia. You don't start accelerating (or slowing down) on your own. Scenes where people are "sucked out" always occur when there's a breach between a pressurized room and the "nothing" of space. The 1 bar standard atmosphere against the 0 bar vacuum. The air expands into space to decrease the pressure and because it happens so violently it pulls everything with it just like a hurricane. When Tyrol and the crew entered the water tanks, they were already completely empty and vacuumed out. So no force there to push/pull anyone anywhere,

DJ Doena

Wow, I didn't remember that my favorite quote of the show came this early: There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.


Well, to be fair, head Six also led him to it... and it's pretty hard to say at this stage whether she's a manifestation of his somewhat addled mind, or actually being beamed into his brain.


You can also close your eyes for 10 seconds or so and problem solved, because there's no audio. Never bothered me either though.


this what i was talking about during the mini series . . choices-consequence-fallout and the realism of those effects. . just a fantastic level of writing .


and probably the best description of military v police you'll ever hear. . and the acting constantly on point. . look no further than boomer, especially that moment in the cockpit seemingly struggling against some sort of programming, spectacular


Catching up on these, patreoned just for this show its my all time favourite. Great reactions so far! Damn I hope you stop watching the spoilers in the opening, it bums me out haha. I hate them and skip in the reactions and it makes me sad whenever you know something's coming


I know this is old, but the reason why they don't get sucked off into space is because once all the air is "sucked" out the area becomes a vacuum and no longer has any kind of pressure or force. The only reason things get "sucked" into space is because of the pressure in the ship venting out. Once all the pressure (air) leaves the ship, the inside of the damaged area and the outside (empty space) has the same pressure which means things no longer get "sucked" out