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Sadly, I often think of this as the episode with Buffy's stupid baby bangs. :D There's a lot of good here, but yes, the ending knocks it down. I think it's the only time (thus far) that we've seen supernatural forces of good take an active and unquestionable role in the series, and it comes off as weird. Joyce didn't want to invite Giles specifically because of the makeout session in Band Candy; she's weirded out. Xander, I think was just dealing with the fact that Willow got forgiven and he didn't, and he wanted to do something decent. Oz is defintely the best human.


Finally, I think this episode was written specifically for you......we will see.


Two things are implied 1. The First did not bring him back 2. Whoever or whatever did caused the snowfall


The reason Giles was not invited has layers, so if you ask too much people will give you spoilers. If it had not had snowed, Angel would have died.......and this came out at Christmas time. This was a fantastic episode because I believed that Angel at the time was floundering, but that is my opinion, you never have to apologize for how you feel, It is the job of the show, to hook you into everything... Keep em coming......I also miss Jenny......


I hear your crit about the Buffy/Angel relationship -- only I think you sort of (to my mind) answered your own questions about it: Buffy is a teenager. I know that sounds like...idk, a stupid justification, but one of the main themes of the show is growing up; and buried deeper within that, responsibility vs. desire. For all of Buffy's deliberate blindness regarding her relationship with Angel, when I look at it, I see this young girl who's had her choices taken away from her over and over and is still just trying to carve out something for herself. I don't personally ship Buffy and Angel anymore, but I appreciate how formative their relationship was for her, and how heavy the resonance that kind of emotional scarring can leave. Regarding the snowfall...yeah. That was a bit of a throwaway, especially after that amazing scene between them. I think what Joss was going for was the whole "Christmas miracle" schtick -- the powers that be wanted Angel to live, and so they saved him, and it gave him and Buffy hope or whatever. Meh. When I first saw it, I thought it wildly romantic, but now it makes me cringe a little. Lolol. Anyway, loved your reaction! Can't wait for the next. 😀


It can suddenly snow in warm places. A lot of my family is from south Florida and it's happened there before. Just to say. As for Xander I get the feeling he was supporting Buffy rather than Angel because he heard she was in his dreams, etc, and also trying to do something with his holiday so he didn't have to spend it all alone the whole time.


Oh, and I think Buffy's mom regrets the Giles thing since it happened when they were reduced to lust-filled teens, and it's now awkward between them.


Could we please think about the things we are writing we should hold all information that we have to things that have occurred up to episode 3X10. If we got any information from after that it would make the comment a spoiler.


Really? I always thought that (apparently) the forces of good taking an active role in this episode a great choice. It's world building. In the Buffyverse, there are apparently: demons, witches, magic, evil forces, the Slayer, and we have perhaps the beginning of good forces as well. Which leads to questions which may, or may not, be answered. i.e. Are the good forces helping Buffy? Did they create the Slayer line? Why don't they take a more active role? Are they really "good" or do they just have a plan for Angel?

Nick Velasquez

That annoying moment when you want to talk about character development, but you can’t cuz even though I wouldn’t talk about future plot points...I feel like it would be spoiler adjacent. Guess I’ll just hold my tongue and wait

Heather Flores-Ricks

I don't comment over half of the time just so I don't accidentally say anything. Or I just say, I loved your reaction can't wait for you to keep going. Lol


Or, even if the First did bring him back, it doesn't matter, because an opposing force can counter the First.

Ari is my Cat

This is a good episode but I still don't care for it. At this point Angel is a sort of hanger on. I like his solo show but I never really liked the high school girl dating the 200 year old. Lets face it folks the guy in his 20's cruising the high schools for dates were all losers.

Allan Cornett

A great episode. I really like how the show exposes the messy stories of teenage love. It’s often ugly and drives some fans crazy. Despite many fans not liking the romantic relationship between Buffy and Angel, I always side on realism. Real life has situations where all of your friends and logic tells you what you’re doing is wrong for you but love trumps all of that. Unlike real life where an an abusive boyfriend will probably never change in the fantasy universe of Buffy, Angel having a soul changes him and seeking amends for all the Evil Angelus committed makes him a better person than he was before he became a vampire. Having said all that I still prefer Angel in his own series.


This is actually the first time I've watched this where it's occurred to me that the snow was more than just a coincidence. Normally I'm just annoyed at that as a device to defuel a tense moment. What, he was dead set on killing himself (pun intended) and snow made him suddenly change his mind? I still think that's dumb, but (with the benefit of hindsight, of course) I see what Joss was up to here. Also, GON's comment about Sarah Michelle Gellar being "so good at that"... I forget if I've mentioned this in a comment before, but Joss did an interview in which he said that his nickname for her was "Jimmy Stewart", because, in his words, he was the "greatest american in pain in film history". Those scenes are basically her wheelhouse.


You should watch "Passion of the Nerd"'s explanation of this episode. It breaks it down and describes the reason for all the scenes and is so insightful. Ever since watching his guide on the episode I look and experience this episode in a different way and really appreciate what what done with it. You should check it out. It's totally worth it. I promise. https://youtu.be/qOI6qYIAScc

Steve Quast

*snow starts falling* Liam Duke: "These are the ashes of all the people you've killed."

Vicky N

I wouldn’t recommend it as Passion of the Nerd videos are a bit spoilery.

Vicky N

Great reaction. As you can see, this is a very divisive episode. I personally love it. The snow at the end is the textbook definition of “Deus ex Machina”. Clearly the fact that a great force in the universe interferes when Angel is at the moment of ultimate despair means something.

Robin Gibbons

SMG's acting on the hilltop scene is top 3 for me. She is an amazing actress!

Allan Cornett

Buffy’s mom is also still mad at Giles for hiding the fact that her daughter was a slayer

Katherine Thoreson

With the man whose children Angelus killed, the writers are very subtle about this story in that the man is dressed in modern clothing. The writers are implying that this man and his children, Angel killed them in his recent turn as Angelus just last season. Because the last time he was Angelus was over 100 years ago, and no one would be dressed in clothing like that. So it's a bit more information about what Angelus was up to last year when he wasn't torturing Buffy, and is a reminder to how evil he truly can be.

Mariella Nilsson

To me this show is about human nature, not just storytelling, and thats why I love this episode! It gives you so much emotions!

Richard Lucas

I still buy it. Buffy has faced enough evil that’s she’s earned a Christmas miracle. And good has shown up before, vampires being pushed back by crosses and hurt by holy water just being two examples.

Richard Lucas

Buffy is a high school girl, but she is also a beyond ancient ‘slayer’. In some respects, Angel is the child compared to her.

Richard Lucas

Wow, it never occurred to me that it was a coincidence. I just always thought it was the power of ‘God’ saving Angel.

Richard Lucas

I love it too. It has so many scenes I love. The brief scene with the dad, and just the few words he utters about his children says so much about Angelus, and what Angel must make amends for. That actor was amazing.

Richard Lucas

Wow, I love that scene and never picked up on that! That leads down dark pathways though.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

The Giles/Angel scene is one of my all time favourites. He feels like Giles and Ripper at the same time somehow. And Angel knows enough about Ripper to realise he'll shoot him through the heart if he makes one wrong move. It also shows that Giles is SO not OK with this but just has to keep gritting his teeth every time Buffy goes off to see Angel. I agree that she needs to stop seeing him but I'm not sure what they can do. They've tried yelling (Xander) and harsh truths and (let's face it) guilt tripping (Giles) and I think Giles would break all trust with Buffy if he had her followed. The Buffy and Giles dynamic is interesting because it's not really like a father/daughter relationship even though he acts like her dad a lot. The reason is because SHE is the one with the power. Giles can't make her do anything. She walked out on him on their first meeting. Then she came back to the library, she chose to go and talk to him at the Bronze. Buffy decided herself to accept the slayer role. How is Giles supposed to stop her now? Tbh, I get mad at Buffy about this because if that speech from Giles after the 'intervention' didn't stop her then what else will? Sadly, I just find her selfish. I know she's in love but she literally looks at Giles every day and essentially says,' yeah, I know he killed your girlfriend and tortured you but I still want to walk down the street holding his hand'. I mean, really?